
Chemotherapy hoax: Toxic cancer treatments lead to more disease

It’s no secret that cancer is deadly. It’s also not a secret that cancer treatment is a billion dollar industry, starting with early detection programs and ending with toxic therapies. Chemotherapy is not used today because it works well. It’s used today because it makes the industry money. You see, chemotherapy doesn’t just kill cancer Read More

Top 10 essential oils to improve your health without pharmaceutical drugs

Top 10 essential oils to improve your health without pharmaceuticals

Did you know that essential oils have been used for thousands of years to alleviate a variety of ailments, well before the advent of pharmaceutical drugs? Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that have been extracted from natural sources such as flowers, seeds, bark and plants. Each one has its own set of special properties. Read More


Why the attack on Doctor Oz was such a farce: 600 million prescriptions a year are backed by no scientific evidence at all

Hilariously, the Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, Fox News and even the Associated Press often get their science talking points from convicted felons, fraudsters and hucksters who claim to have a monopoly on “science.” In one of the most laughable examples of modern-day abandonment of journalistic ethics, all these mainstream media players helped spread a Read More


Colorado school confiscates student’s life-saving medicine thanks to draconian prohibition laws

Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently recognize the vast therapeutic potential of the cannabis plant, which millions of people across the country rely on for safe relief from chronic pain, neurological disease, seizures, paralysis, sleeping disorders, anxiety, poor appetite, gut dysfunction and many other health conditions. But those who use medical marijuana to Read More


Three reasons why modern medicine will never cure chronic disease

Reason number one: Our current ‘sick care’ system makes money by caring for sick people. Therefore, there’s no financial interest in curing disease. Number two: Modern medical research is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Why would drug companies want to eradicate disease? And, finally, conventionally-trained physicians focus on ‘treatments’, not cures. (Need I say Read More