Three reasons why modern medicine will never cure chronic disease

September 8th, 2015, by

Reason number one: Our current ‘sick care’ system makes money by caring for sick people. Therefore, there’s no financial interest in curing disease. Number two: Modern medical research is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Why would drug companies want to eradicate disease? And, finally, conventionally-trained physicians focus on ‘treatments’, not cures. (Need I say more?)

Medically induced annual death rates soar to over 1 million per year

In just the past 10 years, the number of deaths attributed to Western medicine is truly staggering. In 2003, there were 783,936 deaths in the United States – costing us $282 billion. By 2013, the number of deaths equal 1,095,936 – at a cost of $282.85 billion. What makes this so tragic? Many of these deaths could be avoided if people understood the dangers associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies coupled with the threat of toxins in our environment.

For example, according to Dr. Dean, “magnesium deficiency is a major underlying kingpin in chronic disease because magnesium controls 700-800 different enzyme systems in the body that are brought to a grinding halt if you don’t have enough magnesium.”

Unfortunately, many physicians simply run medical tests to define a particular health issue and, then, proceed to prescribe a whole host of hormones, supplements and procedures to correct the problem – without even considering a magnesium deficiency. Of course, switching to more plant-based foods; optimizing vitamin D levels and avoiding toxic chemicals found in personal care products can go a long way to preventing disease.

Why ‘mandatory vaccinations’ will only add to the death toll

The flu and measles vaccine have gotten lots of attention in the past few months. Pro-vaccine advocates think that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ – even though mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum (plus many other neurotoxic ingredients) can be found in each dose. Children and adults injected with these poisons have an increased risk of digestive problems, chronic inflammation, brain disorders and weakened immune function.

If you think ‘mercury-free’ vaccines have no mercury – think again! According to Dr. Dean, “the Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI) commissioned a small study to test four vials of different vaccines for mercury content. The vials were sent to a heavy metal testing lab called Doctor’s Data. The results showed that all four vaccines contained mercury, even though two of the four companies claimed that their vaccines were mercury-free.”

The Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and many pharmaceutical companies have all been caught lying to the public about the ‘safety’ of standard medical procedures like, vaccines. Stay informed, and you’ll understand why we can NOT trust Western medicine.

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