All posts categorized with Medical Marijuana
-(Natural News) Whenever an individual or a corporation goes to great lengths to keep marijuana criminalized, you immediately know that there are financial reasons involved. In 2016, nobody is dumb enough to believe that cannabis is harmful, so there’s little doubt that those that are fighting against the legalization are receiving money from the pharmaceutical […]
-(Natural News) One of the most frustrating things about life in 2016 is the ridiculous fact that cannabis still isn’t legalized across the United States. During a time when the freedoms of the American people are constantly in jeopardy, it is especially infuriating that a plant that grows naturally is outlawed simply because the federal government […]
-(Natural News) Long demonized by mainstream media and the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, the actual medicinal value of marijuana is finally beginning to outweigh 70 year old stigmas based on racism and falsification at the hands of the 1930s textile industry. Modern technology, such as that at CWC Labs, which happens to be an ISO […]
-(Natural News) Despite what the Big Pharma peddlers want you to believe, cannabis is not a destructive drug that ruins the lives of everyone who touches it. In fact, the plant serves as a natural alternative to the chemical drugs that are said to cure many of the health problems that people all over the […]
-(Natural News) The antidepressant industry does not want legalized psychedelics. For decades they’ve funneled millions into the pockets of lawmakers, lobbyists and corrupt politicians to keep marijuana illegal. If marijuana were legal it could destroy Big Pharma’s profits. Psychedelics are currently classified as Schedule 1, drugs with no currently accepted medical use. Psychoactive substances can […]
-(Natural News) 2016 will go down as a truly historic year for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons are good. Some of those reasons are not so good. But many of them have to do with the advancement of liberty throughout the United States — and that is always a good thing. The […]
-(Natural News) The federal government always finds a way to interject themselves into situations where they have no business. That’s the biggest problem with big government: even when they have no reason to be involved in something, they overstep their boundaries and infringe on the freedoms of the American people. It has become so common […]
-(Natural News) For many years now, the American people have been fighting for the widespread legalization of marijuana. While at times it appeared as though they were fighting a losing battle – thanks to the ridiculous fact that the federal government refuses to acknowledge the truth – the freedom-loving members of the American public never […]
-(Natural News) For a federal government that loves to abuse its power by making executive decisions that overrule that of the individual states of the union, the United States government has at least failed to prevent states from legalizing cannabis across the nation. When you consider how things like CBD oils and various hemp products have changed […]
-(Natural News) Now more than ever, it is clear that we as American citizens are in full support of complete marijuana legalization. Many of us have been extremely vocal about our desire to see the decriminalization of cannabis, while others are less concerned about the issue, but do admit to supporting the concept when asked. These […]
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