All posts categorized with FIght against GMOs
-(Natural News) As you sit down to your various holiday feasts during the next week or so, maybe you ought to think about what’s in your food. Do you really know the chemicals and GMO ingredients, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) probably EVEN doesn’t know many of them due to Monsanto’s probable unreported […]
-(Natural News) China continues to show a lack of regard for human health with the news that a Chinese biotech seed company is planting corn seeds that have been genetically modified. If you think they are growing this abomination in Beijing because the company in question, Origin Agritech Ltd, is based there, think again. They […]
-(Natural News) It’s become increasingly difficult to find the truth in modern news media, with so many of the typical outlets being biased, deceptive, manipulative and dishonest. Thus, it isn’t too surprising that the website Politifact is decisively pro-vaccine and pro-GMO. The organization says it fact checks what politicians and others with political opinions say, and then uses […]
-(Natural News) Is India on its way to becoming an entirely organic nation? Just over two years ago, in September 2014, the Indian Government launched their revolutionary Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (National Agriculture Development Program) as a way to encourage organic farming, and decrease dependence on chemical agents. In January 2015, the state of Sikkim was […]
-(Natural News) Rejecting the inherent ability of the human immune system to naturally fight disease on its own, researchers out of China have taken nature to task by introducing a new set of genetic modification techniques that they claim will “enhance” the ability of the human body to attack and destroy cancer cells. According to […]
-(Natural News) The EPA has just approved the widespread use of a highly toxic herbicide called dicamba, a chemical which poses serious health risks to both animals and people. In doing so, the agency has turned its back on its legal obligation to assess any threat to endangered species, as well as its responsibility to […]
-(Natural News) Last week, the United States’ National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) unanimously voted to amend the current US standards for organic foods. Their update will place a ban on ingredients that are derived from new genetic engineering techniques from being used in certified organic products. The NOSB vote also serves as a recommendation from […]
-(Natural News) Canola oil, or rapeseed oil, is one of those ubiquitous oils used in restaurants, delis, even organic food stores for baking and the deli bar. It’s cheap, plentiful and nearly all of the canola oil you buy at a regular grocery store is genetically modified. But that’s not the only reason it’s not good for you, […]
-(Natural News) Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE has one of the most impressive list of accomplishments in environmental science and the anthropological study called ethnology. At 26 years of age, she journeyed to Tanzania with an overwhelming passion, camera and notebook. Goodall became a sensation in National Geographic Magazine, demonstrating a remarkable behavioral understanding of free-living chimpanzees. In fact, she learned more about […]
-(Natural News) Give us this day our daily bread, millions say. Most have forgotten the part about forgiving us our sins. Especially Monsanto engineers who blindly flail forward shoving genetically engineered seeds, crops and food down the throats of humans and animals. But let’s talk about that bread. For years, there’s been talk about the […]
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