#2) Food allergies stem from injecting MSG, peanut oil, egg embryo, and GMO bacteria into babies' arms through vaccine schedules - creating systemic CNS disturbances
by S.D. Wells
Most American children get 30 vaccines by the age of six, and most of those vaccines contain "antigen" ingredients and preservatives like MSG, foreign proteins, peanut oil, formaldehyde and more. It's no wonder food allergies are SO prominent!

Vaccinations still contain peanut oil "antigens" and the same goes for eggs, which the body views as a threat since its original "jab."

Peanut oil has been used in vaccines since the 1960s. The manufacturers are allowed to leave it off the package inserts, but the peanut oil antigen is still found in the end product.

 Children and adults with these food allergies suffer routine central nervous system "attacks" every time they are exposed to these foods, even in the slightest way.

They can suffer anaphylaxis, imbalances, migraine headaches, nausea, digestive issues and attention deficit disorders.

Study: Over 90% of migraine sufferers were relieved when allergenic foods were eliminated, including the common offenders of cow's milk, eggs, wheat, and cheese!

Get nutrition and food allergy tested by a Naturopathic Physician and see immediate results.


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