#2) Never speak "badly" about vaccines, just stop getting them! The Ebola plague is upon us, so avoid weakening your immunity with toxic injections
by S.D. Wells
A whistle-blower scientist who still works at the CDC admitted on video that the MMR, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, has a high incidence of causing autism in boys under 3 years of age, and this research was altered and covered up by the CDC.

If you speak about vaccines containing MSG, aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde, you may catch some backlash from allopathic hypochondriacs. Too bad it's true!

If you get the flu shot this "flu season," you WILL be weakening your entire immune system by attempting to shock it into action with chemical preservatives that bypass your digestive and breathing filters.

Did you know about 150,000 children have died in past 20 years from receiving too many vaccines?

Pregnant women injected with flu shots increase chances of fetal death by 4,000 percent!


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