(Natural News) One big revelation that came out of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” involves the incestuous, revolving-door relationship between the government and the pharmaceutical industry. Hospitals and other health care facilities, we now know, were incentivized by the government to basically murder their patients in exchange for cash from Big Pharma, a cozy little arrangement that also seems to be true for pediatricians who are paid bribe money to push childhood vaccines on their patients.
It is not just COVID “vaccines” that Western medicine continues to push on the public in exchange for pharmaceutical industry cash, but all vaccines. And since most vaccines are administered to children by pediatricians, it is important not to overlook the fact that this bribery scheme has been ongoing for decades, and did not just emerge as a product of covid.
A 1999 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that the average patient load for an American pediatrician, at least at the time, was 1,546 – and “significantly higher in less populated areas and solo practices.” One in four pediatric patients at that same time was two years old or younger.
More recent data from 2021 shows that 75 percent of American pediatricians have between 1,000 and 1,800 patients, suggesting that not much has changed. What has changed is the revelation in 2016 that pediatricians receive about $400 per pediatric patient that receives all 10 of the following vaccinations, amounting to 25 doses total, before his or her second birthday:

DTaP vaccine
IPV vaccine
MMR vaccine
VZV vaccine
HiB vaccines
Hepatitis B vaccines
PCV vaccines
HepA vaccine
RV vaccines
Influenza vaccines
This $400 figure came from a document released by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) that was eventually leaked to reporters.
“Using the average statistics from 1999, if a pediatrician has 1,000 patients, 264 can be expected to be 2 years old or younger,” reports the Discern Report. “If all are fully vaccinated, the pediatrician would be eligible for a $105,600 year-end bonus.”
(Related: Some American pediatricians are child groomers in disguise who usher parents out of the room before pushing transgenderism on their innocent kids.)
If pediatricians fail to achieve BCBS “target” vaccination schedules, they receive NOTHING in terms of bribe money
In order to receive any money at all from BCBS, a pediatrician must at least reach a “target” level of 63 percent of the above vaccines. If a pediatrician achieves just 62 percent vaccination compliance or less, he or she receives nothing from BCBS.
So, as you can see, there is a strong incentive for American pediatricians to push as many vaccine injections as possible on children through their parents – because if there are too many “anti-vaxxers” enrolled at a given doctor’s office, then the pediatrician who runs it will not make any extra bribe money.
This would explain why some of the sleazier pediatric clinics will not even accept unvaccinated children. Parents have encountered door signage telling them to scram if they do not plan to jab their children, and chances are the offices in question want that sweet, sweet bribery cash from insurance carriers and the drug industry.
The black market for drugs does not even hold a candle to the criminal activity like this that plagues the legal drug racket. Doctors, pediatricians, pharmacists, and other white coat cartel members much reach certain quotas or else lose out on their cut of the bribery loot.
“Such incentives … end up forcing a doctor to consider the financial implications of accepting patients who even just want to opt out of one vaccine,” warns Dr. Bob Sears about the legal drug racket.
“Maybe a few such families wouldn’t make them fail the chart reviews, but if they have too many, there goes their year-end bonus.”
The latest news about the fascist corruption of Big Pharma, Big Government, and the Western medicine system can be found at BadMedicine.news.
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