Naturopathic oncologist Dr. Lise Alschuler shares how to THRIVE after a cancer diagnosis at 2016 Natural Medicine Summit

March 2nd, 2016, by

We are proud to announce this year’s upcoming Natural Medicine Healing and Wellness Summit featuring 30 natural health professionals who will lend their expertise on a myriad of subjects including information about our metabolism, longevity, maintaining optimal brain health and much, much more.

The summit is a free online event beginning March 14 through the 22 and is hosted by Dr. Michael Murray, one of the world’s leading experts on natural medicine. He’s been featured on the American television show Dr. Oz where he discussed the failures of conventional medicine. The holistic medicine guru has also published more than 30 books featuring natural approaches to health.

“Natural medicine is growing in popularity simply because…it works,” said Dr. Murray. “Together, we have the potential to avoid the suffering that plagues modern times, on a global scale.”

He is absolutely right. Living healthily through proper food and nutrition is the key to warding off chronic disease, a concept the entire world can benefit from.

The secrets to health and wellness

The 2016 Natural Medicine Summit will offer important information about how to lose weight, tips crucial to women’s health, which supplements to take and avoid, and ways to naturally treat diabetes, heart disease, infertility and hormone imbalance.

The presenters at this year’s summit are nothing short of amazing, with the stellar lineup including Natural News’ Mike Adams, NaturalHealth365’s Jonathan Landsman, Anti-aging naturopath Dr. Mark Stengler, and New York Times bestselling author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease Dr. Alan Christianson.


Naturopathic Oncologist Dr. Lise Alschuler – based in Scottsdale, AZ

Also featured at the Natural Medicine Summit is a presentation titled It’s Time to Thrive After Cancer by Karolyn Gazella, publisher of the Natural Medicine Journal and naturopath Dr. Lise Alschuler. Their presentation will focus on five key pathways including diet, movement, environment, rejuvenation, and spirit, which will help listeners move away from illness and towards wellness.

How to THRIVE after a cancer diagnosis

Dr. Alschuler is a highly respected naturopathic oncologist and speaker who educates both consumers and healthcare professionals about integrative cancer prevention and treatment. Her office is based in Scottsdale, Arizona where she also works as an independent consultant in the field of practitioner and consumer health education.

Her credentials include an undergraduate degree in medical anthropology from Brown University, a naturopathic doctorate from Bastyr University, and an honorary doctorate from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Physicians.

Dr. Alschuler coauthored The Definitive Guide to Cancer and The Definitive Guide to Thriving After Cancer. She’s also the mastermind behind a program called the iTHRIVE PLAN which provides cancer survivors with personalized health guidance via an online platform, education about how to recover from treatments, how to reduce the risk of recurrence and thrive after a cancer diagnosis.

Terms such as “homeopathy,” “holistic medicine” and “natural health” have become popular buzzwords, making it difficult to weed through misinformation. But summits such as these are the best way for consumers and practitioners to receive trustworthy advice, guidance and information about natural health and wellness.

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