Posts by Julie Wilson:

An unbreakable bond: Babies in the womb can lend cells to their pregnant mothers if her body becomes injured,
A new study published in the journal Cell Adhesion & Migration gives a whole new meaning to motherhood as scientists reveal developing babies pass on important, and potentially lifesaving cells to their mother. Fetomaternal transfer, the migration of fetal cells to the mother during pregnancy, is thought to occur in all pregnancies, say researchers, adding Read More

New England’s spike in bladder cancer tied to arsenic-based pesticides,
Arsenic-containing well water may be to blame for increased rates of bladder cancer in New England, according to a new study published by the National Cancer Institute on Monday. Bladder cancer is 20 percent higher in populations residing in New Hampshire, Main, and Vermont, where a significant portion of the population depends on private wells. Read More

Does smoking cannabis actually improve lung function in asthmatics?,
A growing body of research suggests that smoking marijuana may actually provide a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, in some cases reducing bronchospasm and cough, as well as decreasing airway resistance. Smoking THC has the ability to dilate respiratory passages, studies show. This is most likely due to cannabis’ anti-inflammatory properties. These effects could potentially benefit Read More

Detroit’s corrupt healthcare system exposed: Crittenton oncology nurse goes berserk when probed about cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata,
Michigan’s Detroit-area healthcare system is entangled in a web of corruption, industry collusion, medical malpractice, and under-the-table ownership exchanges that allow it to be absolved from accountability. Home to cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for an extensive list of unspeakable crimes, Michigan currently has three major hospitals Read More

Planting these vegetables together will improve your garden’s vitality!,
Did you know that planting certain types of crops together encourages growth and vitality? Companion planting, as some like to call it, involves planting beneficial crops next to each other so they can work in conjunction to fight off pests and create an attractive environment for beneficial creatures. This technique, also referred to as polyculture, Read More

Pro-vaccine shill Dr. David Gorski, linked to cancer fraudster, in cahoots with pharma to develop lucrative autism drug,
Dr. David Gorski is an established pro-vaccine internet troll with ties to the Barbara Anne Karmanos Cancer Institute, notorious for experimental cancer treatments and drugs that have been fast-tracked by the FDA. Karmanos is also where cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata had his clinic. Fata usedaggressive chemotherapy treatments on cancer-free individuals, over-administered chemotherapy on people Read More

Costco funds organic farming practices to keep up with consumer demand,
Last year Costco became the largest organic food retailer in the U.S., selling $6.1 billion worth of produce and about 83 million rotisserie chickens, according to The Seattle Times. Consumer demand for organic food is so high that the retailer can hardly keep up, which is why Costco is setting its sights on organic food Read More

GMO seeds are NOT ALLOWED in Russia,
It wasn’t long ago that Americans had absolutely no clue about the definition of a “GMO;” in fact, most people had never even heard of the term, but those times are long gone and there’s no turning back. Today, not only have the large majority of people heard the word “GMO,” but they possess a Read More

Monsanto’s lethal Roundup contaminates beer making process in U.S. and Germany,
Despite having a long-standing reputation for producing the world’s purest beer, Germany may no longer be able to claim that title after testing showed the beverage to be laced with a deadly herbicide thought to be the root cause of many of today’s modern diseases. In early March, the Munich Environmental Institute discovered flaws in Germany’s Read More

Colorado lawmakers move to restrict THC potency, threatening cannabis industry,
The revolution to legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational use continues to gain momentum; however, unfounded and antiquated ideologies (some of which are based solely in fear) still serve as a hindrance to the movement. Lawmakers recently announced plans to regulate the potency of cannabis in Colorado, a move pot sellers say could put them Read More