Hey smokers: Pink, yellow, or blue – which pretty little poisonous FAKE sugar packet will you pick today?

February 16th, 2016, by

Besides cigarettes, how much poison do you consume in a given day? In order to quit cigarettes and end the chemical hangover nightmare that recurs for you every half hour to sixty minutes, you must end ALL of your daily chemical consumption, otherwise, you will remain stressed and depressed, and believe that you need nicotine to snap out of it.

Let’s begin with artificial sweeteners. First things first, they make you PUT ON weight! Yep. Why do you think so many smokers put on pounds AFTER they quit smoking? They try to go on crazy diets that include artificial sweeteners that make you crave MORE sweets and MORE food, and if you’re not eating organic, guess what?


Next up? Your microwave oven. Maybe you can’t rip it out of the wall because you’re a renter. Or maybe you won’t throw it away because you could sell it or someone else in the house demands it, but not you. It’s over. Quit NUKING FOOD. It’s killing you. Bottom line: If there’s a microwave oven running, you should be too!


Who else wants some? Who and WHAT else is making your life miserable? What other ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS are lurking inside your organs right now? Aspartame, Sucralose, Sorbitol? All synthetic cancer causing chemicals. Equal, Splenda, Nutrasweet? All food agent chemicals contributing to the demise of your health because you CHOOSE THEM. Stop choosing them.

Face it, cigarettes aren’t your only nemesis.

cherry cig

Look yourself in the mirror and see the TRUE you. You’re hiding. Stop hiding. Drop the pack of cigarettes in the trash and change everything now. Here’s how:

Visit the home page of the world’s leading stop smoking program

 fitness 2

Click for Free Preview Here:

14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days!

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