All posts tagged with cancer prevention
-(Natural News) Are you living in a chemical matrix? Do you think the commercials on television for medications are real? Are you one of those people who believes cancer can be cured with a pill, a vaccine or a volatile chemical concoction that’s “dripped” into your blood? Are you that person who always says, “Everything […]
-(Natural News) Research indicates that with a few lifestyle modifications, up to 40 percent of all cancers can be totally prevented. This just goes to show that poor health is not all about genetics; much of what we choose in our everyday lives can have a serious impact on our future. There are lots of […]
-(Natural News) Spirulina is a single-celled, blue-green algae that is grown from fresh bodies of water. It is quite similar to chlorella and offers a myriad of health benefits. There are two primary differences between spirulina and chlorella. Spirulina is many thousands of years older than chlorella, and does not possess a hard cell wall. […]
-(Natural News) Cancer rates are rising and many people are looking to natural prevention as a way of reducing their cancer risks. The serious and unwanted side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments are certainly more than enough to warrant concern over cancer development, and are sure to steer many people towards a path of […]
-(Natural News) Garlic lovers rejoice! New evidence indicates that in addition to being a flavorful staple in many cuisines, garlic can actually help to reduce your risk of developing two common cancers. Researchers have found that eating raw, pulverized garlic on a daily basis can reduce the risk of both colon and lung cancer by […]
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