Pau d’Arco: This exotic herb may treat cancer

October 15th, 2015, by

Pau d’Arco is the next up-and-coming miracle herb; known across the globe for its anti-tumor, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, outside the U.S., it is renowned for its ability to boost and support the immune system. It has been used for generations in many areas, especially in its native Central and South American habitat.

Research shows that when consumed daily, it can bolster immune function by up to 50%. Scientists have pinpointed two components of the herbs chemical makeup that play a role in its beneficial properties: lapachol and beta-lapachone. These two chemicals have been found to improve resistance to disease, and researchers believe they have the power to fight off cancer. Dr. David Boothman of the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center has gone on record stating his belief in the power of the herb, and there has been a U.S. patent issued following clinical studies in Japan. The patent detailed Pau d’Arco’s ability to slow or eliminate tumor growth in 23 types of cancer. More research needs to be done to identify what other beneficial properties the herb contains. Hopefully, it will still be legal by the time it’s more deeply understood.


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