Is all cancer preventable? The industrialization of the “modern diet” includes diet soda, fast food and cigarettes

September 13th, 2015, by

The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet – food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome… and ultimately cancer. How does our food supply contribute to this common thread of illness, debilitation and early death?

As Natural News reported in 2014, “In the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of all women. Those tough odds are compounded by the odds of surviving that cancer. Why is this happening, and what factors can improve our chances? The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet – food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome… and ultimately cancer.”

Today, there are many chemicals posing as regular food and food additives and preservatives that cause cancer in humans. This is now an obvious fact. There’s no conspiracy or paranoia. Cancer barely even existed in the United States 75 years ago. Processed food, genetically modified foods and fluoridated water are the nemesis!


And then there are cigarettes!

Smoking plastic, pesticide, bleach and fiberglass – the four killers that Big Tobacco never mentions. Have you ever wondered why cigarettes don’t go out in heavy wind and why they burn so evenly, all the way from one end to the other? Could it be that plastic particles are woven into the rolling paper to make your nicotine delivery device more efficient? Cellulose acetate is a form of plastic that’s commonly used for photo film and is highly flammable. It’s time to investigate what smoking plastic does to your heart, brain and central nervous system, and it’s time to understand a vicious cycle that can be broken with the right behavior modification and nutrition. Have you ever thought that maybe nicotine is just relief for the uneasy nervous feelings you get from smoking bug and weed killer – pesticide? Since most tobacco is treated with herbicides and pesticides, including genetically modified tobacco that contains herbicide in its genetic makeup, cigarette addicts are addicted to poison, and it gives them a “cigarette hangover” from which they look to juiced-up nicotine for immediate relief – hence, the chain smokers of the world. Big Tobacco knows this.

When does cancer begin?

Big question: Exactly when does this non-contagious, non-inherited “disorder” of the cells begin, so modern science can really find that cure? The answer to this question is complicated but explainable. First of all, asking a doctor, an oncologist or a nutritionist, “When does cancer start?” is like asking someone to tell you exactly when they fell asleep. They don’t know. Nobody knows exactly when or where in the body cancer starts. Doctors simply don’t know. Genetically modified (GMO) food delivers a small amount of Agent Orange ingredients into your blood and mutates your cells over time. How long that mutation of cells takes to overwhelm one of your vital organs, or strangulate your lungs or your brain, well, that’s just a matter of how much of it you eat, how often and for how long. Genetically modified vegetables contain herbicides that contribute to so-called superweeds and are linked to the notorious Agent Orange used in Vietnam. Do you want to die slowly, like a weed in a Monsanto field of crops? This is an ongoing mutation of cells from consuming pesticide regularly; in other words, it is the cumulative effect of consuming toxins over time. This type of cancer is not contagious and is not inherited; rather, it is created inside the body and perpetuated, until it’s often too late to defeat, or so “chronic care management” would have you believe.

The recurring nightmare of consuming chemicals is cells that mutate, replicate and replicate uncontrollably, moving to take over an organ or the brain, because unfortunately, cancer is “smart” too. So who or “what” will win this intelligence battle? Will you eat chemicals until the day the cancer cells completely take over inside you and kill you, or will you eat enough organic food and filter these chemicals?


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