#1) Processed, slow-release pesticide-laden gluten - the number one cause of all digestive disorders is sticky food "glue" that remains in your gut for days
by S.D. Wells
Do you have irritable bowels, Crohn's disease, acid reflux, diverticulitis, ulcers, chronic inflammation or a little of all of the above? Stop wondering why. Does your stomach ache after every big meal? You could be engaging in voluntary health deterioration.

Did you know diverticulitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon caused by infection and lack of fiber? How much fiber is in a burger served on gluten-loaded bread and with fries and a soda? None.

18,000,000 Americans have an internal "rotting food" problem. They can't figure it out and their MDs who are trained in chemical medications and surgery can't either.

Are your bread loaves, rolls and buns "fortified" by Monsanto, Cargill and Bayer?

Gluten is food glue that contains processed ingredients that have carcinogens in them. Is this how you live daily, invaded by pathogens and cancer-causing free radicals that are STUCK in your GUT and your DIGESTIVE TRACT?

Gluten is a "weapon" of mass health destruction. End your "terrible" food habits now.



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