#4) Chronic stress! Whether or not you admit it, chronic stress can be "consumed" by letting your tense surroundings "enter" and "infect" your mind and body
by S.D. Wells
Do most "tough" situations stress you out? The whole resolve to fix your problems starts and ends with what you eat. Every major disease that is preventable is linked to food.

Over 50 conditions have been correlated also with high stress lifestyles, including obesity.

Your ability to balance your gut flora, absorb nutrients and turn on enzymes is either assisted or crippled by your daily food and drink intake, plus what you put on your skin.

No single organ in the whole human body is immune to the effects of stress.

Even hair loss and premature baldness can often be linked to excessive stress. So can eczema, psoriasis, heat flashes, gastritis, colitis and IBS.

Hypertension is linked to cumulative stress. Imagine hypertension being your main source of digestive tract issues, then go 100% organic and watch your problems just dissipate and disappear.

Are you muscles tight, sore or having spasms. Your stomach muscles can have spasms too, when you consume processed, synthetic and GMO pesticide-laden food products.

If you have shortness of breath and panic attacks, you may need to change your diet right away. Check into organic probiotics, organic enzymes, and alkalizing your body.


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