#6) Just because you can't smell it, taste it, see it, and it's not on the label, doesn't mean it's not there -- GMO food contains pesticide!
by S.D. Wells
Of course, if food tasted like the chemicals used to kill bugs and weeds, nobody in their right mind would eat it. Unfortunately, normal nutritious food takes a little more hunting than just smelling and tasting, these days.

You may be living in the "concrete jungle" right now, with very little access to fresh food that isn't GMO.

The problem is that 900 different diseases and disorders begin (and end) with malnutrition.

The goal of Biotechnology is to make more money using pesticides. Period. Any other illusions you may have about science advancement can be disregarded here. Long-term studies have been done, and rats get tumors the size of golf balls from consuming GMO. Take heed:



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