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Man who disrupted Trump rally in Nevada has a dead grandmother who is VOTING on Election Day

Trump rally

(NaturalNews) The Democratic Party has long since gone over to the dark side politically speaking. There are no vestiges of your parents' and grandparents' Democratic Party, which once stood for the hardworking, ethical and moral Middle Class of America.

Today it is nothing but a hard-Left criminal cabal that is more reminiscent of the kind of Left-wing political apparatuses you see in the harsh dictatorships of banana republics everywhere. Led by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton, today's Democratic Party operates like Hitler's thuggish Brown Shirts, doing anything and everything it can to steal the coming election.

Case in point: The supposed "Republican who can't vote" for the party's nominee, Donald J. Trump, and who created a firestorm at a Trump campaign event in Nevada over the weekend, forcing Secret Service to rush Trump off-stage.

He was just an innocent American there to protest a candidate – right?

Dead grandmother voting

Hardly. As reported by the Gateway Pundit, the protestor, Austyn Crites:

-- Very possibly harassed Trump at a previous rally;
-- Only recently set up his Facebook page;
-- Carried a sign that denigrated Trump when he was surrounded, tackled by the crown then arrested at the rally he disrupted;
-- Incited violence and emotional abuse;
-- Is mentioned in WikiLeaks;
-- Is a supporter of Hillary Clinton.

But there's more. A tweet from the trademarked MicroTurkeyLeaks revealed that his address "has his voting Democratic dead granny & he's voting his CA brother's name under a misspelling."

In other words, more voter fraud that the Democratic Party insists does not exist.

Obama inviting illegals to vote, too

And yet, it's about to get worse. Even as the part of the populace ignoring the politically compromised establishment media - which is nothing less than the Democratic Party's propaganda wing – continues to learn daily how widespread voter fraud actually is, our current criminal president is out there telling illegal aliens that a) they should vote; and b) if they do, nothing is going to happen to them.

As Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, noted over the weekend:

The total lawlessness of Obama and the democrats is on display yet again today as President Obama is captured in a new video encouraging illegal aliens to vote and promising nothing bad will happen to them if they do.

That video, by the way, is here.

The exchange began with leftist pretend journalist Gina Rodriguez:

GR: Many of the Millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens... and I call them citizens cuz' they contribute to the country... are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration go where I live, will they come for my family, will they deport us?

Obama: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over and people start investigating etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote!

Only the people can stop this madness

The clip was shown by Fox Business host Neil Cavuto, who was flabbergasted by what Obama was not merely suggesting, but stating outright.

Then again there is Rodriguez's asinine claim that just because someone runs, walks, crawls or gets dragged into America and gets a job they're not supposed to have, that makes them "contributors" and, hence, "citizens."

So, if an American sneaks into Mexico and gets a job, does that make the American a Mexican citizen? Of course not. If Rodriguez's far-left viewpoint was valid, it would be enshrined in U.S. law.

But it isn't. Becoming an American citizen is a process; simply occupying space on American soil is not enough.

In the end, the Democratic Party and its current standard-bearer are to blame for all of this. If they weren't so enamored with power and so willing to the civil society to collapse, and instead cared about the legal framework of the country they were elected to serve, this wouldn't be an issue.

Obama has been enabled by his own party to violate the Constitution and the rule of law at will – and literally do anything he wants if the goal is to keep the global elite establishment and his own party in power. He knows that the constitutional remedies Congress has at its disposal to beat down a lawless president, legally speaking, are not going to be used because they would not be successful in stopping him.

So he stands before a young far-Left Latina activist/journalist and tells her no matter if someone in the country on Election Day is here illegally, they can vote in a U.S. election and not be worried about federal officials coming to arrest them.

Only the people can stop this madness.






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