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Know the facts about root canals and their link to cancer

Root canals

(NaturalNews) Dentists everywhere perform them as a way of removing potentially life-threatening infections from their patients' teeth. But root canals aren't the surefire fix that many people think they are, as they not only cause many of the same infections that they supposedly remedy, but research shows that they also significantly increase one's risk of developing cancer later in life.

Much of it has to do with the structure of teeth and the invasive way that endodontic treatments disrupt the many miles' worth of canals that already exist within them. Removing the infected pulp from a tooth renders that tooth "dead," leaving it prone to further infections that, in some cases, end up being worse than the infection that was removed.

This is one of the biggest concerns with root canals, another being the growing body of research which suggests that many of the most common chronic health conditions from which people today suffer likely stem from folks having previously had root canals. Experts like the late Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist himself, observed this in many of his own patients.

After hypothesizing that root canals might be silent killers linked to all sorts of health problems, Dr. Price decided to conduct experiments on rabbits using infected teeth, which led him to conclude that teeth with root canals do, indeed, harbor disease-causing bacteria. Root-canaled teeth, he found out, almost always remain infected.

Root canals don't sterilize teeth

One of the purported benefits of root canals is that they sterilize and seal compromised teeth in order to prevent further infection. But one of Dr. Price's discoveries was that root-canaled teeth can't actually be sterilized. This means that they continue to harbor bacteria and viruses that, in most cases, result in conditions of the heart and circulatory system.

There's even been a correlation found between root canals and damage to the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Many pathologies seem to have a link to root canals, which Dr. Price outlined extensively in two books he wrote back in the 1920s – work that for many decades was withheld from public purview.

The American Dental Association (ADA) insists that root canals are safe, but it has never released any scientific evidence as proof to back this unsubstantiated claim.

Root canals promote anaerobic bacterial infections

Because they cut off all oxygen to teeth, root canals are also antagonists when it comes to provoking infections by anaerobic bacteria, i.e. infections that thrive in environments where no oxygen is present. Anaerobic bacteria are especially problematic because they can take years to show symptoms, and these symptoms are often non-specific, resulting in generalized damage to the immune system.

Naturally, a weakened immune system acts as an invitation for all sorts of health conditions to emerge, which is why it's often difficult to trace their cause to root canals. But enough is known about how root canals work to safely conclude that they're a recipe for chronic and underlying infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate without having the entire tooth extracted.

This is why it's so important to take care of your teeth by brushing regularly and flossing, as well as keeping your mouth flourishing with beneficial bacteria that help fight off the harmful kind. Oil pulling is another great way to stay one step ahead in preventing the type of decay that leads to root canals in the first place.

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