(NaturalNews) Longtime readers are very familiar with our record of focusing on fraud and abuse in the scientific community. But if you're new to
Natural News, you may not yet know that we are extremely dedicated not only to promoting legitimate science and research, but also to
rooting out and exposing scientific corruption, especially when your tax dollars are involved.
As such, we've taken a comprehensive look at scientific fraud committed by our government, and have found that there are some patterns: Phony research tends to support political and/or corporate agendas. That is, if the government has taken a certain position on an issue, its agencies are then tasked with conducting "research" which "proves" that the government's position is the correct one. The same is true with research pertaining to private sector corporations, which of course are major donors to political candidates from
both major parties. Whatever scientific results the corporate masters want, they get.
In no particular order, here are some of the most common topics and issues subject to government scientific malpractice:
Climate change/global warming
Since the mid-1970s, the U.S. government has used the issue of climate as a tool to essentially force social change. As part of an overall effort to induce the populace to depend more on government for their existence, "scientific evidence" has been mass-produced in such a way as to drive local, state and federal policies that enable the
government to achieve its goal of more collectivism and less individualism and freedom.
But that's just within our country. More broadly, the global warming hoax is part of Agenda 21, which is a master plan, for lack of a better term, to replace individual governments and political systems with a series of panels and commissions made of global elites and their minions.
[1]Agenda 21 "is the blueprint, it is the action plan, to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all construction, all animals, all means of production, all energy, all information and all the human beings in the world," says Rosa Koire, an anti-Agenda 21 activist. "It is a completely comprehensive plan, it's global and it's implemented locally... It is in every single town all across the United States and across the world."
[2]There is no doubting that. So-called "green energy" policies and those that deal with air, water, soil and so on, are all part of the master plan, implemented by state and local functionaries and elected officials who are true believers, even if they don't know the big picture.
And all of this is supported with phony science.
One of the most popular and well-worn lies is that "97 percent" of all climate scientists agree with the premise that modern man is destroying the planet with technology (hence the changing weather). But no matter how many times the White House and government agencies say so,
it remains a myth.
Not only that, but the government's own environmental and atmospheric agencies are perpetuating the lie by manipulating climate data. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with NASA,
have both fabricated data, most recently ahead of a global climate meeting in Paris. Plus, a hack in 2009 exposed climate change fraud at a respected university in England.
Vaccine-caused autism
For years, the government has denied there is any evidence linking the mumps, measles and rubella vaccine to autism. But in 2014, a scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted that he and other researchers at the CDC
covered up evidence that the link exists.
This, years after respected Dr. Andrew Wakefield
found the connection and published his research, only to see it retracted after Big Pharma, government and others with vested interests in seeing populations continually vaccinated no matter the dangers went on the warpath.
The Vioxx scandal
In 2005, Dr. David Graham, a scientist with the Food and Drug Administration, admitted that his own agency
was incapable of protecting the citizenry from dangerous and harmful drugs. In testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, Graham said that since the disaster involving Vioxx, which was released in 1999 as a medication designed as a potent pain reliever, the agency had not changed one iota.
Vioxx, which was manufactured by Merck, was linked to a fourfold increased risk of heart attacks, according to the company's own internal study – findings the company
would later dispute.
It was eventually pulled from the market only months after the FDA approved it, but according to Graham, a 20-year FDA employee, the mindset at the agency is all wrong for the approval process.
"The organizational structure within the [Center for Drug Evaluation Research] is currently geared towards the review and approval of new drugs," he said in a media interview. "When a serious safety issue arises at post marketing, the immediate reaction is almost always one of denial, rejection and heat. They approved the drugs, so there can't possibly be anything wrong with it. This is an inherent conflict of interest."
He added: "I would argue that the FDA as currently configured is incapable of protecting America against another Vioxx. Simply put, FDA and the Center for Drug Evaluation Research (CDER) are broken."
Toxic lead in water
The vast majority of Americans depend on public systems for their drinking water, but the truth is, many systems around the country
contain unacceptable levels of toxins, far and above what is mandated by the agency responsible for ensuring that water is clean – the Environmental Protection Agency.
As proven by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and director of the
Consumer Wellness Center Labs, samples of local drinking water
were found to contain unsafe levels of heavy metals like copper, arsenic and lead.
Adams' testing followed the shocking discovery last year that dramatically unsafe levels of lead were found in the public water system feeding the Michigan city of Flint. There, the EPA – along with the state's environmental agency – failed citizens repeatedly
through inaction and incompetence. While some state officials were held to account,
no one at the federal level – meaning, no one in the EPA – was held responsible. The regional director, Susan Hedman, was allowed to resign and slink away from the mess.
The Flint episode took place after another EPA-caused disaster in August 2015. Then, highly toxic water escaped
from the abandoned Gold King mine in Colorado, after an EPA contractor ruptured a wall that was holding back millions of gallons of yellow-colored, contaminated water. The resulting spill caused a yellow stream of toxic sludge that eventually flowed through Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, via the Animas and San Juan rivers. That spill, one group estimated, could cost taxpayers
upwards of $30 billion to clean up.
FDA collusion with Monsanto
One of the largest agribusiness companies in the world –
Monsanto – is also one of the most influential inside the U.S. government. Monsanto is the developer of the widely-used herbicide Roundup, which contains the chemical glyphosate, which the World Health Organization has said
"probably" causes cancer.
In addition, Monsanto is king of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which have been
linked to toxic effects on plants, animals and the soil. The company has also opposed efforts in the United States to require the
labeling of GMO foods.
But perhaps the most nefarious thing about Monsanto is its influence on U.S. government policy, which it has been able to affect
literally by infiltrating the FDA with one of its own, Michael Taylor. An attorney whose firm worked with the company as a client, and who later joined as vice president for public policy, Taylor has worked for the FDA in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. Though he
left the FDA in June, it wasn't before he steered passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act, a measure that
handed more authority to the FDA without really improving "food safety." In addition, it was a boon for Monsanto, because it gave the company
a near monopoly on seeds by criminalizing seed-saving, something farmers have been doing since the earliest days of organized agriculture.
In addition, President Obama has just
signed into law legislation that makes the labeling of GMO foods a voluntary act, and only then through hard-to-understand digital coding. The new federal statute effectively blanks state laws that actually
required food companies to disclose – as in label – all genetically modified ingredients in their foods. Now Monsanto and other food and chemical companies will no longer have to spend tens of millions on advertising to defeat state-level GMO labeling regulations.
The DEA and medical marijuana
Though the Obama administration has chosen not to enforce existing federal laws criminalizing the recreational use of marijuana in states, the Drug Enforcement Administration has long blocked research into the
health benefits of medical marijuana.
Even though cannabis has a long history of medicinal use the world over, the federal government has made up its mind that in every instance pot is bad, and it doesn't matter what the facts are. As for the DEA, it gained substantial power to enforce the nation's prohibition against all uses of marijuana via the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Obama's decision not to enforce laws passed in Colorado and Washington permitting regulated recreational use of marijuana is just a patch; the next president may or may not follow his lead. Congress should pass legislation decriminalizing all uses of marijuana – that is the only fix that makes sense, in terms of what the facts are about cannabis, and as a way to dramatically reduce the power of deadly Mexican drug cartels.
Without question, big business,
special interests, flawed, faked science and institutional bias guide many of the federal government's policies. Most agencies are subject to outside influences, and all of them bend to the political will of the Executive Branch that controls them. If the White House says global warming/climate change is real and being caused by too many SUVs, then that's the gospel truth – no matter what the real data show. If Monsanto wants to influence agricultural and food policies, it simply infiltrates one of its own into a high government policy position. If the government decides cannabis doesn't provide any health benefits at all, then that's the way it is.
And so on.
The bottom line is this: Our government and its various agencies are no longer for sale. They were bought and paid for long ago.
Sources for this story include:[1] See:
EndAgenda21.com[2] See:
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