(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling today, legalizing institutionalized discrimination against white people. It's called "affirmative action," and it means that anyone who self-identifies as white or Caucasian may now be legally oppressed by universities and employers, and the practice is even protected by the United States government which is, by definition, racist.
The argument in favor of affirmative action is that people of color need a leg up, an extra boost to compete for college admissions against whites. This argument, however, is wildly out of touch with the reality today that
Asian students are beating everybody on college entrance exams. So much so, that Asians are now actually being penalized by many universities in what can only be called organized, systemic racial discrimination against Asian people.
All this institutionalized, legalized discrimination against certain groups of people based on their skin color intrigued me, so I began to look into the definition of "white." What I found shocked me, because I came to realize that
from an ancestral point of view, there's no such thing as a "white" person.
Seriously. This article is not satire. It's science. Keep reading...
If a black person and a white person have a child, that child is considered African-American, right?
Let's start with some basic genetics. Many of the people who self-identify as "black" in American society today have "whites" as ancestors. Yet they are still considered African-Americans, regardless of how "white" their ancestry is.
Similarly, if a black mom and a white dad (for example), have a child, that child is accepted as "black" by the rest of society. If that child grows up and has another child, then that child is also considered "black," regardless of the skin color of the other parent. In fact, what we might call "blackness" continues through infinite generations. Any person who has just one ancestor who is black may consider themselves to be black, even if it's just a tiny percentage of their ancestry.
This is worth repeating: It is accepted in modern society that if you have just ONE ancestor who was black (or Indian, or Asian, etc.), then you are correct to consider yourself a person of color, and you may identify yourself as Black, or Indian, or Latino, or Asian or whatever is appropriate for you. If anyone challenges this by pointing out that your skin looks white, the correct response is to tell them, "It is inappropriate for you to judge black people by their skin color."
This principle is key to understanding that
all people living today are of African descent and are thus "people of color."
There is no such thing as a white person: We're all descendants from Africa
If you look into the scientific record derived from anthropology and archeology, you'll find something intriguing:
All our ancestors are from Africa.
The accepted scientific basis for this is called the "Out of Africa" theory, and you can
read about it at this National Geographic article which states:
We are solely children of Africa -- with no Neandertals or island-dwelling "hobbits" in our family tree, according to a new study. Scientists who compared the skulls and DNA of human remains from around the world say their results point to modern humans (Homo sapiens) having a single origin in Africa.That's right: Modern humans are all the offspring of African ancestors who had black skin. It's accepted science.
In fact, white skin was a natural selection adaptation needed by those of African descent who migrated North to European areas, where lighter skin was necessary to absorb more UV sunlight to generate lifesaving vitamin D. It turns out that
dark skin is the original human skin, and light skin is the adaptation for survival in more northern climates.
Yet all of us who have lighter appearing skin are, in truth,
African descendants on the inside, and we share almost 100% of the same genetic code as those who still live in Africa today.
This is all a
wonderful message of unity, because it means
we are all brothers and sisters. We are all born with the same human rights, the same dreams, the same hopes and the same potential for achievement. It's time that we as a society stopped segregating ourselves based on skin color and started embracing our common roots as a species. Segregated self-identifications based on outside appearances are petty and shallow. In truth,
we are all the same human family, as we all share a common origin from Africa.
Please interpret my article here today as
a message of love and unity for humanity.
It is scientifically correct for all people living today to self-identify as African descent on college entrance exams, job applications, loan applications and grant applications
Every person living today on planet Earth is of African descent. Accordingly, all such people may accurately identify themselves as "African" or "Black" on college applications, scholarship applications, job applications, government grant applications and so on.
I'm not saying this in a sarcastic way or in an attempt to be snarky; I'm quite serious about the legitimacy of it. The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that those who are of African descent deserve extra special consideration on college entrance exams, meaning they are trying to help EVERYONE... because' we're all of African descent. This is essentially an
act of love for all humanity by the U.S. Supreme Court. The justices are declaring that we all need extra help!
We've already proven that having even one ancestor from Africa qualifies you as being of African descent. Thus, since we are all descendants of Africans, we are all qualified as African-Americans. This should be accurately noted on all college admissions forms. Any person who is challenged on this point because their skin "appears" to be white can simply invoke the anthropological record of human history and offer to submit to a DNA test to prove their African ancestry.
None of this, by the way, is intended in any way to be punitive toward those who have dark skin color. As a person of color myself, I fully understand how difficult it is to fight against the system of oppression that exists today in every modern nation (run by corrupt globalist criminals and elitists). As Natural News readers know,
I have long supported my African-American brothers and sisters in their fight against "The Man", and I've worked hard to help set people free from medical enslavement, food oppression and the kind of mental prisons that exist due to the institutionalized spreading of mass propaganda by the lying mainstream media.
Right now, in fact, I am in the process of making a massive donation of nutritional supplements to the African-American victims of the cancer industry in Detroit. That donation, organized under my
Nutrition Rescue non-profit program, will be announced in just a few days (as soon as we have confirmation from the distribution organization). I specifically chose to target this donation to the people of Detroit because I was fully aware of how the "white" cancer industry exploits people of color in Detroit to earn massive profits while people suffer.
I'm not only African-American, I'm also Indian-American
Today, I've decided to go public with some additional information about my own heritage. I'm not only African-American, I'm also Indian-American. Going way back, my ancestors are all African (and so are yours), but more recently, I also have American Indian ancestry in my family tree.
My grandmother, in particular, is one-fourth American Indian if I remember correctly. She's still living, by the way, which is why I refer to her in the present tense. (Yes, she's in her 90's and still kicking...) This means I'm one-sixteenth American Indian, which makes me
a person of color.
In fact, I very much feel my Indian roots in my mission as the Health Ranger, which is to protect life, protect nature and stand up against oppression and the destruction of life. It's probably the Indian blood inside me that made me who I am today, come to think of it, and it probably explains why I feel such a close bond with nature, plants, animals and the natural world (and why I feel such disdain toward the destroyers of our world, who oppress people and poison everything).
From today forward, I've decided I'm going to be very public about my Indian heritage, and I'm going to start identifying as a
person of color. It's actually quite true: My skin tends to run really red compared to "white" people. I actually appear in a way that other people might describe as a "Redskin." The people who edit my videos always tell me they have to "de-saturate the red" to get my skin color to appear more neutral. Maybe it's time I told them to stop doing that,
stop oppressing my skin color!I'm not being snarky about this, so don't misinterpret me. I really am American Indian, and I really do have reddish skin, and I really do feel the spirit of my Indian ancestors guiding me in the protection of life and nature. Not a joke.
This is who I am as a person of color, and it may explain why I've always felt a strong sense of empathy and compassion for American Indians.
Check out my photo at the top of this article. See my forehead? It's RED. That's how my skin appears all the time because I am a person of color, of Native American Indian heritage. As of today, I've decided to
stop hiding my heritage and go public with my true colors. I am a person of color and I'm proud of it.
It turns out, then, that I'm actually
two minorities in one: American Indian and African-American, as both are part of my ancestry (and I can prove both with a simple genetic test, by the way).
Natural News, in turn, is
run by a person of color whose ancestors were Indian and African. The U.S. Supreme Court just said that I deserve special treatment in college admissions, and since I don't yet have a PhD, I've decided that if I ever apply to a university to pursue such a degree,
I'm seriously going to apply as a person of color.
I've also decided that I'm going to direct future donations to
American Indian populations who have been devastated by chemical contamination and predatory land grab practices initiated by oppressive governments. I want to help my brothers and sisters achieve
improved health and nutrition, so watch for efforts in that direction throughout this year.
Finally, for the record, anyone who denies my self-identification as a person of color is obviously a racist bigot. So don't even go there.
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