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America is suffering from the same environmental, food and medicine toxins created during WWII that helped carry out the Holocaust

Medical Holocaust

(NaturalNews) Hitler kept the Jews weak on purpose, so they wouldn't fight back in the "re-education" camps, where he taught them that eating toxic food, drinking toxic water, and breathing in toxic gas kills you. Hitler was psychopathic. He was manic, obsessive and abnormal. He put sodium fluoride in the water to keep the prisoners from rebelling. He commanded the pharmaceutical conglomeration I.G. Farben to run medical experiments on children's brains. They made lampshades from Jewish skin. The scientists used a pesticide called Zyklon B to gas millions of people to death. What pesticides do you happen to think are in GMO food right now? That's right. You can't just "denounce" the truth and pretend like it's not in your body, doing damage. How did all the poison travel, from the death camps of Auschwitz, to the dinner tables of the "greatest nation" in the world, the US of A?

For MORE than TEN YEARS, from 1961 to 1972, the U.S. burnt up the jungle brush and "enemy cover" of Vietnam with "Agent Orange" herbicide, killing thousands of Vietnamese (and later U.S. soldiers) with defoliants that contained the same deadly neurotoxins Adolf Hitler used to kill millions of Jewish people, just 20 years prior. Why did the United States do this? Because we hired the same scientists to create these weapons of mass destruction and genocide for war AND agriculture AND processed food. So exactly what was Agent Orange? Dioxin contaminants, like 2,4-D, the same stuff that's flooding America's farmlands right now. In fact, Agent Orange was a powerful mixture of chemicals used to wipe out the crops that the North Vietnamese were feeding from.

How did we accomplish this? U.S. aircraft were deployed and sprayed the mixtures of herbicides all around the rivers, canals, roads and military bases – and of course, on the crops that were fed to the enemy troops. The innocent population of South Vietnam was also hit hard. In fact, "Operation Ranch Hand" dumped nearly 20 million gallons of herbicides on nearly 5 million acres. Who do you think made all that toxic "food" and animal killer? Dow Chemical and Monsanto. That's right, the components of Agent Orange (2,4,5-T and 2,4-D) were MADE by U.S. chemical companies, beginning right after WWII ended. The U.S. procured 20 million gallons of Agent Orange and shipped them to the Port of Saigon. Even the areas in the U.S. where Agent Orange was manufactured and shipped from are contaminated TO THIS DAY with dioxin. Think about that for a minute. The chemical dioxin causes birth defects, cancer, tumors and severe psychological and central nervous system disorders.

The U.S. Environmental Holocaust (1945–present)

You could say that Monsanto is just I.G. Farben restructured and MUCH BIGGER now than in WWII. Monsanto controls more of the world's seeds than any company or corporation on the planet. Why do you think health enthusiasts avoid conventional corn, soy, canola and cottonseed oil like the plague? Because it is the plague. Monsanto just so happens to be the largest pesticide and biotechnical corporation in the world. "Genetically modified" is not some cool science technology term meaning someone is saving the planet – rather it means toxic pesticide is inserted into the genes of food, then that same crop is sprayed with Agent Orange herbicide and cancer-causing glyphosate. What Monsanto delivers has nothing to do with what they SAY they deliver. "Science" is for sale to the highest bidder, and those bidding the highest right now are evil biotech corporations that all but RUN the U.S. regulatory agencies: the EPA, CDC, FDA, USDA, AMA and more.

Monumental and precedent-setting excerpts from the book 'Science for Sale' by David L. Lewis, PhD

"This book reveals in graphic detail how government control over the scientific enterprise, which President Dwight D. Eisenhower predicted would eventually pose a grave threat to America's future, has finally come to pass. It also builds upon the prolific work of authors Daniel Greenberg, Sheldon Krimsky, David Michaels, and others.

The American silver plug penny minted in the 1790s proclaims liberty as the parent of science and industry. The founding fathers were convinced that freedom from corruption was vital both to a healthy economy and to scientific progress. Few people today would disagree, and recent, highly publicized events surrounding the collapse of the housing market, corporate fraud, and the dire need for campaign finance reform have made the public well aware of the alarming influence that corrupt special interests have gained over the political process in the last several decades. While their insidious effects on the economy are well documented, most people have only had a glimpse of their impact on science."

"In this book, readers learned the fascinating and frightening story of the lengths to which government will go to protect its policies, even when they endanger human health, agriculture, and the environment. The unethical and illegal methods that EPA used to silence one of its own who refused to accept such a policy were described and documented in great detail.

The government's methods included deception, fraud, data manipulation, corruption of the peer review process, false accusations, and false and misleading information posted on government web pages and then disseminated to the media, as huge amounts of public funds were spent in an attempt to prevent Lewis from uncovering the body of deceptive scientific literature it created to support its policy."

So, when the mosquito truck drives through your neighborhood to spray your garden with DDT; when the FDA refuses to put labels on GMO; when the flu shot contains genetically modified ingredients; when heart thinner contains rat poison; when the former Chairman of Bayer, makers of children's aspirin, was convicted of Nazi war crimes; that's when you know there's an environmental, food and medicine Holocaust happening right now in the United States. The people and companies that knowingly create, push and promise that these toxins are "safe," are insidious and psychotic, like Hitler. They are, as the Health Ranger puts it, "Medical Holocaust deniers."

Bottom line? Avoid genetically modified organisms, fluoridated tap water and chemical prescriptions ... avoid them like the plague! Be careful. Shop wisely. Grow your own organic food and "medicine." Be a defensive consumer and you can not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.

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