(NaturalNews) U.S. presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz went all-in for Monsanto on the campaign trail in Iowa, parroting Monsanto's propaganda by proclaiming that GMOs are feeding the world while insulting health-conscious consumers by equating support of GMO labeling with "anti-science zealotry."
At the Iowa Agricultural Summit, Cruz revealed that he in effect fully supports the mass poisoning of the American people with hidden (unlabeled) GMOs, cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide, farmer suicides caused by GMO crop failures and the widespread genetic pollution unleashed by genetically modified crops. "[W]e shouldn’t let anti-science zealotry shutdown the ability to produce low-cost quality food for billions across the globe," he stated, invoking a false claim that's actually a widely disproven Monsanto talking point. (
Hilariously, in making that statement, Ted Cruz also implies that he is literate on scientific issues. This alone is highly questionable. He may be a brilliant constitutional scholar and student of the law, but he knows next to nothing about the health effects, environmental impacts and genetic pollution risk of GM crops. He could start by reading
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public.
For the record, my own book,
Food Forensics, comes out this July and also covers GMOs and glyphosate.
The right to bear arms but not to read accurate food labels
In choosing Monsanto over the health and food freedom of the American people,
Ted Cruz joins Hillary Clinton as a Frankenfood pusher who believes that Americans should not only be fed cancer-causing herbicide chemicals that are being banned all across the globe; he also apparently believes that the American people have no right to know whether they're even eating toxic GMOs.
Natural News readers know very well, I am a supporter of the Second Amendment and believe that the right for law-abiding citizens to acquire firearms shall not be infringed by government. Ted Cruz agrees with this particular position, but he opposes the right of citizens to have access to honest food labels that describe the GMO content of the food they're buying. And in this, he is demonstrating his disturbing failure to think with consistency.
In effect,
Ted Cruz believes that Americans have the right to buy a gun, but not to read a label. Apparently GMOs are far more dangerous than guns in the mind of Ted Cruz, because GMOs must be hidden from the public even as guns are readily accessible.
While people like Ted Cruz routinely invoke the right of self defense against violence as one justification for access to firearms, he simultaneously denies the right of self defense against
chemical violence by failing to support the public's access to accurate GMO labels. (You can have a GUN, in other words, but you're not allowed to have a LABEL.)
Even worse, he insults all those Americans who share ever rising concerns over food pesticides, herbicides and chemical contaminants that the scientific literature overwhelmingly proves can cause cancer. If only guns could provide personal protection against pesticides, then Ted Cruz might find himself on the right side of this argument... but that's not how chemistry works. Chemicals are insidious, slow, invisible killers that
commit violence on a cellular basis, day after day, meal after meal, until the victim is rendered diseased and ultimately dead. The primary defense against chemical violence is CHEMICAL AVOIDANCE. And that avoidance can only be achieved through the kind of honest food labeling that Ted Cruz opposes... even ridicules.
Here's a gun you can use to kill someone else, Cruz might say to a citizen. "But we offer you no defense against the chemicals in food that are killing YOU." Your right to self defense, in other words, ends where Monsanto's weedkiller profits begin.
Ted Cruz, it seems, is simultaneously
opposed to criminal violence while wholly in support of chemical violence. This stance is self-contradictory. If you believe in the right of self defense, then you must believe in the right of Americans to exercise
informed self defense against chemicals that cause harm, too. And the only way to exercise self defense against the chemical violence committed by the agrichemical giants is to have access to honest, accurate food labels that reveal the genetically engineered content inside those products. It is this access to accurate food labels that Ted Cruz inexplicably opposes... even insults... in precisely the same way the political left ridicules lawful gun owners who seek an effective means of self defense against criminal violence.
A violation of God and Biblical principles
Perhaps even worse than the betrayal of fundamental constitutional principles of liberty, by going all-in for Monsanto,
Ted Cruz joins forces with the most evil corporate entity on planet Earth. Because Ted Cruz claims to be a supporter of Christianity, Biblical principles and God's creation, his betrayal on GMOs is far more than a political betrayal; it is
spiritual treason against God.
Monsanto has taken a corn crop that was perfected through natural selective breeding by early humans, then
turned it into a food POISON that damages the kidneys, liver and reproductive organs. This is a treasonous act against humanity, Mother Nature and even God.
By supporting Monsanto, Ted Cuz is openly encouraging a devious corporate entity that systematically violates the laws of Mother Nature and believes that Man's engineered (poisonous) seeds are superior to God's seeds that gave rise to nutritious corn via natural selection (humans working in harmony with nature to gradually shape phenotype genetic expression of food crops). The imperialist pushing of GM corn, for example, has led to the
agricultural eugenics wipeout of diverse corn species across Mexico. See
Mexican farmers fight to preserve 59 indigenous corn varieties against hostile GMO takeover. It has simultaneously collapsed the diversity of the seed supply in states like Texas, where seed diversity for home gardeners has plummeted as biotech corporate giants bought up seed companies and shut them down.
Not only does Monsanto seek to overthrow Mother Nature's seeds with its own genetically engineered seeds, it has aggressively sought to
dominate the intellectual property of seeds that produce food for the entire nation, incessantly acquiring patent monopolies over many forms of food crops, food producing ranch animals and agricultural chemicals.
To put this into Ted Cruz's evangelical language,
no servant of God can side with Monsatan without committing spiritual treason. By proclaiming his treacherous partnership with Monsanto and the biotech industry, Ted Cruz aligns himself more with the Devil than with God. The Devil seeks power and domination over Man... and so does Monsanto. The Devil operates out of deviousness and deceit... and so does Monsanto. The Devil wields power by fear, intimidation and threats... and so does Monsanto. If this is Ted Cruz's partner in his quest for the highest position of power in America, he is adamantly unqualified to lead any man or nation into anything other than darkness and destruction.
Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit.

Ted Cruz abandons constitutional liberty and joins the totalitarian agricultural establishment
Beyond the spiritual and political implications of his siding with Monsanto, Ted Cruz has also abandoned his constitutional principles of American liberty in dismissing anti-GMO citizens who oppose deadly herbicides and seed monopolies.
Americans only possess the liberty to choose what to eat when that liberty is made possible by accurate food labeling. To side with Monsanto is to join forces with the
DARK Act proponents who seek to crush all honest food labeling laws across America (such as Vermont's GMO labeling law, set to go live this summer). See
Food tyranny to become federal policy as DARK Act threatens to censor all GMO labeling nationwide ... Take action!To deny consumers an informed choice is to deny them liberty. And to deny them liberty is to entrap them in a corporate-run system of food deception and systemic chemical poisoning that can only accelerate the downfall of this nation from disease, suffering and medical debt. Ted Cruz's future for America is a future full of cancer, crop failures, starvation and disease, where corporations like Monsanto own all the intellectual property of seeds, placing farmers into de facto indentured servitude, all while the crony capitalist banksters pocket trillions in profits that are invisibly stolen from the working class via fiat currency money printing and fraudulent quantitative easing (currency debasement). It is a future wracked with poverty, suffering, disease and destitution, where America collapses into a third world nation of impoverished sheeple who are all systematically poisoned by insidious agriculture giants that serve as the new donor class for political power.
The corporate giants that dominate America's food supply today are nothing less than agricultural totalitarians, filled with hatred for health-conscious consumers, clean food and food transparency. Their enemies are food choice and truth in labeling, and they operate via violent character assassins and
paid defamation mercenaries like Jon Entine, a devious liar and disinformation slinger who has ties to the
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the very same group of conservative thugs and haters of democracy who
recently hosted a desperate, secret meeting among wealthy globalists to try to stop Donald Trump from getting elected.
Jon Entine, biotech shill and character assassination operative, committed domestic violence and child abuse, states wife in court documents.
Ted Cruz now has ties to both Goldman Sachs and Monsanto, two of most destructive entities on the planet
No doubt the agricultural giants are now supporting Ted Cruz in precisely the same way the criminal central banksters do, too. Via his wife, Ted Cruz also has ties to Goldman Sachs, an entity that carries out
global economic arson and unbridled destruction that rivals the agricultural and chemical destruction of Monsanto and the biotech industry.
With these allies in his corner,
Ted Cruz has become the establishment he once claimed he would dismantle. He has become an enemy of truth and health and an ally of deception and death. He has sold his soul to Satan and demonstrated, for all the nation to see without question, that when the American people are dying from the very cancers that are caused by toxic glyphosate weedkiller and GMO crops, Ted Cruz will side with the agrichemical giants that are profiting from that poison.
Ted Cruz, it now seems, has
become the Hillary Clinton of the right.Here are the pictures of the GMO poisoned and glyphosate poisoned rats from
the Seralini study:

Read the story:
Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early.
Also read
Scientific fraud? DuPont study deliberately hid toxic effects of GMOs fed to rats.
Who's left to vote for? Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump!
With both Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz now totally sold out to Monsanto, there's only one choice remaining in each of the two dominant political parties in America.
Bernie Sanders is openly supportive of GMO labeling. It's his own state -- Vermont -- that
passed the nation's only GMO labeling law that's set to become active in just a few months. Perhaps for this reason, Sanders has become a favorite among anti-GMO activists and clean food activists. (Sadly, they do not yet fully grasp the economic destruction caused by socialism, but that's another topic for another website...)
On the political right,
Donald Trump supports organic food but hasn't yet made a public position statement on Monsanto and GMO labeling, so he's a wild card in that arena but appears to lean towards organic. (It's just one of his many seemingly centrist positions that could cross party lines and appeal to many democrats.)
Whoever you vote for in the primaries or the general election, don't let it be Hillary Clinton (the Bride of Frankenfood) or Ted Cruz (Monsatan's Preacher). If God won't forgive either of these two people for their betrayal of humanity... you shouldn't give them your vote, either.
Sources for this article include:http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar...http://www.foodforensics.comhttps://www.naturalnews.com/029325_Monsanto_d...https://www.naturalnews.com/053271_GMO_labeli...https://www.naturalnews.com/053230_DARK_Act_f...http://www.truthwiki.org/jon_entine/http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/03/11...https://www.naturalnews.com/047666_Jon_Entine...https://www.naturalnews.com/037249_gmo_study_...https://www.naturalnews.com/046224_GMOs_DuPon...https://www.naturalnews.com/044870_Vermont_GM...https://www.naturalnews.com/050266_Donald_Tru...http://www.gmoseralini.org/en/https://www.naturalnews.com/046086_GMOs_indig...
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