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Leftists already organizing illegal immigrant families to skew 2016 election for Democrats, pushing national gun confiscation, open borders and total socialism

Donald Trump

(NaturalNews) Some analysts have said that the 2016 election is a make-or-break for the survival of our republic. While there has been such negativity before, following two terms of lawlessness, insane domestic policy initiatives, division and creeping socialism, it is hard to argue that America is politically, spiritually and socially healthy.

And yet, the push to continue President Obama's Left-wing extremism will only pick up steam in the months ahead, as primary voters in the two major political parties settle on a presidential nominee and the race begins in earnest.

Democrats are most likely to nominate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, though she is getting a run for her money from avowed "democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders, who is openly promising to give everything from college to healthcare to everyone for free.

On the Republican side, the current front-runner has remained the front-runner from the time he entered the race: billionaire businessman Donald Trump. He is so hated by some factions in the country that they have vowed to double and triple efforts to not only keep him out of office but to punish the GOP if their voting base chooses him as the nominee. This is especially true for Hispanic activist groups who have pledged to sign up 1 million immigrant voters to oppose the Trump presidential bid.

Trump is the target

As reported by the Washington Times, the push will be focused on getting citizenship for the 1 million mostly Mexican immigrants and getting them registered in time for the November 2016 election. They are already being aided by Obama, who has instructed various federal agencies to circumvent immigration and visa limits set by Congress decades ago.

The Times notes further:

"The advocates say the new voters could make a difference in the presidential race, where most of the Republican field has tacked to the right in word and policy, and in key Senate races in Illinois and Florida, where Republicans will be reaching to hang on to critical seats."

At present, some 9 million legal immigrants are already eligible to become citizens, so the goal of 1 million is not unrealistic, the paper said. Activists have said that they are hoping to energize an additional 2 million Hispanic citizens who have turned 18 – the legal voting age – since 2012, and who they believe will show up to vote and defend fellow Dreamers, or young illegal immigrants, against GOP calls for deportation.

"This is a huge amount of latent power," Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the National Partnership for New Americans – a group he and other leaders announced recently at the National Press Club – told the Times.

Their effort is funded by Leftist billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

Hispanic leaders have said that they're ready to use their sizable political clout, which is commensurate with the size of their ethnic group as America's second-largest behind whites.

That said, however, Hispanic immigrants have naturalized at a slower pace and have overall lower voter turnout rates than other demographic groups, which will present a challenge to activists seeking to get them registered and to the polls. They are counting on the belief that Trump's immigration enforcement rhetoric will provide the motivation they are seeking.

The Times notes that some 8.8 million immigrants have been in the U.S. for at least five years as legal permanent residents. Under U.S. law – one which Obama is sure to enforce – that makes them eligible for citizenship. The group is heavily Hispanic, with 30 percent being from Mexico, according to a study by the Center for American Progress – a liberal organization.

Leadership of both political parties want unlimited immigration

That was the population that Trump appeared to single out after announcing his campaign, when he said he would complete the construction of a border "wall" and crack down on illegal immigrants who have broken the law to enter the country.

In 2012, after he secured reelection, Obama did what before the election he had said he did not have the authority to do: He issued an executive order blocking deportation of about 700,000 illegal immigrant Dreamers, and gave them work permits as well as access to Social Security numbers and driver's licenses.

Recent polls [here and here] show that Americans broadly oppose illegal immigration and Obama's amnesty.

For the record, the political leadership in both major parties favor increasing immigration, against the people's will.





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