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Pope Francis releases papal Agenda 21, calls for globalist government to manage 'sustainable development,' ignores GMO and pharmaceutical pollution

Pope Francis

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(NaturalNews) Pope Francis' recently divulged encyclical, in which he focused primarily on environmental issues and concentration of wealth in too few hands, actually reads more like a globalist political document than a religious or scientific offering.

For instance, the pontiff points to modern lifestyles and energy consumption as major factors in so-called "global warming" and "climate change," despite a nearly two-decade warming "pause". And he warns that, without changes in lifestyles, the earth – humankind – will suffer irreparable harm.

As reported by the UK's Guardian newspaper, changes in our modern lifestyle are needed to avoid the "unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem," and they must come before the end of the 21st century. Without them, there will be "grave consequences for all of us," the encyclical warned.

In addition, the pontiff is calling for a new global order – a global political authority – that would be responsible for "tackling... the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions." That parallels a call in a 2009 encyclical by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, for a kind of mega-UN to deal with the world's economic problems and presumed injustices.

Smacks of call for globalist cabal to 'manage things'

Though he said there could be some natural warming causes, the pope claimed that it is mostly a man-caused phenomenon.

"Humanity is called to take note of the need for changes in lifestyle and changes in methods of production and consumption to combat this warming, or at least the human causes that produce and accentuate it," he wrote in the draft. "Numerous scientific studies indicate that the greater part of the global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases... given off above all because of human activity."

The Vatican later noted that Francis' encyclical was not meant as a scientific document, but merely to reflect humanity's God-given obligation to be good stewards of the planet.

However, as some have noted, the document is highly political in nature and appears to mirror the "sustainable development" scam known as Agenda 21. Pushed by the United Nations, a bevy of proposed regulations that have been years in the making and which essentially strip individuals of their freedom while asserting centralized control over private property. The provisions amount to population control and reduction in certain areas deemed ripe for "sustainability"; control over local and national economies via the regulation of carbon emissions and other mechanisms of pollutants; and globalized central control over financial decisions of businesses and especially landowners.

Not being serious or realistic

"This vision did not suddenly spring from the mind of a Hollywood screenwriter. It has been evolving for most of the last century," the late property rights advocate Henry Lamb wrote in 2005. "Since the early 1960s, it has been gaining momentum. The rise of the environmental movement became the magnet which attracted several disparate elements of social change, now coalesced into a massive global movement, euphemistically described as sustainable development."

The pope's encyclical also spares the agri-giants like Monsanto and Syngenta, two of the leading producers of GMOs and GMO-related products and technology, as well as Big Pharma and heavy industrial polluters in many countries. These are important because GMOs are damaging the world's food production chains; pharmaceuticals leeching into the environment are changing the biological composition of humans and animals, while contributing to some of the worst psychological traits of human behavior; heavy metals being introduced into the environment are already having an effect on ecosystems; and pesticides may even be contributing to the loss of bee colonies.

As further reported by the Guardian, his encyclical is not the first time he has entered the climate debate:

The pontiff, who was elected in 2013, has previously noted his disappointment with the failure to reach a global accord on curbing greenhouse gas emissions, chiding climate negotiators for having a "lack of courage" during the last major talks held in Lima, Peru.

If he is truly recommending that the way forward, however, is to hand sovereignty to a global governing entity, the pope's either not being serious, not being realistic, or both.






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