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Disney 'blacklists' former workers after forcing them to train their foreign replacements


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(NaturalNews) It's becoming more obvious than ever before that corporations are the ones writing the laws and pulling the strings of elected officials. The average American has grown apathetic toward the government because they feel they no longer have a voice. The Americans' voices are drowned out by the will of corporations and their oligarchy type of rule.

Another glaring example of this rule by a dominant few can be found in the federal government's H-1B skilled guest worker visa program. In this program, the government is essentially being used as a vehicle to favor cheap foreign workers over American workers. On the surface, the H-1B visa program looks like a compassionate way to give foreign workers opportunities in America and create competition in information and technology career fields.

However, at the end of the day, corporations like Disney are using the program to push skilled and experienced American workers out the door so they can bring in cheaper labor. There's no competition -- just coercion. Loyal American workers are being told to train their foreign replacements or lose their severance pay. There's no compassion, either. After training their foreign replacements, American workers are let go and even put on "black lists."

Southern California Edison replaces skilled IT workers with cheap, foreign labor

In the case of Southern California Edison, between 400 and 500 American IT employees were replaced by lower paid workers who were brought into the country through the H-1B visa program. The original American employees took home about $110,000 a year before being shown the door. Outsourcing firms recruited foreigners willing to work for much smaller salaries -- between $65,000 and $75,000.

The visa program now appears to be just a corporate plot for reducing the cost of doing business. These crony maneuvers are putting hundreds of skilled American workers out of work. The now laid-off Americans have little hope as they navigate a job market saturated by foreigners who continue to be expedited into the U.S. in record numbers for corporate gain.

Southern California Edison and Disney are two examples of big industry taking advantage of government programs to cheat the marketplace. Disney takes this one step further, blacklisting displaced American workers.

Disney questioned for blacklisting displaced American workers

Emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) reveal that Disney laid off workers in January 2015 only to put them on a "black list" that disqualified them from being hired by any Disney contractor. Before they were let go, the laid-off workers were forced to train their foreign replacements. If they refused, they were told they would be denied their severance package.

A former Disney worker, who wishes to remain anonymous, found out about the black list when he sent his resume to a local IT recruiting firm. Disney had laid him off in January, and he was simply looking for a new opportunity. He was optimistic because he received the highest possible rating on his performance review, but an email obtained by the DCNF reveals that the recruiting firm informed the former Disney worker that he had been put on a "black list" that forbid him from working as a contractor for Disney.

"Any Disney employee who leaves Disney or has a contract end [after being on 18 Months] unless it is a unique circumstance, has to wait a certain amount of time before they can be eligible for rehire," the recruiter said in the email. "Usually that time frame is a year to a year and a half. In this situation it was indeed a year."

A Disney spokesperson emailed the DCNF and said the recruiting firm likely misled the applicant with wrong information. The Disney spokesperson wrote in an email, "When employees leave for other reasons, based on the situation, there could be a break required before the person is able to return to the same function, but in those situations, the person is able to return immediately in a different capacity."

Blacklisting displaced American workers is one way that corporations can stay in control, cutting costs by expediting cheap foreign labor. In the end, the American worker feels like they are the one on the outside looking in, barred from the work they once knew and pushed away from the idea of a country they once loved.





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