(NaturalNews) Joe Biden's son Beau died yesterday at the age of just 46. Here at Natural News, our hearts go out to anyone suffering such a horrible tragedy, and we extend our condolences to the entire Biden family. In this moment of tragedy and grief, however, we must have the courage to ask important questions like "Could his cancer have been prevented?" "Can we help prevent cancer in other people so that they don't suffer the same tragic fate?"
Frustratingly, I believe that Beau Biden, like hundreds of thousands of other Americans each year, was
killed by a combination of chemotherapy, radiation and glyphosate. "He was diagnosed with brain cancer in August 2013 and underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy," reports
Reuters. "After getting a 'a clean bill of health' in November of that year, his cancer recurred in the spring of 2015, the vice president's office said."
In other words, after being diagnosed with brain cancer, Beau underwent toxic chemotherapy -- a treatment that causes
permanent brain damage known as "chemo brain" -- while enduring radiation treatment on top of that chemo. Oncologists who prescribe chemotherapy drugs
earn massive profits from those drugs, all while failing to disclose their own conflicts of interest to their patients.
Chemotherapy causes cancer
chemotherapy kills far more people than it saves because its primary side effect is recurring cancer. Yes, chemotherapy causes cancer. And the ignorant oncologists who prescribe it actively encourage patients to avoid protecting their healthy cells with nutritional therapies such as medicinal mushrooms, anti-cancer foods and healthy oils such as cod liver oil. In fact, oncology as practiced today is a
barbaric medical practice that quite literally kills people by the hundreds of thousands each year.
Beau had "...sought aggressive treatment and had been hospitalized this month at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center outside Washington," reports Reuters. There's no mention of him receiving the benefit of any healing protocols that might boost immune function and fight cancer, such as vitamin D and vitamin C therapies, anti-cancer juicing protocols like Gerson Therapy, or even insulin-potentiated micro-dosing of chemotherapy agents that target cancer cells while mostly avoiding healthy ones.
Beau, it seems, was handed over to the conventional cancer industry which, sadly, told him he had a "clean bill of health" just 18 months before the cancer surged back... almost certainly worsened by the chemotherapy itself. This is so incredibly common in the cancer industry that it's astonishing chemotherapy is still legal in our world.
Far more people die from cancer TREATMENTS than die from cancer itself.
What are the origins of brain cancer? It's not just bad luck!
The other great crime of the for-profit cancer industry as practiced in Western medicine today is the utter unwillingness to honestly assess the environmental causes of cancer in the first place.
It's an incredibly important question: What sort of environmental causes could lead to fatal brain cancer in an otherwise healthy 46-year-old man?
I believe a significant part of that answer is
glyphosate, the cancer-causing herbicide chemical used alongside GMOs in corporate agriculture.
As even
Scientific American has now acknowledged, glyphosate has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization.
The announcement, published in
The Lancet, establishes the likelihood of a causal link between glyphosate exposure and cancer. This paper is based on "...17 experts from 11 countries [who] met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; Lyon, France) to assess the carcinogenicity of the organophosphate pesticides tetrachlorvinphos, parathion, malathion, diazinon, and glyphosate." You can read about it in more detail
at this link at GMOevidence.com.
How common is glyphosate? It's a shockingly common contaminate in the food supply.
Crops are now being dowsed with glyphosate before harvest in order to dry them in a uniform manner. The glyphosate remains with the food crops, making its way into breakfast cereals, soy-based veggie burgers and even infant formula.
The widespread contamination of cancer-causing glyphosate is now becoming such as huge concern among consumers that Abbott Laboratories, makers of Similac infant formula, are rolling out
non-GMO infant formula products emblazed with the "non-GMO" claim right on their front label.

The message from Similac? If you don't want to poison your baby (or give it cancer), feed it non-GMO infant formula. All the other moms are poisoning their babies with genetically modified, glyphosate-laced formula products (and those babies may sadly die long before the age of 46 at which Beau Biden passed away).

Countries beginning banning glyphosate outright
The Netherlands
just banned glyphosate sales to retail consumers, acknowledging it as a clear and present danger to the safety of the public. Even more shocking, we've recently learned that the EPA
knew glyphosate caused cancer over 30 years ago, but actively sought to cover up the evidence in exactly the same way
the CDC covers up evidence linking vaccines to autism.
Glyphosate is so incredibly toxic that when a lobbyist who claimed Roundup was totally safe to drink was challenged to drink it himself,
he angrily refused, claiming, "I'm not stupid" while refusing to swallow the cancer-causing liquid. (Yeah, he's not stupid, but his company apparently thinks everybody else is...)
Recognizing the toxicity of this deadly chemical, German ministers have
called for an EU-wide ban on glyphosate, and "The Doctors" show recently
aired a special episode on glyphosate toxicity featuring Jeffrey Smith debating a paid corporate P.R. troll who works for Monsanto (and receives a paycheck to push the mass poisoning of the world).
Hillary Clinton and other top policy makers keep pushing toxic, cancer-causing agriculture
The really frustrating and tragic part in all this is that people exactly like Joe Biden keep pushing GMOs down the throats of Americans, selling out the public interest in exchange for Monsanto campaign contributions. Hillary Clinton, for example,
is such a Monsanto sellout that she's now referred to as the "Bride of Frankenfood."
Hillary is so pro-GMO that if she wins the 2016 election,
Monsanto will essentially occupy the White House.
We can't know for sure whether glyphosate gave Beau Biden brain cancer, but we do know for a fact that Joe Biden is another pro-Monsanto sellout of the Democratic party who supports the mass poisoning of America with cancer-causing chemicals as long as people like himself are kept in positions of political power. It's a harsh statement, yes, but it's also true: these are the people who enable the corporate poisoners whose toxic chemicals cause widespread cancer, suffering and death. They even sacrifice the safety of their own sons and daughters in exchange for a few million dollars of financial support during their campaigns. They seemingly value nothing other than money and power, and as a result they condemn us all to the mass poisoning of the for-profit cancer industry and the criminally-run corporate agriculture giants.
It makes you wonder just how many of their own sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters these power-hungry politicians have to see die before they will stop promoting the corporate mass poisoning of their own nation. How many dead is too many for these politicians to stomach? Or is there a limit at all? As long as they stay in power, do they really care whether other people have to be sacrificed for that goal?
As long as politicians value power over people, they will keep supporting toxic agriculture and deadly chemotherapy
Yes, feeding people cancer-causing chemicals is extremely profitable. Those profits get funneled into the campaign coffers of Democrats and Republicans alike, and there's even more money thrown at universities, science journals and sellout media organizations like the Washington Post,
whose articles are now all but written by Monsanto itself.
In concert, all these parties -- politicians, media groups, universities and for-profit medical journals -- actively
promote quack science corporate agendas of mass poisoning that lead directly to rising cancer rates across the population. And when the cancer gets diagnosed, another branch of the for-profit "sick care" system racks up obscene profits from that cancer.
In all, it's
a cruel racket... a RICO-qualifying criminal enterprise that traps the People in a spiral of death and disease while the politicians and corporations make out like bandits.
That's the real tragedy in all this. It's not merely that Beau Biden lost his life way too early... it's an even greater tragedy that this glyphosate-cancer racket continues to operate every single day in America. Cancer prevention is almost
never taught to anyone (vitamin D!), cancer cures that truly work are systematically suppressed and criminalized across America, and cancer "treatments" are strictly limited to the interventions that generate profits for drug makers and medical device manufacturers (who give generously to the Susan G. Komen "cancer cure" scam).
Beau Biden is just one of millions who have been killed by the poisons in our food and the toxic side effects of modern medicine. Until enough of us stand up against these criminally-run
industries of poison and profit, the cruel machinery of toxic agriculture and toxic medicine will continue to claim more innocent victims by the hour.
Shame on all you politicians in Washington who continue to sell out your influence to the highest corporate bidder while our sons and daughters are being decimated by the poison-pushing corporations who fund your campaigns. Have you no love for your own offspring? Do you even care what kind of contaminated world you are leaving the next generation?
In my heart, I wish I could bring Beau Biden back, heal his brain and teach him how to lead a healthy lifestyle by avoiding GMOs and other sources of toxins. Sadly, I have no such power. The only power I do have is the power of the written word, and I going to damn well use that power every single day to help save as many people as I can from suffering the same fate as Beau Biden.
Every human being is worth saving, even if they come from the very families whose shortsighted actions are destroying us all.
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