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Watch: GMO lobbyist claims glyphosate is safe enough to drink, then refuses to drink it saying, "I'm not an idiot"


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(NaturalNews) Biotechnology frontman Patrick Moore recently made a fool of himself during an interview with French documentary filmmaker Paul Moreira after he claimed that drinking an entire quart of Monsanto's glyphosate is completely safe -- but then refused to actually do it.

Moore, who actively tours the world promoting genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) like the failed "golden rice," apparently didn't realize that he would actually be put to task in proving that glyphosate is no more harmful than a glass of orange juice.

Part of a six-month-long investigation for Moreira's documentary film Bientot dans vos assiettes (Soon on Your Plate), the hilarious interview proves once again that the emperor has no clothes, and that the biotechnology ruse is a load of unsubstantiated rubbish backed by empty claims.

"You can drink a whole quart of [glyphosate] and it won't hurt you," stated Moore after being asked about the uptick in cancer rates throughout Argentina, where Roundup Ready GMO soy plantations are replacing large swaths of natural rainforest and other biodiversity.

"You want to drink some?" responded Moreira, adding that "We have some here."

A shocked Moore quickly retorted "I'd be happy to," before proceeding to say "Not, not really, but..."

Oh, what's that? You don't actually want to drink glyphosate, Mr. Moore? But you just stated that it's completely safe for humans, so what's the problem?

"I know it wouldn't hurt me," added a trembling Moore, to which Moreira responded once again, "If you say so, I have some glyphosate."

"No, I'm not stupid," was Moore's response.

You can watch the full interview, which was cut short by Moore once he realized that he'd been backed into a corner and exposed as an absolute liar, below:

Patrick Moore, Neil deGrasse Tyson and all the other pretend-science liars are falling like dominoes

The utter hilarity of this ridiculous interview is overshadowed by the sobering fact that Moore and many others like him typically get away with spreading these types of lies, especially in the American media. Rarely are GMO apologists ever called upon to put their money where their mouth is -- in this case, to actually drink a glass of completely "non-toxic" glyphosate on camera.

Kudos to Moreira for demanding that Moore actually back his empty claims with the best kind of proof there is -- drink up or shut up! What a perfect way to expose this serial liar and pseudoscience quack for what he truly is.

But shame on the American media for ignoring this incredible gaffe, which seems to have only made an appearance in the alternative media (as usual). Like infamous science liar Neil deGrasse Tyson, Patrick Moore is nothing but a biotech-worshiping, pretend-science shill who clearly doesn't see anything wrong with lying when it suits his agenda.

Even more telling is the fact that Moore's interview with Moreira took place just before the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that glyphosate is a "probable carcinogen," something that Moore vehemently denied concerning the chemical's association with rising cancer rates throughout South America.

"You might conclude from all this that Moore so clearly lacks credibility that he can only be some kind of fringe figure," writes GMWatch. "But in fact he's a darling of the GMO lobby, who love his aggressive attacks on GM critics... Let's hope that others among Moore's interlocutors prove as astute as Paul Moreira in exposing the hollowness of Moore's claims."

For more on the dangers associated with GMOs, be sure to check out the Earth Open Source "GMO Myths and Truths" report:





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