(NaturalNews) Frontline infectious disease workers are breathing a cautious sigh of relief in the United States today as a full six days have elapsed since the last report of a confirmed Ebola infection on U.S. soil. In one of the most honest opening paragraphs you'll ever read in the mainstream media, AFP reported via Yahoo News today: "With no new Ebola cases in five days, US authorities were cautious but hopeful Monday that the virus has been contained in the United States after a flawed response revealed shortcomings in the system." [1]
Health authorities are, of course, making a crucial mistake by thinking Ebola has only a 21-day incubation period when, in reality,
people must be watched for 42 days. But the crossing of the 21-day milestone for one group of potentially-exposed individuals is still giving many observers reason to celebrate. As AFP reports:
...officials said it was reassuring that no new infections had emerged in recent days. "We are breathing a little bit easier, but we are still holding our breath," said Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings.Every pause in the outbreak is a renewed opportunity for preparedness
How should you and I interpret this pause in the outbreak? The wisest perspective is to consider it a very fortunate extension on the time allotted for your preparedness efforts. With the Ebola outbreak raging out of control in West Africa, it would be extremely foolish to believe that the containment of the transmission of Ebola caused by a single patient in the USA is the last we will ever see of this horrific, cleverly adaptable virus.
As long as the U.S. southern border remains unprotected and air traffic from Ebola outbreak nations is allowed to freely enter the United States, we are almost certain to see additional cases of Ebola appearing in U.S. hospitals in the months ahead. Natural News has also uncovered proof that
USAMRIID virologists were fully aware as far back as 1990 that Ebola variants could become airborne, spreading like influenza through air ducts that infected and killed hundreds of primates in U.S. Army laboratories.
National media ordered to distract the public from Ebola
The good news is that the general public is now being intentionally distracted in other ways to take all attention away from Ebola. It is abundantly clear that over the weekend, the national media was ordered by the White House to stop almost any mention of the term "Ebola" and to downplay any potential risks from the disease.
This was undoubtedly done to stop any further political hemorrhaging that was under way due to the public's plummeting confidence in government. Mid-term elections are barely two weeks away, and political strategists believe that public faith in government needs to be maintained at the highest level possible in order for democrats to have any real chance of maintaining a majority in the U.S. Senate.
The good news for you and I is that this pause in the transmission of Ebola and the national media coverage provides
a "free pass" opportunity to acquire more medical preparedness supplies that were heading toward severe shortages. Bleach should be near the top of your list, followed by medical isolation equipment such as latex gloves, Tyvek body suits with hoods, goggles, shoe covers, medical masks or full-face respirators, and so on.
Governments of USA and Liberia using opportunity to stockpile medical supplies
The federal government is using this opportunity to aggressively stockpile precisely these same supplies. A solicitation posted on October 14 at FedBizOpps.gov is requesting vendors who can provide four-year supply contracts for "PPE products identical or equivalent to Life Science SMS Lab Coats, Polypropylene Coveralls, SMS Coveralls, Suntech Microporous Film Coveralls, the Non-Skid/Water Resistant shoe covers, Guardian Nitrile Gloves, and Rhino Shield Latex Medical Grade Gloves." [2]
Similarly, Liberia is also actively taking steps to stock up on critical supplies. An official document entitled "Liberia Ebola SitRep No. 148," authored by the
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, reveals that Liberia urgently needs 80,000 more body bags and a long list of other essential medical items: [3]
• 98,000 Kg of chlorine powder
• 990,000 hooded body suits
• 140,000 plastic buckets
• 2.4 million sets of examination gloves
• 1.4 million N95 face masks
• Over 500,000 goggles
• 590,000 sets of heavy duty plastic gloves
• 174,000 rubber boots
• 210,000 hand sprayers
• 4,800 backpack sprayers
• 3,200 mattresses
Click here to see the source document (PDF).

Governments fully realize this outbreak is far from over
While the U.S. media is hypnotizing the U.S. public into thinking Ebola has come and gone for good, governments of the world are well aware that
this battle has only just begun.
The fact that the United States could not handle its very first Ebola outbreak patient was a shocking wake-up call for government authorities and citizens alike. It indicates, beyond any doubt, that
U.S. hospitals are wholly unprepared to handle Ebola patients and are likely to become focal points of disease transmission rather than disease suppression.
The continued explosion of Ebola in West Africa means that infected travelers will sooner or later end up in Europe, Central America, South America, the Middle East or even large U.S. cities like NYC, where the CDC recently warned health authorities to prepare themselves for a kind of "Ebola ground zero" incident. [4]
This means U.S. cities will continue to be threatened with new Ebola carriers, especially if the outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone reaches anywhere near the 1.4 million victims the CDC currently estimates might be infected by late January, 2015. [5]
Were the mistakes made with Thomas Duncan a one-time problem, or red flags for systemic failures?
No one argues with the fact that all sorts of disastrous mistakes were made in the handling of Thomas Duncan in Dallas. The key question in all this is whether those mistakes were one-time errors that won't be repeated or systemic failures that will be repeated.
If the errors made in the handling of Mr. Duncan were one-time errors that effectively served as a huge wake-up call for a responsible, intelligent medical community, then we might have a chance of keeping this controlled for good. But if, as I suspect, we are actually dealing with industry-wide incompetence and denial of reality, then we have only dodged one bullet out of an oncoming barrage.
Dodging one bullet does not make you bulletproof, and I don't yet see signs that U.S. medical authorities have learned much from the horrific mistakes that we all just witnessed. For example, until the CDC openly admits that Ebola can spread via indirect contact (i.e. contaminated surfaces), frontline medical workers are going to continue to get themselves infected because they are following the CDC's faulty advice. (The CDC has just pulled its online medical isolation guidelines from its website and is apparently rewriting them... so let's see what they replace it with.)
Watch the Ebola Countdown clock on NaturalNews.com
To help track the number of days since the last Ebola infection in the United States, I've posted an "Ebola Countdown Clock" on the
Natural News home page.
The clock shows the number of days which have elapsed since the last confirmed Ebola infection in the continental United States. The target number we are all aiming for is 42.
According to the W.H.O., only when we see 42 days without any new infections can be confident the outbreak has been contained.
The larger the number you see on Natural News, the more optimistic we can all be about Ebola being contained. Each new infection that's confirmed will restart the count from zero. (Even though I call it a "countdown clock" it's really a "count UP clock.")
As long as the Ebola outbreak rages in Africa, we must keep a watchful eye on potential outbreaks in North America, Australia, Europe, Central America, South America and everywhere else with large population centers. Only after Ebola is eradicated in Africa can we truly rest easy with the knowledge that we have dodged this bullet.
In the mean time, thank your lucky stars that you've now got some extra time to practice
Pandemic Preparedness. Learn everything you need to know with all the free downloadable MP3 audio files at
www.BioDefense.comUse this time wisely to plan your preparedness defenses and possibly even reconsider getting out of high-density population centers for good. Because a global viral pandemic that spreads across most of the world's largest cities is only a matter of time -- and that's the word from world-class virologists who have long warned that a global pandemic was inevitable.
Sources for this article include:[1]
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