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Freekeh: The grain that combats type 2 diabetes and boosts overall health

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(NaturalNews) First, quinoa. Then teff. Both are amazing superfoods, grains that boost overall health with their outstanding nutrient content. While they still remain supremely healthy choices, another food has the health world buzzing. Introducing freekeh. Freekeh is an ancient grain that's actually been sold for a while now, but it's fast-becoming a more mainstream must-have. Its chewy texture has been likened to bulgur, and it boasts a delicious nutty, smoky flavor.

The fact that it has double the amount of fiber than quinoa (1) and four times the amount of fiber than brown rice (2) is just one reason why it's a popular choice.

Health benefits of freekeh

1) Weight loss

According to Vandana R. Sheth, RDN, CDE, Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, freekeh's high fiber content can help people achieve weight loss with more ease (2). "The fact that freekeh is high in protein and fiber does provide more of a satiety feeling," said Sheth. "This might therefore lead to less overall calories being consumed and help with weight loss."

2) Reduced risk of degenerative bowel diseases

In a study that compared the bowel health of those who ate freekeh versus those who incorporated white rice or couscous into their diets, it was noted that the freekeh eaters had improved bowel health (3). "There were consistent and substantial differences in key functional, metabolic and bacteriological variables in response to consumption of the Freekeh diet," according to the findings, leading experts to believe that it may play a role in fighting colorectal cancers and diverticulitis.

3) Better eye health

Freekeh is rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, antioxidants that have been linked to preventing age-related macular degeneration (2). Eating more of this grain, in conjunction with other foods that help eye health such as green tea, spinach and garlic (4), can also be helpful.

4) Ideal for diabetics

Freekeh has a low glycemic index (55 GI for the cracked variety, 43 GI for the wholegrain variety [5]), making it a very good choice for diabetes management. In fact, analyses state, "A low GI together with a low insulin response to ingestion of both Freekeh products suggests that they may be helpful in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes."

Sources for this article include:

(1) http://www.self.com

(2) http://www.eatright.org

(3) http://www.greenwheatfreekeh.com [PDF]

(4) http://www.naturalnews.com

(5) http://www.freekehlicious.com [PDF]



About the author:
A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. >>> Click here to see more by Antonia

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