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Colloidal silver

Ten ways to use colloidal silver's amazing healing abilities

Monday, January 07, 2013 by: PF Louis
Tags: colloidal silver, healing, water

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(NaturalNews) Colloidal silver consists of silver atoms suspended in distilled ion-less water. The particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level and destroy pathogens of all types, including bacteria, fungal spores, parasites, and viruses.

Not only does silver get rid of pathogens, it helps promote rapid healing of the tissues infected or destroyed. Most burn centers use various forms of silver and silver soaked bandaging for burn victims.

You can buy colloidal silver online or in good health food stores or make your own cheaply and easily. Colloidal silver has many applications and is easy to apply. It has no adverse side effects. It leaves beneficial bacteria intact. Reports of argyria (skin turning blue) are greatly exaggerated.

The Medical Mafia has a tendency to blow up rare incidents of minor adverse effects from natural remedies and blow them up as scare tactics while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of annual adverse side effects from correctly prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Ten ways to use colloidal silver for self healing

1) You can spray it onto burns to prevent infections and promote faster healing without scarring.

2) You can also spray or dab it onto ringworm, boils, herpes sores, and warts for faster healing.

3) If you're having bronchial problems or walking pneumonia, you can put some colloidal silver in a nebulizer and breathe it into your bronchial area and lungs directly.

4) Small amounts taken daily as a tonic will give what some call a second immune system to guard against flues and colds. Easy and inexpensive if you make if you make your own.

5) Colloidal silver drops can be used for ear infections without any harmful side effects. Some use it for eye and nasal infections as well. Perhaps it can be injected anally with an enema bulb to help cleanse the colon.

6) It can be applied topically for vaginal yeast infections or oral thrush (yeast infection). Could be useful for chronic jock itch as well.

7) Colloidal silver can be used by pregnant women to assist fetal development and easier delivery of the newborn child.

8) It can be taken early with the onset of a cold, flu, or bronchitis to get over it quickly without harming beneficial bacteria. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria.

9) Colloidal silver can be used successfully to combat MRSA infections. MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a staph infection that can be fatal and is now resistant to antibiotics. It usually occurs during hospital stays, but has become rampant enough to originate outside hospitals (https://www.naturalnews.com/023712_MRSA_Texas_infections.html).

10) There has been some success using colloidal silver with AIDS patients. It adds a layer of needed additional immunity while destroying existing pathogens.

More about colloidal silver

Early 20th Century western medicine used silver as a prime antibiotic and anti-fungal until the 1930s. Then antibiotics became a major source of Big Pharma revenue.

As more and more antibiotics were created, the pathogenic microbes began evolving into resistant strains to them. The health dangers imposed by antibiotics by destroying friendly gut flora needed for digestion and immunity were disregarded.

Antibiotic use lowers immunity by destroying the good bacteria along with the bad. Lately, some fluoroquinolone based antibiotics have even permanently and painfully crippled those who had been prescribed them (http://www.naturalnews.com).

Since silver seems to act by stifling the enzymes pathogens use for survival, pathogens are unable to develop resistance to them. Fortunately, alternative medicine has re-discovered colloidal silver for healing all sorts of ailments. A few years ago, the EU banned colloidal silver sales (https://www.naturalnews.com/027989_colloidal_silver_superbugs.html).

Before Codex regulations arrive here, purchasing your own system for making colloidal silver would be a wise move.

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