(NaturalNews) Websites like NaturalNews which actually report the truth about issues like vaccines, chemotherapy dangers, nutritional cures and fluoride are under constant assault. Not only are we routinely subjected to coordinated hacking attacks from Russian hacker gangs hired by U.S. pharmaceutical giants (which is a whole story all by itself), but we're also under constant assault from vicious pharma-funded trolls and "internet terrorists" who attempt to marginalize our reputation and get us censored wherever possible.
grassroots NaturalNews supporters are fighting back, and I wanted to show you some of what they're doing to fight back right now while also inviting YOU to join in, cast your votes, and help support NaturalNews on Facebook, in search engines, and across the 'net.
Vote "excellent" for NaturalNews.com on the WoT website
"WoT" means "Web of Trust" and it's a website user-generated trust ranking system where users can flag websites that run phishing scams or other malicious activities. It's a cool site concept for alerting users to truly malicious sites that steal credit card information or run phishing scams.
But WoT is being exploited by some truly evil groups who are using it as a
censorship weapon to try to stifle websites featuring natural health information.
Not surprisingly, the quack science trolls and pharma henchmen have been hard at work attempting to attack NaturalNews on WoT, flagging our website with complete falsehoods, claiming we are a "phishing"
website, or that we are a "spamming" website, or even claiming ridiculous ethical violations that are pure fabrications.
You can help raise our WoT score to its legitimate, genuine levels right now by simply going to this web page:
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/naturalnew...1) There, click "register / login" to register an account with WOT.
2) Once your account is created, VOTE on each of the colored rating bars. If you really like our website, vote GREEN. You do this by clicking on each colored bar, or dragging the rating score until you reach the desired score you want to vote. (Note: If you enjoy
NaturalNews, please rate us as "excellent" in all categories to help counter the troll spammers who are rating the site as a zero in all categories).
3) If you wish, you can also
post a comment in support of NaturalNews. What do you like about our articles? What have you learned from NaturalNews? How has NaturalNews positively impacted your life? Post your comment so that others may learn what you like.
Of course, once you create an account, you can also vote UP or DOWN other websites that you either trust or don't trust. NaturalNews does not encourage you to, in any way, use the malicious tactics of the science bloggers against other websites. Don't flag sites as "spam" or "phishing" unless that's actually true. Always vote the truth! The Web of Trust website has a legitimate purpose as a red alert indicator to malicious sites, so it's up to each of us to make sure we rate sites honestly so that the WoT algorithm accurately reflects the truth about those sites.
Help vactruth.com
Another website that needs your help right now is vactruth.comhttp://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/vactruth.c...The quack science trolls have managed to crush the ratings of this website, and it's causing their posts to be censored on Facebook! You can help spread the truth about vaccines by voting UP the Vactruth.com website.
Here are some other trusted websites you may want to help
support with positive comments and votes:
The Institute for Responsible Technology (Jeffrey Smith)
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/responsibl...Natural Society (Anthony Gucciardi)
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/naturalsoc...National Vaccine Information Center (seriously needs your vote!)
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/nvic.orgOrganic Consumers Association
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/organiccon...Help support NaturalNews fan sites
Fans of NaturalNews are now launching "fan sites" that either summarize NaturalNews stories or offer their own angles on Natural News.
You can help us by
linking to these fan sites using the phrase "
Natural News" from any blog or webpage.
Two of the fan sites that are up and running right now include:
http://naturalnewstracker.wordpress.com/- A site about NaturalNews coverage of health myths and exposing disinfo
http://naturalnewsblog.blogspot.com/- A site focused on NaturalNews coverage of GMOs and biotechnology
Simply linking to these websites will help support these sites.
Launch your own NaturalNews fan site and receive our support!
If you want to launch your own fan site that covers our videos, articles, cartoons, initiatives, non-profit fundraising efforts, predictions or anything else, we'd love to support you with publicity and links from NaturalNews.com!
Simply follow these steps:
1) Create your own Natural News fan blog site on any blog service such as blogspot.com, wordpress.com, createblog.com, blog.com, thoughts.com, etc.
2) Use the phrase "Natural News" on the site and in the blog entries. Link to content items on NaturalNews.com that you wish to highlight. Write about whatever you want, including requests or suggestions for NaturalNews.
3) Send your website URL to us at inspire@naturalnews.com
4) We'll review your site and link to it from NaturalNews.com, thereby creating instant publicity for your blog site.
Also: YES, you can also talk about your own projects on your blog site, including your other website(s), your FB page, your book(s), DVDs, opinions, recipes, etc. The more you blog, the more informative your site gets, and the more we help publicize it!
What NaturalNews stands for
• Ending GMOs in the food supply
• Ending the poisoning of the water with toxic fluoride
• Protecting "opt-out" freedom of choice with vaccines
• Asking commonsense, scientific questions about vaccines
• Removing toxic additives from the food supply (like aspartame)
• Exposing the fraud of the FDA and drug companies
• Exposing junk science, fabricated studies and pharma quacks
• Legalizing industrial hemp to save America's farmers
• Standing up for liberty and freedom for all people
• Teaching tolerance and freedom of choice!
This includes religious tolerance, lifestyle tolerance, food choice tolerance and more. Here at NaturalNews, we believe that if we want to be free, we must tolerate freedom of choice in others so that they, too, may have their freedoms (even if we don't agree with them).
FACTS about Mike Adams and NaturalNews:
• Mike Adams (that's me) is not a member of ANY organized religion or religious group. I respect ALL religious groups that practice tolerance and wisdom. My upbringing is Christian, and I was baptized as a Christian.
• Mike Adams is also not a member of any political party. My leanings are Libertarian, but I find great ideas in the progressive movement (protect the planet!) as well as the conservative movement (protect the Bill of Rights!). I judge people based on their individual ideas, not on their political affiliations.
• NaturalNews is a PRIVATELY-funded organization. We have no investors and no debt. We are beholden to no one other than our readers. This is what gives us the power to tell the truth!
• NaturalNews has TURNED DOWN acquisition offers, and we routinely turn down advertising requests from Big Pharma, medical supply companies, etc.
Summary of action items
1) Help vote UP the "WoT" rankings of websites you like, such as NaturalNews.com and vaccine information sites:
http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/naturalnew...2) Help link to NaturalNews fan sites using the phrase "Natural News" on your own web pages or blog pages:
http://naturalnewstracker.wordpress.com/http://naturalnewsblog.blogspot.com/... (more fan sites coming soon)
3) If you wish, create your own NaturalNews fan site and post articles about us as well as articles about your own projects. We'll help publicize your site on NaturalNews.com.
Thank you for your support
Your grassroots support is what keeps us alive. Because we expose the truth about vaccines, chemotherapy, the criminal drug cartels and the amazing healing potential of nutrition and the healing arts, we are targeted by P.R. trolls and hackers who are paid by Big Pharma. These trolls are really "internet terrorists" who run around the 'net trying to destroy alternative news networks while getting paid for every negative post or vote they create. They are, of course, complete cowards because they never disclose their real names, nor film themselves on camera to show their real faces.
It is only through your support that we are able to stay online, stay alive and keep hammering home the truth across the 'net.
NaturalNews saves lives by exposing the dangers of deadly pharmaceuticals as well as teaching the miraculous healing properties of nutrients and medicinal herbs. But we can't do it without you. We need your help to protect our right to keep publishing information that reaches people across the 'net.
Thank you for your support! And rest assured we are working VERY hard, every single day, to expand our operations and keep publishing yet more truthful, hard-hitting information that empowers people with knowledge and wisdom.
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