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Swine flu

CDC's revised swine flu death estimates a fairy tale scare story

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
Tags: swine flu, death estimates, CDC

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(NaturalNews) In my years as an investigative medical reporter, I've developed a rule of thumb when dealing with the US Centers for Disease Control:

If they're not lying, they're lying.

I've found this guideline works out well. It's almost magic.

For example, at the so-called height of the Swine Flu epidemic, in the summer of 2009, CBS News exposed the fact that the CDC, in an egregious dereliction of its duty, had stopped counting Swine Flu cases. The CDC just assumed people arriving at hospitals or doctors' offices with anything resembling the flu had Swine Flu. Therefore, the CDC really didn't have the faintest idea how many people in America had Swine Flu. Yet, soon after this CBS report broke, the CDC issued a mind-boggling announcement plucked out of thin air: there were undoubtedly 10 MILLION people in the US infected with Swine Flu. No evidence. No test results. No facts. Just scare tactics. As in: "You must get vaccinated."

Well, they're bloviating again, in a choice bit of revisionist history.

A new CDC study, published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal, states that the final global figure for Swine Flu deaths, 18,500, was grossly underestimated. The new and far more precise figure is... 25,000? No. 50,000? No. 100,000?


250,000! But wait. It actually might be as high as 575,400, say the CDC wizards.

What kind of rabbit hat is the CDC pulling those numbers from? The hat is called "a computer model" or a "statistical model." This is code for: "We devised algorithms, equations, and charts which no one will bother to examine or assess or judge. Trust us. We're the pros."

False computer models used to engineer social fraud

It's well known that computer models can be created and spun to achieve a wide variety of outcomes, depending on, for example, the result one favors from the get-go. Models of global warming have come under withering attack on that basis.

In typical bungling CDC fashion, the researchers have left clues about their work. The study authors write, "Diagnostic specimens are not always obtained from people who die with influenza and the viruses might no longer be detectable by the time of death in some people." You might want to read that sentence again.

Translation: "We don't know what we're talking about when we jack up the estimates on deaths from Swine Flu because, well, there are a lot of dead people who died without ever having been tested for the H1N1 Swine Flu virus, and we can't dig up their bodies now and run the tests. But our computer models can somehow perform post-mortem exams."

Or: "Many, many people died without anyone knowing whether they had Swine Flu. So naturally we'll assume they did."

This is called science, and American tax dollars pay for it. They pay for an agency, the CDC, that is tasked with scaring Americans into getting vaccines, no matter what. Even if a re-write of history is necessary.

You see, after all the whipped-up hysteria, in 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization told us that a great horror, the H1N1 virus, was stalking the globe and mowing people down left and right with Swine Flu, the final mortality figure, worldwide, was an extreme embarrassment to these agencies. It was especially embarrassing because, well, the World Health Organization claims that, every year, between 250,000 and 500,000 people die from ordinary regular seasonal flu. This is not called a pandemic that could wipe out humankind. But when 18,500 people die of Swine Flu, this is called a Level 6 Pandemic, the highest danger category the World Health Organization can declare.

The CDC also announced today that, in 2009, the Swine Flu virus was "the predominant virus." In other words, we are supposed to believe, again, with no evidence, that most people who died that year from flu died from Swine Flu. Or to put it another way, in 2009 the usual seasonal flu viruses that circulate decided to take a holiday and give the new kid on the block, Swine Flu, H1N1, a chance to spread his wings and see what he could do.

These viruses are cordial to one another. When a new one comes along, the others make room. They have a conference (thankfully not supported with tax monies) and they come to a consensus.

In some media outlets, the AFP story on this new CDC Swine Flu study included an interesting final sentence, and in at least one other major outlet, the final sentence was omitted.

It was: "The Council of Europe accused the agency [the World Health Organization] of causing unjustified scare and a waste of public money [in their launch and handling of the Swine Flu debacle.]"

Nothing to see there, just move along. Listen to the CDC and the World Health Organization and obey. Do what they tell you to do. They know stuff; you don't. They're brilliant; you're a robot. Line up and take your vaccine.

If you swallow all that, I have stunning condos for sale on Jupiter.

About the author Jon Rappoport:
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

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