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Suzanne Somers

Dr. Nick Gonzales and Suzanne Somers get real about nutrition and cancer on the Robert Scott Bell Show

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 by: NaturalNews
Tags: Suzanne Somers, Nick Gonzales, cancer

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(NaturalNews) Health freedom champions Dr. Nick Gonzales and Suzanne Somers guest star on the Robert Scott Bell Show to talk about what they're doing to spread the truth about serious issues like cancer that the media has been trying to censor and keep from the public. Suzanne Somers is a famous health advocate and the author of 20 books; Dr. Nick Gonzales has been investigating nutritional approaches to cancer and other degenerative diseases since 1981, and has been in practice in New York since 1987. Dr. Gonzales talks about his successful use of individualized aggressive nutritional protocols to treat many types of cancer, and he and Somers discuss topics such as the undisputable links between nutrition and cancer.

Robert Scott Bell: Welcome back to the Robert Scott Bell show. As promised, we have an exciting, exciting time here to do with my dear friend Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and he connected us with Suzanne Somers who I had on last Sunday on my weekend show. And these are two true champions of health freedom, doing what's right in order for people to get the information that's necessary to make informed decisions about very serious issues like cancer and other things. Suzanne is the author of 20 books and she's been on the medical speaking circuit for years doing wonderful things there. And many doctors- you wouldn't know this if you watched the old media- are very supportive of what's happening out there as far as the awareness growing about natural ways to prevent and reverse disease, as I said, including cancer, despite the government-media complex and the pharmaceutical complex not wanting this information to get out there. It is, we are, and thank you both Dr. Nick and Suzanne.

Suzanne Somers: My pleasure, so nice to be here.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: Yeah it's great to be back, Robert. I always enjoy talking with you.

Robert Scott Bell: Well I'm glad to have you both on. Now, the thing that stimulates this in follow-up to having to you last week, Nick, and Suzanne as well- you appeared with Dateline, that television show. They covered things with Nick, this whole thing, for about a year to come out with this hour episode where they basically ignored the bulk of all the good things that were happening, and now even utilized so called "allies" of ours to attack Dr. Nick, Dr. Burzynski and others, and you, Suzanne. So now we're finding out there are conflicts of interest present here. I guess this is time to keep the heat on because the new media is really gonna make a change here with that.

Suzanne Somers: It does make you wonder why, and it's interesting the comments I've had from my website, are people who are able to read through the lines and could see that so much was withheld. But it was really a disservice to Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Burzynski, who are dedicated, credible, credited, Western trained doctors and who are doing incredible things. When I first interviewed both of them, I said to Dr. Gonzalez, well that's all well and good but I really need to talk to some of your patients. He was, for any of the patients that were willing to talk to me, he was so forthcoming and with no restrictions. And I would use the word cured. I would say, are you cured because Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Burzynski, neither one of them would use the word, I would use the word cured. And the first woman I interviewed who had stage four ovarian and managing it beautifully for the last 12 years, no side effects, no drugs, she said well I consider myself cured. I don't even think about it, I just follow Dr. Gonzalez's protocol and I do what he says and I feel great. So those stories needed to be told for hope because this is such a hopeless situation now with the present cancer protocol and we watched famous people one after another, and as Dr. Gonzalez and I talked about many times, if it was working that would be one thing but they walk into this treatment over and over again, which is, what is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again-

Robert Scott Bell: And expecting a different result, yeah.

Suzanne Somers: And so, Dr. Gonzalez and I have talked many times about it. It's not about fame, it's not about how much money you have. It's the protocol doesn't work, so here's a doctor with another option that- I can see it working. I often told him were I ever to get cancer again, I'm the type of patient who would and could be compliant to his program. And that I think is the key, don't you, Dr. Gonzalez? You must be compliant.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: We've studied that patients who do well and the group that hasn't and most of our patients do fine. Invariably it's compliance, and the group that doesn't do well, nine out of ten times it's major non-compliance. No, it's not for the faint of heart. If people want to continue drinking, smoking, eating junk food that's fine but they shouldn't be in my office trying to do my therapy. It really is a lifestyle modification. People have to be willing to do the work. I'm happy to take the credit, but it's the patients who do all the work.

Robert Scott Bell: You're right, it's funny. I did a moment of duh earlier today around another study showing that women that smoke and are basically sedentary, eating junk food have a higher risk for cancer. I'm thinking, who paid for this study? We know this, don't we?

Suzanne Somers: Really, that is a no brainer. And with all the interviews I did for Knock Out, it came up in every single one. It's about what we're eating, it's nutrition. I love what Dr. Gonzalez said to me and I repeat it over and over again. He said cancer is manageable. I said what, huh? He said if you give cancer what it wants it will leave you alone. I said what does it want and he said it wants nutrition and it wants a detoxed body. And that's what it comes down to. You have to watch what you eat and you have to be aware of the chemical assault and how do you detox your body from this violent, greatest environmental assault in the history of mankind on humanity.

Robert Scott Bell: It's incredible because it's a very low tech response to those that understand that high tech medicine seemingly is the way to go. We'll only cure it if we have billions of dollars more research into things that are not even natural to the human or animal body. And Dr. Gonzalez, you know this so well because what you're doing is so basic, if you look in the history of healing it goes back in time as opposed to embracing the- even though I like technology and leaps, it's kinda cool, but in regards to cancer, we gotta get back to some simple, natural basics.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: Yeah, absolutely. I was trained to do bone marrow transplants under Robert Good who did the first bone marrow transplant in history and that's about as high tech medicine as you can get. The reason I don't do that is because it didn't work. But those in the field know it isn't, I mean it makes a lot of money, bone marrow transplants can cost $500,000, $1 million per shot. It's a really expensive procedure, insurance covers it most of the time. It's a nice way to make a living, but it doesn't work. And the reason I do what I do now, the antithesis of bone marrow transplant, high dose radiation and chemotherapy is because what I do now works a thousand times better than what I was trained to do. It just works so much better. And it is unfortunate that all the resources are going into continuing to look into the same high tech chemical approaches to disease that are not very effective, particularly in terms of cancer. Just not effective.

Suzanne Somers: Another really interesting thing that Dr. Gonzalez told me is that he doesn't require tumors to be removed and I talked to a lot of patients who still had tumors and not only was it Dr. Gonzalez who said that but Dr. Russell Blaylock, the renowned neuroscientist. He said often tumors will digress and Nick said that when you feed the body correctly, the tumor kind of just leaves you alone. It's true, isn't it Nick, that sometimes surgery will make the cancer spread by removing that tumor?

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: There's some evidence in some circumstances that's true. Biopsies can do that, that's been shown for liver cancer, prostate cancer, even breast cancer. If the tumor's encapsulated they give the devil its due and take it out, the chances are it's not going to spread but oftentimes cancer will start spreading more aggressively after they do surgery. There's some evidence that the primary tumor, for example if you have metastatic breast cancer and still have the breast lesion in the breast that the primary breast cancer actually sends out molecular signals to kind of control the aggressiveness of the metastatic lesions. You take out the breast lesion, the metastes go crazy. So there is an ecology, a symbiosis, even within cancer that sometimes leaving the primary alone can be beneficial. So the body can learn to live with cancer and that's what Suzanne was talking about earlier. We use the diabetes model of cancer. A diabetic can live to be 100 years old as long as they follow their diet and take their insulin. Well, we have patients that have been with us 23 years and are in their 90's now. As long as they follow their diet and take their pancreatic enzymes, which is what we use to treat cancer, along with nutrition, they just keep going. Now yes, sometimes the tumors go away and some of the patients Suzanne interviewed, like the lady with ovarian cancer with metastatic liver, the tumor's completely gone. I have other patients that have been with me 20 years that still have evidence of tumors. They could be dead, they could be encapsulated, but it's certainly not harming the patient, the host. So the body, if given the right nutrition, the body does the right detox, you could live at peace with your cancer. It isn't necessary to blast it to kingdom come so it's completely gone. You can get it to a kind of homeostatic equilibrium with your cancer as long as you're following the right nutritional approach.

Suzanne Somers: It would've been so uplifting, that Dateline program, to have listened to those patients of yours talk. I'm thinking of those two women in particular who I loved meeting. What we're looking for in cancer is hope. What that program did was create a cynicism about any options and that I thought was really a disservice to humanity. To focus on, and I think you should talk about this Nick, to focus on radionics [sic], the hair analysis, and as I said to Nick, it's strange that in forensics and drug testing hair analysis is absolutely legitimate. But when a doctor wants to use it as an adjunct to just get more information, he gets criticized.

Robert Scott Bell: I want to go back to something you said, Suzanne earlier, because literally it was like the media was trying to put the light out for people. You know, when you talk about hope. You talked about there's no such thing as false hope, there's hope or there's no hope. In the case of what you were talking about, well it was removing tumors, and Nick, you just talked about that as well, looking at the energetic, because I look at things energetically as a homeopath and I see you can disrupt the energy flow in the body via surgery, which as Nick acknowledged, you can disrupt certain things and then there's a growth of more cancer. I have seen personally in patients over the years, particularly one particular case which was astonishing. She was also an author, brilliant woman who had a grapefruit sized, it was a growth in her uterus, basically. She thought it was just a fibroid. It turned out, how we found out about this is we made sure she got on good, organic whole foods, we taught the nutrition, used homeopathics. And literally, she passed this right out of her body. Removed it, and it actually was a cancerous tumor. So the body has the ability to reject these things. Or as you see, Nick, too, to kind of reabsorb them. They kind of dissipate of their own accord when you give the body what it needs and you get the things out that are not supposed to be there. This is such a basic concept but I think, yeah Suzanne, they wouldn't allow something so simple to get out there because then the magic of what the doctors in oncology do would be dissipated and no longer would people believe them as easily.

Suzanne Somers: I'm watching right now, there's someone in the news who I won't use his name but you'll know who I'm talking about, who is very, very bright, and I see him walking into the same treatment that Patrick Swayze took, and I think to myself, how many times do we have to watch this? This is a brilliant person. How many times do we have to keep accessing a protocol that so clearly doesn't work. And one of the questions I asked in Dateline, or put forth, was maybe it's all just simpler than they've tried to make it. But now it's a $200 billion a year business and nobody wants to change that paradigm because there's too much money at stake. [static] and Gonzalez who is sitting there, and they tried to make an issue of what he charges, which is so minimal considering what cancer treatment costs in the oncology world. To even ask Dr. Gonzalez to look at his tax return, and because it's modest, she didn't choose to use it so he could come off looking like he was in it for the money. If anybody is not in this for the money, it is Dr. Nick Gonzalez. I want to take up a fund for him.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: If I'm in it for the money, I'm not doing a very good job, that's for sure.

Suzanne Somers: You're a failure.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: I'm a total abject- Dateline could've made that argument, that I'm a total abject failure in the money game.

Robert Scott Bell: And interestingly enough, Dr. Gonzalez- I'm sorry, we gotta go to break momentarily here, but they didn't ask for Dr. Weil's[sic] tax returns, did they? They let him espouse on things he had no knowledge of.

Suzanne Somers: Nor did they ask Dr. Weil [sic] if he'd ever treated a cancer patient.

Robert Scott Bell: Right, interestingly enough. We're gonna talk more about this on the other side of this break, a special edition of the Robert Scott Bell show today with Suzanne Somers, author of 20 books, including Knockout and my good friend Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, extraordinary physician. Helping people to heal from things that the mainstream media does not want you to know about, or if they do they try to marginalize it. We're not doing that here, we're talking the real stuff. More with Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nick Gonzalez after this.

Robert Scott Bell: Welcome back to this special edition of the Robert Scott Bell show. My guest this hour, Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Again, a lot of controversy in the old media about the treatment of physicians and advocates of physicians and non-physicians alike for that matter that are promoting holistic therapies- natural means by which people are overcoming cancer. Suzanne was making notes about the fact that you can't even use the word cure even though the patients use the word cure. And it is kinda strange that the government gets to decide what a cure is. It's like the emperors of old. Is there freedom? No, we have a king, a queen, an emperor, and it doesn't seem to matter if it's a Republican or a Democrat, they seem to fall in line with this medical monopoly nonsense.

Suzanne Somers: And it operates on fear. What has happened to me in terms of putting out a book such as Knockout, is a lot of people come through my website and Facebook, all looking for information, and I say that's become a router because I can- through an email or a telephone conversation, talk to someone and say well, feels to me that you're the kind of patient that would fit well with Dr. Gonzalez. There's some patients that I talk to that would never fit well with Dr. Gonzalez. They're never gonna change their diet. But when I was listening to Dr. Weil and the other woman from Sloan-Kettering, what was extremely distressing was that neither of them have ever treated a cancer patient. But she is- the doctor from Sloan-Kettering was not an oncologist, not an M.D. She was a Ph.D. in sociology. So for her to comment as an expert I thought was very misleading. And for Dr. Weil, who is known as an integrative doctor but really he's more of an orthodox doctor with a toe or two in the alternative, and that makes him integrative. But he's never treated a cancer patient and as Dr. Gonzalez and I were talking, he was ridiculing coffee enemas and ridiculing radionics. And yet, here's a guy at Harvard who wrote his thesis on nutmeg. What was it Nick?

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: Narcotic properties of nutmeg. He was a big proponent of hallucinogenic drugs.

Suzanne Somers: And so?why? Why would these doctors want to squash hope like that? That's what I don't understand.

Robert Scott Bell: That is a very big, an important question to ask. We might think in terms of the goodness of people and helping others. There's been a lot in the media and I've been covering it this week on the show about the revelations of the federal government basically sponsoring and endorsing experiments on humans, whether it be here in the US or in other countries around the world. Guatemala, India and other places- that are so horrific, you have to say, I thought this ended with the Nuremberg trials, the whole thing about the Nazi doctors. But there's a lot of cruelty and strange and unusual things that happen in the name of medical science, that we're still having to deal with these things that are hanging on.

Suzanne Somers: Particularly with end stage cancer, when they just start throwing experimental chemotherapy at people, is one of the most horrible things that I have witnessed in a lot of patients that I'm aware of.

Robert Scott Bell: Dr. Gonzalez, you've been through the full-on medical training. You've seen it from the inside out. It's just astonishing how the profession- though there are good people in it, we acknowledge and recognize those people. But so much of the experimentation model, whether it be as Suzanne says, an end stage cancer treatment or many other things, is really quite brutal and dehumanizing.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: Back in the 1990's, when the bone marrow transplant came into flower and turned out not to be as valuable as people thought, it was estimated that 10 to 30 percent of patients undergoing the procedure would die from the procedure. But it had been sold to the public through the media, through trial lawyers who sued the insurance companies to get it covered. Patients were lining up for it, and it was absolutely useless for most cancers and 10 to 30 percent of them had their life shortened, and there was no investigation. There are no oncologists in jail for promoting it inappropriately in the absence of data. Women died for getting bone marrow transplants for breast cancer. I saw it when I was being trained, people dying, they were doing it on children and I would just be horrified. Yeah, there are situations where it works, but it was so egregiously, just a terrifically horrible procedure to witness and to be involved in doing. I just never wanted to do that again. I would rather be a farmer, literally.

Suzanne Somers: I found that consistent with almost all the doctors that I interviewed, that they could just no longer participate. Dr. Burzynski said to me and this was confirmed by Dr. Gonzalez, he said we all know in the oncology world that chemotherapy does absolutely nothing whatsoever for pancreatic cancer. So I said then, why? Why would they put a patient through that? And he said, palliative. And I said, meaning? And he said it makes the patient feel like something's being done and the family feels like something's being done. And also, need it to be mentioned how expensive it is to die of chemotherapy. So when we know that something doesn't work, this is really, for me, it's a crime against humanity. To give a patient something that is not going to do anything other then maybe extend their lives by one to four months at a horrible quality, degraded life. I feel, if you're in that shape, it'd be better to go to Tuscany and dance with your wife.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: One of the sad things I found about the Dateline piece, I can't tell you how many times I spoke to the producer, Amy Schmidtz [sic], how many dozens and dozens and dozens of emails and hundreds and hundreds and thousands of pages of documents. She interviewed five or six of- in my office, five or six of my advanced cancer patients that have done well on my program, including stage four colon that's been with me eight years, stage four breast cancer with metastes in the lung, been with me five years, doing terrifically. The guy with colon cancer, the tumors are gone on the scans. She also wanted the records of ten other patients who were long term survivors with appropriately diagnosed advanced or poor prognosis or terminal disease. I gave her fifteen and I wrote up a case history for each one and I included copies of records. Fifteen, she wanted ten. Not one word of any of that on the Dateline piece. Instead they spent half the time of my segment talking about hair tests, which is an ancillary test. It would be like spending half an hour on the fact that I do blood work. Yes, I do blood work and I do a hair test, but that's not the point. The point of this study, the point of this piece should be the patients who are doing well. It doesn't matter if I use moon dust, the results are what count. That's all that mattered, but the producer was not interested in the results. It didn't fit the story line. And she basically categorically ignored the great majority of patients that I'd presented to her, who, many of whom she'd interviewed, that did well. They did include the one with pancreatic cancer, but even there, they so colored it, you wouldn't realize what an extraordinary case she was. She was diagnosed in the Mayo Clinic, technically diagnosed with the most aggressive type of pancreatic cancer, given a year to live if she were lucky. They said she's out nine years, she's actually out ten years, so they got that wrong, too. And she's doing great, and they said Gonzalez claims the tumor's regressed. Well, first of all, ten year survival proves she's doing well. But it was the CAT scans, the sequential CAT scans done by her local doctor in Colorado that show the tumors were regressing, not my opinion. It was the opinion of the radiologist based on reviewing the CAT scan. Even her case, they tried to color it and make it, to make it less impressive. And then the one proponent, my one supporter, Julian Hyman, they just tried to marginalize him. You know, they had Andrew Weil and Casolith [sic] talking about me even though neither one of them have ever spent one second in my office or talked to me about my results or asked to review cases. Julian Hyman was sent by the medical board to get me fifteen years ago, became a close friend. He saw miracles, he said in a written document that he signed, he saw miracles in my office. He's not just some run of the mill oncologist. His brother was an oncologist, professor at Columbia. Dr. Hyman's son was director of the National Institutes of Mental Health. He's currently Provost of Harvard University. His nephew is a doctor, it's a really powerful and extraordinary medical family. They didn't mention anything about his family or his own background. This is an esteemed oncologist, which is why the medical board sent him to me, because they figured if anyone could get rid of me it was Julian Hyman and it turned out he saw what we were doing and became a close friend. And even, he was very interested in the hair test because he thought it was very accurate. So they left all that out. They tried to color him or mar- they couldn't leave him out because they had to have something to make it "fair," but they really, just like with Sarah Cooper, the pancreatic cancer patient, they tried to marginalize Julian Hyman. And they gave all this time to Andrew Weil and Casolith [sic], whose not even a physician or a scientist, discussing my work as if they knew anything about my work.

Robert Scott Bell: Yeah, well we know of the bias. It's most apparent regarding the fact that during many commercial breaks during daytime and nighttime media, big pharma has their commercials, so we can immediately say, ok, there's going to be some level of bias. But could the bias be going deeper? I know here we are out-creating the old media, getting a message out to those that are ready to hear it and there are many family members, friends that are talking about these things that we are doing here, that are putting a real magnifying glass on the old media. What have we learned since the Dateline appearance and since they aired it about some of the reporters or reporting that might even go deeper to help us understand this media bias that is apparent in this case but may be much larger than that.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez: Well, I've never taken Nancy Snyderman that seriously, I don't take doctors who end up doing her kind of promotional work too seriously. But Nancy's had some problems in her life. You know, 1999, she and her husband were involved in insider trading where they- she was on the board of the Koop [sic] foundation and he was setting up the website that he thought would make trillions of dollars, and that was the thinking of the 1990's. And she and her husband brokered a stock deal where their stock went from $1 to $47 a share. She and her husband made a big killing on it, it was found out and she had to give back $50,000. It was my understanding that insider trading's a crime but she didn't, apparently there was no criminal prosecution. Then in 2002 while serving as the Chief Medical Correspondent for ABC News, lo and behold she's taking money from Johnson & Johnson to do radio spots in total violation of her ABC contract and in violation of professional and journalistic ethics, ethics being what they are in journalism. But ABC was so appalled they actually suspended her, which is unheard of. She in a huff quit and went to work for, where else, Johnson & Johnson as their Vice President for Consumer Education and brought her producer Amy Schmidtz [sic] with her to Johnson & Johnson and in 2006, NBC hires her. After that history I was kind of astonished that they would have done that. And Nancy, loyal to her friends, brings Amy back on board. So they went from being suspended at ABC to working at Johnson & Johnson to back to NBC. These are people with strong industry ties, strong drug industry ties, they're not going to be interested in promoting something like my work even if it is valid.

Robert Scott Bell:
Well we've seen the revolving door between big pharma and big government, now we're seeing it between big media and big pharma. Suzanne, you've been in the media and a media figure for a long time. Was this initially kind of a disillusionment with your own industry at the time? Obviously it wasn't in news, per se, but look at what's happened?

Suzanne Somers:
I think to understand the filter and why we are not getting the truth, any of us, as the viewing public, because the pharmaceutical companies, along with food manufacturers, along with chemical companies, own the media and airwaves and they own the government. And the only thing that those of us who'd like to go another way is to go grassroots and radio shows like yours and books and just keep getting information out in another way because they've got it all sewn up. You cannot get a politician to take this side even if they believe in it because they can't forego the funding. And so it's a brilliant business model for the large corporations, but it's the doom of us. It's like genetically modified food. If the public really understood the devastating effects and what we don't know long term but what I perceive as long term could be the end of humanity with the genetically modified foods, but we're not getting the information. It doesn't have to be listed as such when you buy it. So there's a big filter, and a lot of- through that filter we are being deceived. But I do believe that human beings are smart and they can tell when somebody's onto something. I think that is why even though they try to discredit Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Bruzynski on this Dateline piece, that the response from people was that they could see through the lines. That's all you can really hope for at this point, and then there's a show like this where you can actually talk.

Robert Scott Bell:
It's beautiful. I wanna talk some more after this break about that- out-creating the new media or the old media to create the new media and get a message out there that is beyond even hopeful, it's rooted in reality. And things that we're talking about are the reality, Dr. Gonzalez and those that you covered in your book Knockout, are providing very powerful tools, simple tools that people can access. Want to talk more about that on the other side of this break with Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Stay with us, very powerful healing radio coming up after the break.

Robert Scott Bell:
Welcome back once again, thank you for being here for this special edition of the Robert Scott Bell show streaming through Naturalnews.com, thanks, a shout-out to Mike Adams for helping to make all of this possible. There's also a special interview with Dr. Nicholas Gonzales coming up later this evening. Jonathan Landsman will be doing that with Nick and maybe even Mike Adams will participate, so there's a lot of exciting things happening with this new creation, the new media and the old media is having to pay attention because people, you out there, you're putting the heat on NBC and these other things, other places, to get the truth out and you're not believing the lies that were once very easy to foment. Thanks to people such as Suzanne Somers and all of her wonderful books, including Knockout, which is really having a knockout effect out there and they're having to cover it. Thanks, Suzanne, for all that you're doing.

Suzanne Somers:
It's an honor. Having been diagnosed with cancer twice in my life, once correctly, once incorrectly, I understand the fear upon being given that death sentence and I understand what happens in that diagnostic room and in both cases in my personal situation I was offered to start chemotherapy that day. If you're not an informed patient, you are so frightened when you're diagnosed with cancer that- and most people are like children with their doctors. They do what they're told, rather then go away and say I'm going to research this. Had I been another kind of patient, I might have taken that chemotherapy and I probably wouldn't be here today. But there's a template that's in place and even the most sophisticated, the most intelligent people, when given that diagnosis will follow the standard of care. And when doctors prescribe a standard of care, say for chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, knowing that it doesn't work, they do know also that if the patient dies they can't be sued because they followed standard of care. And these are the handcuffs that are out there. So the patient has to inform themselves and that's what I try to do with my books. I speak and I'm able to listen to a Dr. Gonzalez and question him and question him and question him and I go back and did you mean, when you said this, did you mean. I figure if I can get it to a place where it absolutely makes sense backwards and forwards to me, then I'll be able to relay it to my reader.

Robert Scott Bell:
Well you realize, you know, that even as you've been in the public eye for a long time in the entertainment industry, it's just a microcosm of a larger environment. All the people of the world are just gonna be a fraction of the people who really get it, as you acknowledge we've witnessed many very wealthy Hollywood type celebrities have chosen the path of traditional allopathic oncology and end up worse or dead. And yet, there are some that have been outspoken over the years. I remember interviewing Jane Seymore many years ago and her openness to homeopathy, her sister's a homeopathic physician in England. And so there are people that still kinda were kept on the fringe a bit but they were bright lights in there, trying to do their level best. You had the courage and tenaciousness like almost nobody else to go out and do what you've done with all the books and things and Knockout is really knocking them out. I am so pleased that you included Dr. Nick in this, too because the work he's done I've seen over the years is so sensational. I don't mean to keep saying thanks-

Suzanne Somers:
He was the first person I wanted to interview. He was my first choice. I read a piece that Dr. Gonzalez wrote years ago that I saved and I kept a file and when I was in the hospital a year, two years ago being told I had cancer everywhere in my body, I said to my husband, I've been keeping a file on doctors who have been curing cancer, in most cases without drugs. I can get out of this hospital, I want you to take me to one of them. I had specifically remembered this article I had read that Nick Gonzalez had written and it so moved me, and that was the beginning of this journey.

Robert Scott Bell:
Well again, it's playing a vital role in awakening so many and Dr. Nick, it's not like you've been toiling in obscurity as well. You're right in there in Manhattan, in New York City. But at the same time I still find it so funny that they wanted to see your financial records, as if to ignore the entire field of oncology which is profiting off of sickness and death, and here you are humbly going about providing something that is so simple and beautiful, yet so profound in its impact in a positive way, empowering to many people this way.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Oh, yeah, it's amazing. By the fourth question out of Amy Schmidt's mouth during our first interview was the finances, she immediately went to the finances, because her assumption, it's a whole series of assumptions she's made that were all false- that this can't possibly work. That was her premise. So therefore, bright guys like Gonzalez must be in it just out of greed, and that had to be the case. And she was almost disappointed when I sent her my tax records. That's why she didn't have them on air, because they were so embarrassingly low.

Suzanne Somers:
I so wish they would have shown that. I would like you to make more money, Nick, but I wish-

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Well, the problem is it's not covered by insurance and we recognize that, and even though I've designed many of the- one of the mythologies in the critics of alternative medicine is that we're making all this money from supplements. I don't make any money from our supplements even though I've designed the methods for making enzymes. Because we know that if I did, which is ethical and legal to do so, it would double the cost. So, I don't get any money either directly or indirectly from the supplements. So it's just not really feasible, and it's not covered by insurance so we have to keep the cost down so people can afford it.

Suzanne Somers:
And having spoken to so many of Dr. Gonzalez's patients, they love him. If you are in email contact with Dr. Gonzalez, which all his patients are, you send him an email and you will hear back that day. You will probably hear back that hour. He works harder than anybody I know, he seems to be working from early morning til late at night. He looks tired all the time. I want him to take a vacation but he never does. It's a labor of love and passion and compassion. That should have come through also, because that's a big part of healing, is the belief that you can get better.

Robert Scott Bell:
Yeah, there's a great joy of course when you're able to help and see these things happen. You can't just help but do it more and more and you can really thrive with that kind of energy. I want to go back to the business model because Dr. Nick mentioned this. It's not covered by insurance, and he's not protected by a monopoly, what he does. There's no free market in medicine, so what he does has to compete with that which is covered by third parties, whether it be private or government. And this is another distortion of the marketplace, and Suzanne you're a wonderful business woman as well, you understand this, that when you have to compete, you innovate. You find ways to reduce cost and you want to serve the people because if you don't, then you don't have customers. But the artificial monopoly creates this customer base that I think if people, if there really was a free market for cancer treatment, I think the oncological field would by and large be out of business because of the innovation that would happen, and of course the natural methods would come to the surface because these synthetic toxic medicines would not have the protection of government that they do now.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Also, if patients had to pay for chemotherapy on their own, out of their own pocket, they would ask much more questions than they do. I mean, there's the mythology that it's free, of course it's not free, we all pay for it anyway. Insurance covers it and they don't have to pay for it. Directly, there's an indirect cost, of course. If they had to pay for chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, they'd say whoa, do I really wanna spend $100,000 on a chemotherapy regimen that extends my life maybe six weeks and causes all kinds of side effects? I don't think I wanna do that. So government actually encourages bad medicine, the way it always did, the way it always does, the way it did in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany when the government controlled healthcare. When the government controls things, when insurance companies and third parties control things, when you take it away from doctor/patient, it leads to bad medicine. Patients don't have to ask hard questions. All they do is go to the doctor and the oncologist says yeah, you have to get chemo, you have pancreatic cancer and they line up and do it. If they had to pay for it, pay $80,000, $100,000, they'd think real hard about doing it if it didn't work. They'd rather give their money to their kid, it would be more sensible. Medicine I always say is the last great religion in America. American has become very irreligious, fortunately or unfortunately, it has. People don't trust politicians, they don't trust religious leaders, they don't trust anyone except medicine. You know, medicine is like a religion, they have their temples like Memorial Sloan-Kettering, which even looks like a temple. MD Anderson and the doctors have their own language the way the great Hebrew priests did. And they have their own clothes the way the great Hebrew priests did. One of the characteristics of old priests, whatever the religion, is they have their own clothing. And of course doctors have their white coats and their stethoscopes and the instruments of their priestly class. The last remaining religion is medicine. So that's why all these rich, successful, bright people, as soon as they get cancer they run off to Sloan-Kettering, even if there's no chance in hell that it could possibly be beneficial, they run off and do it because they have such great faith that these bright, mystical priests have the answer to their problem, even when there's no evidence that they do. But it's the last reigning religion, and even their institutions look like temples.

Robert Scott Bell:
You're right, I covered this yesterday on my show, I covered this about how a whole segment of our society on the left and the right have abandoned the religion of their youth and really replaced it with modern medicine. They don't question, the cognitive ability to look at, like Suzanne is doing, she's questioning. And my gosh, that's an appropriate thing to do if there ever was one.

Suzanne Somers:
And if you question you get called a quack. Sometimes when I read things about myself, I think I am telling people that organic food, balancing their hormones, managing their stress, eliminating chemicals from their life and household as best they can, is to me just common sense. And yet when you go out there and say that, it's quackery. It's quite frustrating but at the same time there is a movement afoot, and we all know it, where people are standing back saying, like so many of the doctors I've had the privilege of interviewing, what we've been doing isn't working. We have to find another way and I think there's a lot of people who are listening to this show who are standing back and saying, something is not working, I want to find another way. When you look at a Dr. Gonzalez who is, you know, really, my husband's always trying to find ways to help him make more money, but he doesn't think like that. It's what's so charming and beautiful about him, is that, I don't know a doctor in the world who is not selling supplements and making money on supplements. It's just, you have to meet Dr. Gonzalez to understand the purity and to meet his wife who so understands who he is. This is a treasure, Dr. Gonzalez is a treasure.

Robert Scott Bell:
Absolutely, I'm in 100 percent agreement.

Suzanne Somers:
Yes, absolutely, so what has happened to me after writing Knockout is I am no longer afraid of cancer, and that's what I hope this book does for people. Depending on what cancer I have, I know what protocol I would utilize. I am the type of person who would be very compliant to Dr. Gonzalez, taking pancreatic enzymes- I already take them. Eating organic food, I already do that. Eliminating chemicals, I already do that. Sleeping eight hours a night, I already do that. I don't take any pharmaceutical drugs. I'm not anti-pharmaceutical, I just don't need them. If I needed them, I guess I would take them. So there is a way to live in this modern, polluted world with cancer at alarming rates and survive. But right now, it's really important to understand that survival is going to take some effort on your part. You can't just sit back and eat processed food and wonder why you got cancer.

Robert Scott Bell:
Right, exactly. And when we come back, we've got one short segment left with Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Really, quite a conversation, the likes of which you don't normally hear in the media about the freedom to heal and the power to heal. I just remind you that the power to heal is yours and these guys right here doing the same thing, grateful for it. We'll be back with one final segment, healing cancer and the freedom to know about the ways to do so, after this.

Robert Scott Bell:
Welcome back to the Robert Scott Bell show, special edition. Really conversational, going places that you'll never hear in the old media and we're glad to be here doing it. Suzanne Somers is my guest, as well as Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Lots of things happening in the world of let's say consciousness shifting. I mean, this is the thing. People aren't believing the same things. We talked about the church of modern medicine. My friend John Rappaport [sic] calls it the church of biological mysticism, and looking at the realities here. Suzanne's questioning and Dr. Nick questioned the things he saw as a physician, and now he's in a position, as both of them are, to help many people, empower them to basically go a different path, a different way. And our message is one of freedom, you know. We can talk, sometimes, I'm honest, I talk angrily about modern medicine because I get upset about what they did to me, but I don't, I'm not victimized by it. It taught me a lot. But the reality is we just want the freedom to chose the path that is right for us, and I think Suzanne, Dr. Nick, you both are in support of that.

Suzanne Somers:
And I think we're both, what I'm trying to do, which I know Dr. Gonzalez is trying to do, is generate trust. If you just keep telling the truth in his practice, in my books, in the interviews, just keep telling the truth so that people can read it, stand back and digest it and say, you know, that resonates. That's something that I think that I could do. That appeals to me. Because right now, what I always ask people who tell me they are about to start a regimen of chemotherapy, I always say, did you ask the doctor if I take this chemotherapy, will it cure me? Because we all know, with the exception of three kinds of cancer, the answer is no. And nobody ever asks that question. They ask, all they're ever told is that tumor will shrink, which is pretty meaningless, it gives you a little more time when the tumor shrinks. So it's asking the questions, and I think that question isn't asked because of fear.

Robert Scott Bell:
Yeah, and fear of course can create disease, including cancer. And Dr. Gonzalez, you know, even trained as a physician there's so much more to cancer than physiology, though we've gotta do our level best to clean up the physiology that's been corrupted and intoxicated. But the emotional and spiritual aspects of this are very real and most physicians don't tend to look at us as other than machines.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
No, it's interesting, when I first met the controversial Dr. Kelly who got me on this pathway toward nutrition, I was already doing research at Sloan, I was a medical student at Cornell, they're affiliated with Sloan-Kettering, and I was really a bio-chemically oriented research student who expected to spend the rest of his life in basic science research at Sloan-Kettering. I didn't even expect to see patients, I was going to go on a research path. I met Kelly, got really interested in his work and realized he was this guy from Texas who was considered crazy with coffee enemas, was reversing advanced cancer. And I was watching him work with patients in the summer of 1981 and in a break I asked him, you know, what percentage of cancer do you think is purely nutritional/biochemical? What percent's psychological and what percent's spiritual, thinking he'd say it's all nutritional, like we're laboratory rats, it's all nutritional. Which is the answer I wanted and expected. And he leaned back in his chair and said well it's 100 percent physical and nutritional in every patient, he waited 10 seconds and he said it's 100 percent psychological. He waited 10 seconds and he said it's 100 percent spiritual in every single patient, including in you. And that was a real eye-opener, and it took me about ten years to really appreciate how true that was. You know, you look at nutritional as the foundation. Humans are not laboratory rats, we're not rabbits. We really are a different creature and we have a spiritual and psychological aspect that is as important as the nutritional foundation and that will influence the physiology and biochemistry profoundly, as even conventional physicians are starting to realize. So in every single patient you have to address, not only the nutritional/physical foundation but they psychological and the spiritual, and if you don't you're gonna run into trouble because the psychological and spiritual conflicts in a patient can interfere with biochemical and physiological progress. So you need to consider all three elements always, in every patient.

Suzanne Somers:
On a lighter note, of the patients that I interviewed of Dr. Gonzalez, especially the two older women, the one who was 71 and the other one was 74, who had been clean for 12 and 17 years, and they started joking about their coffee enemas. And one said, well you know, I like French Roast.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Yeah there are all kinds of jokes, you know, about the coffee enema.

Suzanne Somers:
Well, you know, it's, most of the people relative to coffee enemas said, I've grown to enjoy it, it's a nice part of my day, it's a relaxing part of my day. I think the triumph here is that for one hour last week, for one hour, alternatives had their moment in national primetime because alternatives are a growing movement that has gotten under their skin, and even though they put it on to tear it apart, they still got a full hour and enough people became aware of options, which up til now, I don't think anyone has known there's been any other way that anybody was doing it and I know that if I was sitting at home that night and I had just been diagnosed or somebody I loved had just been diagnosed and I was full of that fear- and I know how horrible, most people are more afraid of the treatment than the cancer itself. I would've sat back and said, I'm gonna look into these options. And so in that sense, even though it's frustrating that they did not do right by Dr. Gonzalez or Dr. Burzynski, at least we had that moment and I think that we have to hold onto every little victory.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Oh yeah, I mean obviously they're taking us seriously. I mean, ten years ago they wouldn't have deemed us important enough to waste valuable NBC time on crazy people like Gonzalez, Suzanne and Burzynski. So we had our moment in the sun, even if there was an eclipse at the time, but we still had a moment in the sun.

Robert Scott Bell:
And it's only the beginning, I mean this really is a trend. It's not just an anomaly what has happened here. There's evidence that the mainstream old media is now starting to pay attention. They're looking at natural news and they're suddenly covering these stories because their own reporters don't know how to even cover them. So, inevitably there is a shift.

Suzanne Somers:
And because they themselves are getting sick. Because they themselves have a husband or a child or a mother or a sister who has been diagnosed with cancer and everyone is now afraid because it is the biggest killer in the world. So why are we closing off any avenues?

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
Someday I'm gonna write a book just about my doctor patients, my conventional doctors who were patients of mine who are doing great and a lot of them have become really good friends.

Suzanne Somers:
Wasn't there a poll taken in Canada two years ago of doctor, oncologists and all of them were asked would they, if they were diagnosed or someone in their family would they take chemotherapy? And every single one said no.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez:
They wouldn't do it.

Robert Scott Bell:
That is the shift, and you know what, fear is something we certainly don't want to end on but if there was a disease I would endorse, it's not really a disease, but it would be a fear deficiency disease because that would result in more health and more vitamin L getting into our lives and I call that vitamin L is love, which replaces the fear. And you guys, I love you dearly, actually, for what you both are doing, I appreciate you so much and this has probably been one of the fastest hours ever. Just this conversation together, and I hope we'll have an opportunity to do more and there are a lot of things that are happening that you'll be a big part of and I'm grateful for both of you. Suzanne, please tell everybody your website again.

Suzanne Somers:
Suzannesomers.com, thank you.

Robert Scott Bell:
Very easy and Dr. Nick Gonzalez also has dr-gonzalez.com. I have both of them linked up at the blog and we'll do a lot more healing here on the Robert Scott Bell show. Thank you for being a part of this special edition of the Robert Scott Bell show, a conversation with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Suzanne Somers. We'll have lots more things that you won't get anywhere else in the media. And remember, the thing that I try to do everyday here is to remind you that the power to heal is yours.

Source: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com

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