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Post-Gardasil Syndrome

Post-Gardasil Syndrome - the new name for the spectrum of side effects following HPV vaccination

Wednesday, December 07, 2011 by: Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC.
Tags: Post-Gardasil Syndrome, HPV vaccines, side effects

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(NaturalNews) 2007 Ohio: 21 year old college student, Brittney (http://sanevax.org/brittany-from-ohio/), was told by her family doctor she needed the Gardasil vaccine to protect her from getting an HPV (human papillomavirus) infection via an accident at her college lab. Afraid that the doctor may be right and after being assured there were no risks involved, she consented to vaccination with Gardasil. New medical conditions began to appear almost immediately. After the second dose, Brittney lost the use of her legs. Four years and more than 40 medical specialists later, she has still not recovered from the extensive list of 'new medical conditions' aka adverse events she began to experience after Gardasil. She still suffers from PGS (Post-Gardasil Syndrome).

2010 California: A mother takes her 13 year old daughter for a routine check-up. When the doctor is informed that they have decided Gardasil is not right for her, the doctor asks to speak with the child alone. After taking the girl into a private room, she is told horror stories about cervical cancer from HPV and informed that she can have the vaccine right now and doesn't even have to tell her mother. The girl still refuses. The pediatrician then escorts mom and daughter to the waiting room and announces loudly that "Your refusal to take Gardasil puts you at risk of getting cancer and dying should you be raped."

2011 Canada: A 13-year old girl presents a signed vaccine waiver form for Gardasil to her school nurse. Camille's mother had even gone so far as to call the school on the morning Gardasil injections were scheduled to make sure there would be no problem with their decision to refuse this particular vaccine. Two school nurses spend a total of 25 minutes threatening, cajoling and intimidating Camille (http://sanevax.org/victim-of-post-gardasil-s...) until she finally gave in and consented to the injection. She was told not to show her mother the vaccination record. Barely two hours later, she was admitted to the hospital - another victim of Post-Gardasil Syndrome suffering fever, rash, fainting, fatigue, weakness, headaches, stomach pains, urinary infection, and abscesses in her mouth, vision impairment and oral Candida.

February 2011, Tennessee: Wendy's daughter had been ill. After a couple of weeks, when she was still not feeling quite normal, Wendy decided to take her to the pediatrician for a check-up. The doctor walked in the examining room, looked at the girl's medical chart, and said she needs her chicken pox vaccination. Wendy informed him that she had already had her chicken pox vaccine. Doctor explained that it was time for a booster, so she agreed.
Then the pediatrician informs Wendy that her daughter will be receiving four shots that day - chicken pox, hepatitis A, meningitis and Gardasil. Wendy had no objections to the first three, but she had done some research on Gardasil and decided this particular vaccine was right for her daughter. She told the doctor that under no circumstances was her daughter going to get Gardasil.

The doctor proceeded to argue with her, trying very hard to convince her to allow her daughter to get the shot. He went so far as to present arguments like, "What if she is raped? You can drive a car with no insurance, but if you get in an accident - you're done." Wendy held her ground - the doctor threw up his arms and left. All of this time, he never inquired about the girl's illness.

Enter the nurse, with four syringes instead of three. When Wendy informs her that the Gardasil will not be injected, the nurse sternly replies, "Well, he wrote it down and I am giving it to her!" A brief shouting match later, Wendy and her daughter leave the pediatrician's office - without the Gardasil injection.

Consider the serious adverse reactions reported after Gardasil injections. Steven Rubin posted disturbing data on the MedAlerts Blog (http://medalerts.org/analysis/archives/367), sponsored by NVIC, regarding reports filed with VAERS. Refer to the chart in the blog for reference.

Number of Serious Events Reported to VAERS by Disease:
The chart clearly illustrates serious HPV vaccine injury reports filed were more than double the number of similar events reported for other 'CDC-recommended vaccines' administered in the 7-18 age group despite the fact that Gardasil is not yet the most widely used vaccine in that cohort.
Any VAERS report that indicates hospitalization, permanent disability, life-threatening illness, congenital anomaly or death is classified as serious.
Of the 75 FDA-approved vaccines, two HPV vaccines account for 16% of the entire VAERS database. What is wrong with this picture?

In the United Kingdom, according to Anne Milton (UK Health Minister), one out of every six adverse reactions reported after Cervarix is considered serious. PCS (Post-Cervarix Syndrome) is becoming all too prevalent in their teen population.

PGS (Post-Gardasil Syndrome) is being experienced around the world. Thousands of parents (acceptable collateral damage?) are left trying to put the pieces of their child's former life back together, or worse - trying to put their own lives together without the children who were once there.
Still, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, medical professionals and health authorities continue to push so-called 'safe and effective' HPV vaccines on their innocent, uninformed patients. Does pediatric pressure promote PGS/PCS? Research, look at the evidence and then decide.
Medical consumers are banding together world-wide to inform themselves. They are examining the hard scientific data, consulting experts and determining what is best for their own health.

Most importantly, victims of PGS/PCS are shouting their stories from the rooftops. Families are telling the world in no uncertain terms their children are real people - not statistics, and certainly not acceptable collateral damage in a mass medical covert experiment to determine whether or not HPV vaccines have any impact on cancer fifteen to twenty years down the road.

Medical consumers are no longer willing to accept a 'poke and hope' proposition with their children being used as the guinea pigs. It is time for the medical community to wake up and pay attention to the science. It is time for government health officials to do the job they are paid to do. It is time for governments to get out of the vaccine business and start protecting their constituents' health and safety.

It is long past time for independent, well designed studies on HPV vaccine safety, efficacy, and need. Medical consumers will accept nothing less.

[Note: If you, or a friend, suffer from PGS/PCS, please contact us at admin@sanevax.org, we will be happy to help you be a part of the solution by telling your story.]

By Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc. (http://sanevax.org/).

About the author:
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.

We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the market until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are committing our efforts to an educational media campaign to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV vaccines.

SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking production of the One More Girl Documentary which will premier in 2012. Please join our cause by contributing to this project by contacting Ryan Richardson, Producer at ryan@onemoregirlfilm.com.

For more information, please visit our site at http://sanevax.org/.

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