(NaturalNews) We live in interesting times. Even as our own civilization hangs on the precipice of financial solvency, the priorities of the uninformed masses as so distorted that many will actually
camp out in front of a Best Buy store in order to be the first in line to save $100 on a big-screen TV. In a time when the very problems of society are rooted in over-consumption and
too much television, the everyday pleebs place such high importance on expanding the size of their mainstream media hypnosis devices that they will physically fight each other to get one of these TVs at a slightly lower price.
Meanwhile, the federal debt has plunged past $15 trillion, the freedoms and liberties upon which America built its economic strength are fast eroding, and the U.S. has practically entered a fighting war with
Pakistan (
Pay no mind to any of that, friends. Wal-Mart has teflon-coated waffle makers on sale for two bucks off!
Sleight-of-mind distractions
Meanwhile, the 2012 presidential election races are under way, and the mainstream media seems determined to catapult anyone into the White House as long as his name isn't Ron Paul. The last thing the globalist controllers really want is someone who dares to tell the People the truth about topics that matter -- the Federal Reserve, national debt, foreign wars, the Bill of Rights and more. Presidents are supposed to be
entertainers and
distracters, didn't you know? When a nation's collision with financial reality is all but inescapable, that nation inevitably turns to
bread and circuses.
And so sleight-of-mind distractions invite the masses to invest their attention in dancing with the stars, lusting after the latest electronics gadgets, and tuning in to staged news footage from the front lines of the fabricated "war on terror" where U.S. troops are now openly engaged in the planting, harvesting and protecting of the
opium trade in Afghanistan. You can talk about anything you want in America, it seems, as long as it's not the Bill of Rights, or buying something with cash, or exercising your Free Speech rights -- because all of those things are now considered signs of being a suspected
Layers of deceit
The most astonishing thing about it all is how many layers of wool have been pulled over the eyes of the American people, most of whom suffer under the illusion that they still live in a "free" country. Where to begin in educating
people about this? First, there's the engineered "war on terror" which was entirely invented, carried out and sold to the American people as a way to justify more war spending and the stripping away of fundamental human rights.
Then there's the economic quackery taking place right under our noses as the Federal Reserve -- a private corporation that answers to no one -- has been quietly and deliberately stealing America's wealth for nearly a hundred years. Following the
money is simply too difficult for mainstream Americans, who are unable to grasp how purchasing power is deliberately stolen from them through the dilution of the money supply. You're never
supposed to get ahead, don't you know? A common wage earner can no more save money and make it into the ranks of the ultra wealthy than a frog can transform into a magical unicorn. That's because a small percentage of your wealth -- everything you've worked for -- is stolen from you year after year, much like the way in which rain erodes a pile of sand that you might have stacked and shoveled into a mound.
The economic deceit is designed to keep you enslaved; to keep you
working for the globalist corporations that pocket the profits of your labors -- and usually tax-free! Two examples:
Bank of America pays NO taxes (
http://www.thestreet.com/story/11059978/bank...), and General Motors also runs a sweet offshore
tax shelter structure that makes it virtually immune to paying taxes at all:
http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/23/news/compani...Meanwhile, YOU are taxed when you earn (payroll taxes, paid by your employer), taxed when you save (capital gains taxes) and taxed when you spend (sales taxes). You're even taxed when you just sit on a pile of money and do nothing (monetary devaluation / price inflation). And remarkably, some of the more ignorant members of society have been out protesting, calling for
more taxes on the People as a "solution" to all this!
No, my friends. We do not need more taxes on the People. In fact, let me explain something to you that will absolutely astonish you once you grasp the simple truth of it:
The U.S. government needs NO TAX MONEY whatsoever to operate!The myth of government needing tax money
How's that? You've all been told the government needs a few trillion dollars a year in tax revenues to build bombs, make roads, pay social security benefits and the like, right?
It is the Great Lie of our time. Allow me to explain...
The idea that the U.S.
government needs us
to send it our money is rooted in the false assumption that the government cannot simply
create the money it wants to spend. And yet, we all now know that to be false. For example, in October 2008 during the first investment banker crisis, the U.S. government (via the Federal Reserve) simply
created nearly $1 trillion and handed that money over to the richest, filthiest banksters on the planet. Here's a partial list of who received the money (and this list isn't even up to date)
http://projects.propublica.org/bailout/listWhere did this money come from? Think about it. Did you send in some cash to help with this bailout? Of course not.
The money was created out of thin air by the U.S. Treasury working in conspiracy with the Federal Reserve.
And that wasn't even the end of it: Between 2008 and 2011, the U.S. government conspired with the Federal Reserve to
create trillions more -- in what can only be called "counterfeit" money -- and then hand it over to the world's wealthiest corporations, banks and institutions. According to the New York Times, the U.S. government has now committed
$12.2 trillion to these institutions:
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/02/0...Okay, so where is all this money coming from? Did the U.S. government ask every taxpayer to send in a check to cover this $12 trillion? Nope, because that would have required
each American man, woman and child to pay $40,000 just to cover it. That obviously didn't happen, so where did this money come from?
The government just CREATED the money out of thin air.
There is technically no need for federal income taxes
Here's the kicker in all this: The government could be creating money right now to
end the entire federal tax system so that no American citizen would ever need to pay tax again. The tax code, after all, was originally created only to tax
corporations, not the People. Yet today it's the wealthiest corporations that are paying no tax while the People are being bankrupted by it.
So the government, you see, could simply
create the few trillion dollars it needs each year to pay for defense spending (bombs and bullets), interest on the debt, social security, Medicare, etc. And that means the government technically doesn't need YOUR tax dollars at all!
Now, of course, it would be financial suicide for the government to keep
creating trillions of dollars each year, thereby eroding the purchasing power of the dollar and resulting in price inflation across the nation -- but
it's doing that anyway! In other words, the government is already CREATING trillions of dollars in new money, year after year, solely for the benefit of the wealthy banksters and global corporate giants. So if the government is already headed into total financial insolvency (runaway debt increases combined with an upcoming currency collapse) -- why not use this suicidal process to
help the People for a while instead of just bailing out the wealthy corporations?
Imagine this: The IRS announces a cancellation of the personal income tax. You no longer have to file on April 15th. You can keep all the money you've earned, other than state income taxes.
Can you imagine the
economic boom that would result? People who earn more will spend more, thereby unleashing a domino effect of new job creation across the economy. People would be happier, stress would be lowered, and we would probably see a reduction in heart attacks and suicides, too. The federal government, meanwhile, would simply create a couple of trillion dollars each year to fund its own budgetary needs, and we could all
ride this insane financial monster into the ground together while at least avoiding the hassle of filling out a stack of income tax paperwork every April.
There's no question, you see, that the U.S. government is headed into total financial insolvency. I'm just saying that as long as we're headed that way, we should be bailing out the People instead of bailing out the rich banksters and wealthy corporations. Why not cancel the income tax next April 15th and announce an
income tax bailout for the working people?
Don't you see that the bankster bailouts are
the most obscene example of crony capitalism? The money goes to the insider pals while the debt burden is heaped upon the working poor. That's the real problem with America -- not
capitalism, but
criminality!The real purpose of the income tax - it's not what you think
So if the tax code is not needed to generate money for the government, what is its purpose, you ask?
The purpose of the federal tax code is to keep you down, to keep your face buried in the dirt so that you can never rise up and "get ahead." The purpose is
not to fund the federal government itself, as you've been told. The government has already proven it can create trillions of dollars
when it really wants to.
So remember that as you're out spending your after-tax dollars this holiday season. Most of what you have been told by conventional, mainstream sources is pure fabrication: The War on Terror, the "danger" of marijuana, the "right" of the government to reach down your pants at the airport, and of course the "need" for you to "contribute" to the government to pay for roads and schools. It's all so hilariously fictional that we should all be rolling on the floor laughing about it if we weren't already writhing from the pain of writing all those checks to the government.
Taxes, you see, are really just a
financial shakedown. They are an exercise of thuggish government power over the common people for no purpose than to remind the People they are slaves to the state. And for that purpose, federal taxes are very, very effective. Much like the fictional War on Terror, the IRS reminds everybody to "be afraid" and comply.
And it works. Even I comply with the federal tax code and dutifully pay what seems to be far too much to the federal government every single year. The difference is that
I know it's all a silly game and has nothing whatsoever to do with actually funding government operations. So I pay, and I chuckle, and I continue to work toward the day when we may see the rise of
social justice in America where the money supply is honest, the corporations are stripped of their fictional "rights," and everyone shares equally in the funding of running a
smaller government whose main function is to protect and preserve the rights of the People... not to rule over them like tyrants.
Happy Holidays from NaturalNews. Enjoy your Christmas season, but as you spend money this year, I encourage you to look at that money in an enlightened way and realize the deeper truth of where money comes from, how it is created, and how government use money confiscation (and devaluation) to weaken the economic power of the People while concentrating it in the hands of the few.
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