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How to fight a grassroots battle against Monsanto -- and win!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 by: PF Louis
Tags: Monsanto, boycotts, health news

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(NaturalNews) Writing to congressmen, the FDA and Obama, to stop Monsanto from contaminating the food chain, has proven fruitless. It's no use pretending we have a representative government when we are faced with a corporate plutocracy that owns the government.

Careerists have used the revolving doors between biotech industry and the USDA and FDA for years. Obama has chosen one of Monsanto's top revolving door careerists, Michael Taylor, as his "Food Czar." "So what now must we do?"

Boycotting GMOs

This makes good sense. But the biotech industry's successful lobbying for exemption from existing label legislation makes boycotting difficult. They are not required to label GMOs or foods containing GMOs. So how can the public know?

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and founder of The Institute for Responsible Technology, has spearheaded the boycott movement with campaigns for educating the public of what foods to avoid.

Jeffrey's strategy is to achieve a market tipping point where food processors realize they're losing a substantial market share by using GMOs in their products. He realizes labeling is an issue that needs to be circumvented.

Cornucopia website recently published a list of cereals and other processed "natural" foods that appear in health food stores containing GMOs. That list was recently featured by Mike Adams, who also explains the "natural" food con. (source below)

Organic Consumer Association (OCA) has created a Millions Against Monsanto section on its website. OCA head Ronnie Cummins has vigorously campaigned health food retailers to bypass the government's collusion with Monsanto and label GMO appropriately.

"The GMO Free Project" is a third party non-profit committee that has taken the task of getting food processors to voluntarily submit their products for testing to earn their "GMO Free" label.

That label has two distinctions: The "Verified" designation means just that. "Enrolled" means the food processor has signed on but the product hasn't been tested yet. Not everyone is on board yet, but it's a start.

Legal system guerrilla warfare

This has recently just started for real, and should be pursued vigorously. The crux of Monsanto's monopoly is their manipulation of patent laws. PUBPAT, a group of lawyers concerned with patent malfeasance has recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of 60 organic trade associations and farmer groups challenging Monsanto's patent issues.

The current case challenges Monsanto's intimidating and suing farmers for patent right infringement when their crops are contaminated by GMO crop fields. PUBPAT is challenging other issues, such as Monsanto's illegal double patents. A direct hit on this point could strike a lethal biotech wound.

GMO contracted farmers now have to assume liability for suits from farmers whose crops have been contaminated. This is mostly motivated by successful contamination suits against Bayer Corporation for their GMO Liberty Link rice, which is experimental and not approved.

The most recent Bayer award went to Riceland Foods, the largest rice cooperative in the USA. Riceland had claimed huge revenue losses because of Europe's refusal to buy the contaminated rice.

Other rice farmer and distribution groups had been awarded earlier. Bayer's total for these awards is estimated at close to a billion dollars.
And there have been international suits pending as well. Most of these are based on planting GMO crops in EU nations where they are banned.

The biotech industry is aggressive and vicious with efforts to expand their empire. Monsanto even uses Xe Services, a privately owned security agency formerly called Blackwater, which is a mercenary group. They have been assigned the task of locating and isolating biotech seed resistors internationally and "influencing" them.

A suggestion: Exploit Monsanto's recent assigning contamination liability to GMO contracted farmers with the growing number of GMO farmers who are disappointed with their sagging yields and rising prices for seeds and pesticides through Monsanto.

This would take like minded legal foundations to link up with the disenfranchised farmers and create a blowback that would stagger the biotech industry. Someone should coordinate this effort as soon as possible.

We need a tsunami of boycotts and legal actions against the biotech industry. We must all do what we can to resist the biotech industry's efforts to control the food supply.

Educate yourself. Stay tuned with Natural News, and check out Organic Consumers Association and Institute for Responsible Technology's websites.
Our future is at stake with this clear and present biotech danger.

Sources for this article include:

Video of Dr. Don Hubert on latest crop disease threat from Monsanto's Roundup http://vimeo.com/22997532

Mike Adams on Cornucopia's list of GMO cereals https://www.naturalnews.com/033838_breakfast_...

Appeals court rules organic farmers can sue biotech firms if their crops are contaminated https://www.naturalnews.com/033216_GMO_contam...

The PUBPAT suit http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/...

Riceland/Bayer and more http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/art...


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