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(Part I) The FDA is a clearing house for the Food and Drug Corruption

Saturday, November 20, 2010 by: Paul Fassa
Tags: FDA, corruption, health news

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(NewsTarget) The virtual clearing house of corruption for Big Pharma, the AMA, Agribusiness and Big Dairy in America, is the FDA. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tentacles in all that`s wrong with medicine and food. It has the authority to incorporate other agencies for its tyrannical actions on organic food providers, non-AMA health practitioners, supplements, and natural cures that are not profitable to Big Pharma.

The FDA`s executive revolving door to and from key government positions also manages to seat industry executives among its internal committees or even use them as advisers. Since many of these executives govern multinational food and drug corporations, their conflicts of interest also negatively influence food and drug policies outside the USA.

The Milk Wars

The raids on small, organic dairy farms and farmers have greatly increased lately. Raw milk dairies and buying clubs are raided unannounced with overkill. These swat team raids are conducted on small families and peaceful individuals. Vicious drug lords are rarely approached as aggressively. It`s obviously easier to pick on non-violent farmers.

There are no reports of illness or complaints from those who use the raw milk and its products. And there are no dangerous levels of pathogenic bacteria ever found in the milk that is seized and destroyed. Yet the destructive raids that are financially catastrophic for small family farms continue.

Meanwhile, large egg agribusiness and meat producers and non-organic produce distributors wreak salmonella havoc throughout large population sectors with relative impunity. They are not shut down, and a recall of current products is the worst these corporate enterprises endure.

Ironically, the large corporate factory farms` poisoning thousands every now and then encourages Congress (heavily lobbied or contributed to by corporate agribusiness interests) to promote and pass legislation that hampers small organic farmers even more. Procedures such as food irradiation are also legislated, which negate organic food`s nutritional advantages. Commercial farm foods are already dead. So it`s no big deal to them.

The terrible and inhumane conditions of factory farming create diseased livestock. Hormones and antibiotics are injected into dairy and egg producing livestock. They are forcibly fed mostly GMO corn in crowded stalls instead of grazing in open fields to consume their natural foods. All of this unhealthy livestock management gets passed on and into the consumer with the blessing of the FDA.

But it`s the small organic farmers who respect nature more than the bottom line while producing healthy foods and who get raided and shut down. Obviously, food safety is not the FDA`s priority. Enforcing mafia like turf protection for factory farming and agribusiness is the FDA`s primary function.

What GMOs, MSG, and Aspartame Have in Common

Independent research has proven all of them to be toxic precursors for long term bad health and serious disease, yet they are all considered "generally safe for human consumption" by the FDA.

The corruption is also ubiquitous in the medical field. Big Pharma pays "user fees" to the FDA for the opportunity to fund their own research and clinical trials for faster approval. The result has been a codependency of the FDA with Big Pharma`s biased drug trial conclusions. Consequently, the lucrative market place becomes the true drug trial. Many thousands have died as a result.

According to former FDA scientist and whistle blower David Graham, "It [FDA] views industry [Big Pharma] as its client, and the client is someone whose interest you represent. Unfortunately, that`s the way the FDA is currently structured."

More details on how this clearing house for corruption operates coming in subsequent articles.

Sources for this article include:

The Medical Debasing of Humanity by Mark Sircus http://blog.imva.info/medicine/the-medical-d...

More Doubts About Food Safety Legislation http://www.grist.org/article/2010-10-30-the-...

Scientific Consensus: MSG, GMOs, and Aspartame are Good for Your Health - by Wally Paul http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/scienti...

Exposing Conflict of Interests at the FDA http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/a...

About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

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