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Build Strong Teeth From the Inside Out

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 by: Melissa Sokulski
Tags: teeth, kidney energy, health news

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(NewsTarget) According to Chinese medicine, the Kidneys store essence (jing) and control growth, development and reproduction. In the Five Phase Theory of Chinese medicine they correspond to the Water element and reflect the winter season, cold climate, black color, emotion of fear and the taste of salt. Weak kidney energy will show itself in dental caries, as well as in infertility, growth and maturation issues, weak bones, low back and knee pain, premature gray hair, and ringing in the ears among other things.

Dental health is a reflection of one's kidney essence or jing. Two factors determine the strength of one's kidney essence: Prenatal or inherited jing and post natal jing. Post natal jing means that kidney essence can be built by food and conserved by lifestyle. Kidney essence is naturally depleted as we age, turning into wisdom. Physically it can be conserved by eating right, taking replenishing herbs and having a healthy lifestyle.

Ways to Boost Kidney Energy:

It is possible to boost our kidney energy and improve the health of our teeth. Jing-building foods such as sea vegetables - arame, wakame, hijiki, kelp, and dulse - are beneficial. Herbs such as He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) also build kidney energy and are especially helpful when we also have signs of graying hair or hair loss. A diet rich in fresh raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds can benefit our kidneys. Finally, consuming unpasteurized dairy foods such as raw milk and yogurt can be very beneficial to our teeth and bone development, according to pioneering dentist Weston Price.

To Conserve Kidney Energy

It is also possible to conserve the kidney energy we have. Specific lifestyle choices can benefit our kidney essence and keep our bodies and teeth strong and healthy.

  1. Do not overwork physically: too much exercise and heavy lifting drains kidney energy.
  2. In men too much ejaculation weakens kidney energy. For women childbirth is taxing on the kidney energy.
  3. Avoid processed foods like white flours, sugar, hydrogenated oils.
  4. Engage in energy building exercises such as Tai Chi or Qi Gung.

Some people are born with ample kidney jing and naturally have strong teeth and bones. Most people in America have an inherited weakness of kidney energy, and the standard American diet and lifestyle depletes it even more. Today dental caries are considered an epidemic problem, and most dentists do not realize that dental health is a reflection of a deeper issue: the health of the whole body. Proper care and cleaning of teeth are essential and rinsing with a baking soda solution can be helpful to keep the mouth from becoming acidic, an environment in which bacteria thrive. Keeping our bodies balanced and strong is the best thing for us to do for our overall health, which includes strong teeth.

Weston Price Foundation: http://www.westonaprice.org/
Pitchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods. North Atlantic Books. Berkeley, CA.
Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine. Acupuncture, A Comprehensive Text. Eastland Press. Seattle.
Bensky, Dan and Gamble, Andrew. Chinese Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica. Eastland Press. Seattle.

About the author

Melissa Sokulski is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and founder of the website Food Under Foot, a website devoted entirely to wild edible plants. The website offers plant descriptions, photographs, videos, recipes and more. Her new workbook, Wild Plant Ally, offers an exciting, hands-on way to learn about wild edible plants.
Melissa also runs The Birch Center for Health in Pittsburgh, PA, providing the best in complementary health care: acupuncture, therapeutic massage and herbal medicine.

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