(NaturalNews) Conventional medicine's explanations of HIV and AIDS are a medical myth at best; and outright quackery at worst. There is no such thing as a virus that "causes" AIDS, since the very definition of AIDS is widely disputed by scientists around the world. (And patients are often diagnosed with AIDS who have no HIV whatsoever.)
In conjunction with the release of the myth-busting documentary
House of Numbers (, NaturalNews has pulled together a collection of fascinating quotes from top health authors and researchers who challenge conventional thinking about HIV and AIDS. If you've been suckered into Big Pharma's lies about HIV and AIDS, you will find the information here absolutely shocking. What's said here calls into question the entire basis of the "AIDS industry" with all their (failed) vaccines and patented prescription drugs.
It seems that the AIDS hoax is about to be publicly exposed. As the
House of Numbers documentary explains, "a world without AIDS may be closer than you think."
In fact, it may exist already.
This doesn't mean that people aren't suffering from very real immune suppression disorders; it just means the conventional mythology that attempts to explain the causes of this immune suppression is factually wrong. Read more below to learn the details...
The AIDS myth exposed
The renaming of old diseases as AIDS further supports the hypothesis that the AIDS syndrome is never found in anyone without presence of HIV. By definition, there is no
AIDS without HIV, regardless how many non-HIV people may die from the very same symptoms. Accordingly, anything that even remotely resembles immune deficiency plus HIV now counts as an AIDS disease, despite the fact that AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma have been reported to have normal immune systems. It has been argued that wherever there is HIV, AIDS will be the consequence. However, this argument is heavily flawed.
Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas MoritzTwo of the 16 patients in the control group developed AIDS. In another study, 10 HIV positive patients without AIDS took 150-225 mg glycyrrhizin daily. After 1-2 years, none developed symptoms associated with AIDS or AIDS-related complex (ARC), while one of 10 patients of a matched control group developed ARC and two progressed to AIDS and subsequently died. The result of glycyrrhizin in HIV-positive and AIDS patients is almost immediate improvement in immune function. In one study, nine symptom-free HIV-positive patients received 200-800 mg glycyrrhizin in vitro daily. After 8 weeks.
Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1 by Michael T. Murray, NDIt was obvious that the FTC was not interested in whether Immune Plus helped in the treatment of AIDS; they were only interested in curtailing its marketing. The FTC alleged that Immune Plus was being advertised as a "cure" for AIDS. At no time did True Health or International White Cross claim to have a cure. Test results in the Immune Plus ad were taken directly from the nutritional AIDS test, and True Health sold the exact same formula that was used in their AIDS test to International White Cross.
Innocent Casualties : The FDA's War Against Humanity by Elaine FeuerHe sees AIDS as a sort of catch-all term that "spuriously links 29 (at last count) old and extremely heterogeneous AIDS indicator diseases together with a presumption of
HIV infection." Those who believe in AIDS as a new syndrome, he says, would have a case if, indeed, it were "a serious disease of acquired immune deficiency without preexisting or induced immune deficiency." The problem is that "in all verifiable cases, demonstrable immune-suppressive disease and/or treatment have always preceded" the onset of AIDS.
AIDS: A Second Opinion by Gary Null, James FeastIn fact, he showed that HIV alone could not cause AIDS. Increasing evidence indicates that AIDS may be a toxicity syndrome or metabolic disorder that is caused by immunity risk factors, including heroin, sex-enhancement drugs, antibiotics, commonly prescribed AIDS drugs, rectal intercourse, starvation, malnutrition, and dehydration. Dozens of prominent scientists working at the forefront of AIDS research now openly question the virus hypothesis of AIDS.
Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism by Andreas MoritzWhen this happens disease runs rampant, as we see with the immune destroyer known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS. People don't die from AIDS; they die from diseases that their shot immune systems can't deal with. Ironically, vaccinations are supposed to boost the
immune system when, in truth, they undermine it. All the crap they put into vaccines is another attack that the immune defence has to cope with and this reduces its ability to meet other challenges effectively by making the DNA/RNA misfire.
Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion by David Icke, Icke DavidIn this study, the immune systems of mice were blocked by infecting them with a retrovirus that causes mouse AIDS and/or feeding them ethanol. They measured certain immune system functions, then gave them Pycnogenol and measured them again. Researchers found out that immune stimulators were increased, immune suppressors decreased, and
natural killer cells were stronger. In other words, even when the immune system was barely working, Pycnogenol brought it back. Research in this direction may be very significant for those interested in the AIDS virus.
The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century by James F. Balch, M.D.Another report also noted low serum zinc levels in those with AIDS but not other stages of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. A child with AIDS was found to have all the signs and symptoms of a zinc-deficiency disorder. It is still unclear why these AIDS patients have low serum zinc levels. What is clear is that this aspect of the AIDS problem should be vigorously pursued. These exciting findings justify further clinical trials to determine the effects of supplementary zinc on the immune system and in the treatment of immune disorders such as AIDS.
The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia by Sheldon Saul HendlerFormula for Chronic Viral Syndromes (HIV Infection, ARC, AIDS, Herpes, CMV, EBV) Note: By now, virtually everyone has heard of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). What many do not know is that AIDS does not have to be fatal. There are those with AIDS who have survived in relatively good health for several years now. An ever increasing number are surviving longer and longer. The secret is to pay attention to details. These include diet, exercise, stress reduction, use of supplements, immune enhancers, anti-viral agents and taking steps to prevent the diseases associated with AIDS.
The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia by Sheldon Saul HendlerIt is important to note that while all people with AIDS are HIV-positive, not all people with HIV develop AIDS. Most HIV-positive people develop AIDS within eight to twelve years after first contracting the virus, but some develop it much faster, and many others still remain healthy decades after contracting HIV It appears that people who are able to ward off full-blown AIDS are those whose immune systems are the strongest. Therefore, complementary therapies for HIV and AIDS work to bolster the ability of the immune system to fight infection.
Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More by James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.The AIDS hypothesis is more fundamental: the hypothesis that "AIDS" exists in any rationally definable way. "AIDS" was from the very beginning a phoney construct, the product of muddled thinking and hidden agendas. Under the obfuscatory rubric of "AIDS" lies the reality of people who are sick in diverse ways and for diverse reasons. The first cases were identified among gay men. (It was then called "GRID", which stood for "Gay-Related Immune Deficiency".) The CDC trumpeted forth the message that the gay men with "AIDS" had been incredibly promiscuous.
The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex by John LauritsenDuesberg also questions the proposition that the cause of AIDS is the retrovirus HIV. He has referred to the AIDS virus as a harmless "passenger" virus, just another virus among many living parasitically in the human body, and he claims that a positive HIV test is merely a viral marker (and not indicative of the cause) indicating immune system damage. In his opinion, based upon exhaustive research, AIDS is an immune deficiency disorder caused by overuse of recreational drugs and a lifestyle that burns the candle at both ends, including promiscuous sex. Eventually, the immune system collapses.
Viral Immunity by J. E. Williams, O.M.D.These statements may seem bold to the point of being outrageous to anyone who keeps up with the AIDS story by following it in the mass media. However, there is one thing that escalating predictions of the ravages of AIDS conveniently tend to leave out of their reports. That, in many cases, when a report of a sudden increase of AIDS patients is made, it is accompanied by a redefinition of what the disease is. Recall that people only die indirectly of AIDS. AIDS weakens the immune system and then they die of another disease, such as tuberculosis.
Get Healthy Now with Gary Null: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Healthy living by Gary NullAbdullah says the discovery has implications for not only infections and cancer, but also for AIDS, in which immune functioning fails. Garlic, he says, might rev up immune defenses in AIDS patients; it also may directly combat the many fungal-type infections AIDS patients fall prey to. Dr. Abdullah is convinced lower doses of garlic boost immunity, too, but he deliberately used a big dose to make sure he got an effect. He is planning tests using garlic on AIDS patients.
The Food Pharmacy: Dramatic New Evidence That Food Is Your Best Medicine by Jean CarperTo overpower AIDS, you might have to destroy the entire AIDS-infiltrated immune system; after all, antibiotics, in their attempt to destroy a single specific microbe, indiscriminately kill everything, including resident friendly bacteria. But if you destroy the immune system, you've killed the patient faster, even more efficiently than AIDS. If you go after the secondary, opportunistic infections (KS, CMV, Pneumocystis carinii) with strong antibiotics and chemother-apeutics, you may destroy a radically underachieving immune system and the patient as well.
Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom by Richard LevitonNumerous studies have also demonstrated that people who suffer from immune-suppressed conditions, such as AIDS, are often deficient in selenium. Exactly how selenium boosts the immune system is unclear. Researchers speculate that the immune stimulation may be due to selenium's antioxidant activity and its ability to protect important immune-related tissues in the lymph system and the thymus against free-radical damage. Like vitamin E, selenium may also play an important immune-related role by protecting the integrity of cell membranes, thus improving their overall function.
Off-the-Shelf Natural Health by Mark MayellWe might say AIDS in Africa is being overcounted at both ends. To calculate the number of infected people, a fallible AIDS test is used; while to calculate how many people are dying of the immune deficiency disease, a large number of deaths that seem to have been due to other causes are attributed to the illness. Remember this fundamental point: People do not die from AIDS but from associated diseases that take over once AIDS has weakened the immune system.
AIDS: A Second Opinion by Gary Null, James FeastThe evidence clearly suggested that AIDS and other immune-related diseases manifested after the immune system had been compromised by a period of insults and debilitation, especially from daily diet. It also gave support to Michio's larger perspective: that appropriate diet could do much to improve the strength of the body's immune response. Since 1980, an explosion of information had occurred in scientific understanding of the immune system. Cottrell followed the developing medical literature closely; she also studied the existing research for links between nutrition and immune response.
The Way of Hope: Michio Kushi's Anti-Aids program by Tom MonteA growing number of medical professionals are pointing toward the rebuilding of the immune power through nutrition and related natural therapies as the key to winning the battle against AIDS. In his book Healing AIDS Naturally, Laurence Badgley, M.D., recounts the stories of eight men who cured themselves of AIDS through a combination of natural therapies to rebuild immune power, focused heavily upon nutrition.
Reclaim Your Health: Nutritional Strategies for Conquering Chronic Ailments by Anne Frahm, David FrahmIf HIV were the cause of AIDS, it would have to do this during the two phases of HIV infection where blood levels of HIV are significant: 1. Soon after infection when the immune system produces antibodies. 2. At the very end stage of AIDS when the levels of all viral activity increase because the immune system has collapsed (due other reasons than HIV infection). There is enough scientific data to show that HIV, being and remaining inactive even in AIDS patients, does not kill T-cells and, therefore, cannot cause AIDS!
Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas MoritzBecause of these and other discrepancies, there is much confusion and dissent about what AIDS really is and even if it is accurate to classify it as a disease entity. The common factor that all these disconnected symptoms and diseases revolve around is HIV. If HIV antibodies are detected, these diseases converge as AIDS; if not, then they are diagnosed simply for what they are. In other words, any degree of immune suppression in the presence of HIV is classified as AIDS. But the same degree of immune suppression in the absence of HIV is by definition not AIDS.
Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition by Larry Trivieri, Jr.The early medical articles about AIDS cited 1970s articles that associated venereal disease and homosexuality. They came to see male homosexuality as a "medically problematic" situation (Epstein, 1988: 4). In the early 1980s, AIDS was understood by the medical community through two frames, both of which promoted a view of AIDS as a "gay disease." The first frame, immune overload, saw AIDS as caused by immune deficiencies resulting from gay men's perceived excessive lifestyle (especially anal sex, multiple partners, and drug use). This perspective had huge public health implications.
The Medicalization of Society: On the Transformation of Human Conditions into Treatable Disorders by Peter ConradAt the international AIDS conference in Montreal, according to a Newsday article, "several researchers expressed bewilderment about how HTV virus causes the chain of events that results in AIDS." Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of the so-called "AIDS 'David Zinman and B.D. Colen, "New AIDS Study Shows 1.2M to 1.5M Victims", Newsday, 6 June 1989. vims" (aka HIV-1) urged shifting the focus of research away from the virus to the human body's defense mechanisms. "We need to understand much more basic things about the immune system before we can move forward any further", he said.
The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex by John LauritsenAnd the mathematician Weyer demonstrated that AIDS epidemiology refutes the hypothesis that HIV is the sole cause of "AIDS". Press coverage of the panel reflected the type of censorship that obtains whenever AIDS orthodoxy is threatened. Stories in the New York Times (22 June 1990) and the Washington Post (22 June 1990) discussed Montagnier's talk at length, but didn't even mention Lo or Weyer. Peter Duesberg spoke on "Dissociation of the Epidemiologies of HIV & AIDS" at the Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium (about which more later) at Le Meridien Hotel.
The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex by John Lauritsen
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