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Rife machines

Royal Rife: Cancer Cure Genius Silenced by Medical Mafia

Saturday, September 26, 2009 by: Paul Fassa
Tags: Rife machines, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) What if someone invented an electronic device that would destroy pathogens, bacteria, and even viruses with no toxic side effects? What if that same device could wipe out cancer by altering the cancer's cellular environment or by killing cancer viruses with an electronic or ultra sonic beam? That was accomplished years ago. The researcher who invented and perfected this device had an odd name, Royal Raymond Rife. But his associates and colleagues knew him as Roy Rife.

The original Rife machine, based on a naval radio frequency oscillator, evolved to the Rife Ray Tube. It is the basis of Rife technology that underwent successful trials and experiments as it was developed in the 1930's. You'd think that further research into Rife's findings would have been supported and propagated further for the welfare of all. And at first it was. But guess what, Rife's technology was suppressed by the medical mafia, and very little has come of it. Nothing new here.

How It Works (Basically)

Have you ever seen or heard of singers who could shatter wine glasses by hitting and sustaining the right note? How about striking a tuning fork held next to another of the same pitch that is not struck, but vibrates and makes a tone anyway? These are visible examples of vibrational reciprocity in the sonic range. From this basic understanding, Rife developed what he called resonance therapy.

Imagine if minuscule pathogens had energy frequencies beyond the sonic range that, if induced, would cause the pathogen to implode or explode. This Rife called the Mortal Oscillatory Resonance or MOR. It is technology within the arena of energetic healing, but more in the western mode of challenging pathogens with technological machinery from outside. With a special microscope of his own making, Rife was able to observe and record the MOR of many pathogens.

Instead of dealing with the vibrational field of the patient, or the patient's chi energy, Rife used high frequency energies created by electronic machinery to alter both pathogens and their environments. The difference between Rife's Ray Beam and common radiation therapy was that only those specific MOR frequencies of targeted microorganisms had negative responses. All other cells were left unharmed. This is the essence of Rife's technology.

Also included in his research was observing morphing pathogenic bacteria and viruses into different less destructive forms. He was among a growing number of microbiologists and researchers who had adopted Pleomorphism as an explanation of microorganism life. Pleomorphism posits that the life form of a pathogenic microbe alters, possibly many times.

Rife also noticed corresponding changes in the tissue or blood environment of these morphing microorganisms. This led to the theory that the condition of the germs' medium, i.e. the blood or tissue, was the cause of disease and not the germ. Rife did observe the pH changes in what is now called the field or terrain in the microorganism's host environment as well as its association with bacterial/viral morphing.

He considered that the field pH changes influenced the microorganisms morphing, causing them to become more pathogenic or more benign depending on the pH factor. This was the precursor to the field or terrain theory as a source of disease that many holistic healers now embrace over the germ theory. Rife was beginning to realize this in spite of being able to kill the germs of many diseases with his ray tube.

Monomorphismwas the accepted theory at that time since microscopy was not able to observe the mutable morphing of microorganisms. This re-enforced the old germ theory and made a lot of people in western medicine happy to be in their profession. What was usually observed with the microscopes of that time were simply shells of dead viruses and bacteria.

Because the electronics of electronic microscopes killed the tiny microbes, electronic microscopes were unable to observe pleomorphic alterations or the result of the correct resonance (MOR) applied for its destruction while alive. As is the nature for accepted doctrine, especially when there are significant monetary interests, monomorphism was in and pleomorphism was out!

This despite the fact that to pleomorphism advocates' glee, Rife's Universal Microscope made observing microbes changing form a reality. Photos and films were provided to scientists who were open to this, and eventually a couple of prominent scientists gained access to Rife's Universal Microscope to observe the previously unseen phenomena first hand.

Rife's Early Achievements

Royal Raymond Rife left the United States after his medical education and trained for six years at the Carl Zeis Optical Company in Germany. The unique and complex microscope he created used different mediums for bending light than normal optics used prior to his ultimate invention, which he called the Universal Microscope. That achievement alone brought him fame in the inner circles of the scientific community.

However, the mother for this invention was his desire to see the tiniest microorganisms alive for as long as desired, enabling him to notice when they disintegrated or changed form from a focused ultra sonic frequency. The Universal Microscope enabled Rife to painstakingly record the exact frequencies, or MOR (mortal oscillatory resonance) to destroy different pathogens, even viruses, that were commonly found in the blood and tissues from many of the diseases.

During Rife's time, a virus was defined simply as a living microorganism too small to be seen with a microscope. Of course, his unique microscope changed that. With its astounding 31,000X magnifying power, which some say could be boosted to twice that power with special UV lighting, Rife was able to observe microorganisms morph into different forms, sometimes as many as 16, and disintegrate with the corresponding mortal oscillatory resonance (MOR) frequencies.

For his scientific genius, Rife was nominated for the Alternative Nobel Prize, Europe's arrangement to award more risk taking ventures passed over by the Swedish Noble Prize. Rife's genius was boundless, he excelled in microbiology, optics, and other mechanical and electronic applications.

Henry Timken, Jr., the wealthy owner of Timken Roller Bearing Company became Rife's patron, enabling Roy Rife to maintain independent research without interruption. Out of gratitude for a Rife invention that had reduced his production costs, Timken established a laboratory on his estate in San Diego, CA for Rife to research as he desired with the best equipment available. It was a state of the art lab.

Rife was also introduced to Dr. Milbank Johnson, who was the head of a regional medical board and affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC) medical department. Dr. Johnson admired and respected Rife's ideas and ingenuity. As the head of a regional medical institution, he had political clout in the medical community throughout the nation. Dr. Johnson's support of Rife's work enabled Rife to continue his research unabated by medical authority throughout the 1930's.

Dr. Johnson helped Rife network with a couple of eminent bacteriologists who were interested in pleomorphism research, Dr. Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago and Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic. Those two participated with Rife by using his Universal Microscope to see what Roy Rife was seeing to confirm their theories.

After experimenting by infecting lab animals and curing them, Rife was confident that his research could now extend to real life human cancer victims. Dr. Johnson set up clinical trials out of USC's medical school. The clinical trail results were monitored by a team of physicians headed by pathologist Alvin Ford, MD.

Rife was presented with 16 terminal cancer victims afflicted by a variety of malignancies. The USC team of physicians declared 14 of those 16 were clinically cured within 70 days. The other 2 took 20 days longer. The treatments included short breaks with nutrients to promote lymphatic elimination of the destroyed microbes.

In 1940, Dr. Arthur W. Yale announced that Rife had discovered a technique for curing cancer so unique and amazing that medicine was on the verge of completely eliminating the second highest cause of disease death in America. Unfortunately, Dr. Yale did not have the last word.

The Beginning of Betrayal and Suppression

Any threat to the medical mafia with a cancer cure that was not dependent on AMA surgery or Big Pharma drugs needed to be openly challenged by the monomorphic crowd, whose theory supported curing by surgical removal, dangerous radiation, or poisonous drugs. And Rife's Ray Beam therapy was not just for curing cancer, but for curing any and all diseases without the use of surgery or drugs!

For every Rifean there were many others whose careers were threatened by anything outside of their cash flow boxes. Dr. Thomas Rivers was among the first to attack, and he was right out of the Rockefeller Institute. He was joined by Dr. Hans Zinser, a Harvard Medical School microbiologist. They declared Rife's theories and techniques as worthless. Naturally, many others in the habit of obedience to authority joined in.

But this was just the beginning of Rife's descent into doom. Around 1936, Rife realized he needed to form an independent company producing more manageable machines than the monstrosity in his lab. Rife contracted an individual who understood his invention, and who demonstrated the ability to package Rife's devices more compactly while maintaining their efficiency. That man was Philip Hoyland, an electronic/electrical engineer.

Rife, Hoyland, and two other associates formed the Beam Ray Corporation with the idea of making and distributing the machines to clinicians and physicians. Soon, along came the doctor who had never practiced medicine, Morris Fishbein, the notorious alternative cancer cure hit man and head of the AMA. Just as he has done with others who had come up with cancer cures outside the cut, burn, and poison mode, Fishbein made a move to possess and control Rife's technology at first.

He bribed Hoyland with $10,000 to file a suit against Rife in order to obtain the company and include a Fishbein agent on the board of directors while excluding Rife. Ten grand was quite a lot in those days. Rife counter sued and won in 1939. The litigation and betrayal took an emotional and financial toll on the normally reclusive scientist, and he began drinking.

Then the big bad Fishbein decided if he couldn't have the Rife operation, he'd destroy it. This was Morris Fishbein's MO with others who had come up with alternative cancer cures, but would not allow him to virtually steal them away and possibly hide them. He used his Machiavellian clout to ban doctors from using Rife technology and even confiscated equipment.

A small circle of doctors in California continued despite the national pressure, thanks to the protection of a politically powerful medical person, the same Dr. Milbank Johnson who was always in Rife's corner. However, Dr. Johnson passed away in 1944, and the AMA had its way as medical mafia terrorists!

Suspiciously, upon Dr. Johnson's death, many of the documents from the USC clinical trails he had held completely disappeared. Not long after, investigators suspected that he was poisoned just prior to announcing Rife's successes publicly.

Equipment was confiscated, laboratories were destroyed, one doctor was harassed to the point of quitting the profession, and another was reported as having committed suicide! The wife of another doctor had a nervous breakdown, forcing her to receive shock therapy during her two months in a mental hospital. Medical mafia is an appropriate term after all!

Rife MOR Therapy on Life Support

Again, Roy Rife made another attempt at manufacturing and distributing his Rife Ray Beam devices with the technology for using them correctly. He partnered with an engineer named John Crane, who had encouraged Rife to continue. They made a bit of a stir with even better designs that were easier to use around 1960.

But even without Fishbein, who was forced to retire in 1954 because of the AMA scandals discovered by the 1953 Fitzgerald congressional committee, the FDA took over harassment activities and seized Rife and Crane's latest equipment.

All this plus the death of his beloved wife of over 30 years left Rife a broken man. In 1961, at the age of 73, Roy Rife fled the country to nearby Mexico. Rife had added Valium to his drinking habit, yet he managed to live until 1971, when he died in Mexico at the age of 83. John Crane later explained that Rife was a great researcher, but was not cut out to be a fighter. However, John Crane was a knowledgeable and outspoken fighter.

After Rife's exodus to Mexico, John Crane still attempted to bring Rife's technology to public awareness while railing against the medical establishment's suppression of his constitutional rights. He was criminally indicted and tried on charges involving practicing medicine without a license. The trail jury was screened to eliminate all those with any medical knowledge, especially alternative healing, while retaining an AMA doctor as the jury foreman!

Rife submitted a deposition from Mexico to support Crane's defense, but it was not even admitted. Talk about getting railroaded! Crane was convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Two of the three counts against Crane were overturned later, and he was released from prison after serving 3 years and 1 month.

Yet even after his release from prison, Crane continued his work underground and compiled and produced a 1000 page manual on the Rife machine's design and use, which has survived after his death in 1995. Thanks to John Crane's persistent work, Rife's ray beam technology managed to stay alive, but only on life support.

In 1986, Barry Lynes, author of The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression, a book that chronicles Royal Raymond Rife's life and work, submitted an article to every member of the U.S. Congress and the staff and students of George Washington University's medical school as a last gasp effort to openly investigate Rife's work without bias. Nothing, not even one response, came of it.

Currently, the life support system for Rife's work is a scattered group of technically oriented individuals and holistic and allopathic doctors, connecting by Internet throughout the world, especially from Europe. They are holding Rife's technology together, some even using it, in the hopes that someday it will see the light of day for all of humanity.


Barry Lynn commentary

Nexus Magazine http://www.lymebook.com/nexusreview.htm

New Zealand Medical Journal http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/116-1177/507

The Fall of Royal Rife - Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Nov, 2005 by Jule Klotter
http://www.information.com/link?url=http://f... mi_m0ISW/is_268/ai_n15795435&keyword=fall&cat=6&brand=34&title=Townsend%20Letter%20for%20Doctors%20and%20Patients%20-%20%20The%20fall%20of%20Royal%20Rife&desc=

The Rife Forum http://www.rifeforum.com/

Rife Research Europe http://www.rife.de/

Educate Yourself: Forbidden Cures
- http://educate-yourself.org/fc/

Royal Rife & His Amazing Healing Machines beyondlimitations.info/rife.html +John+Crane+scientist+rife+technology+conviction&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

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