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Viktoras Kulvinskas Part II: Effects of Enzymes, Cancer, Athletics and Raw Food Healing

Thursday, September 17, 2009 by: Kevin Gianni
Tags: raw food, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon, which can be found at http://www.Rawkathon.com. In this excerpt, Viktoras Kulvinskas shares on research on the effects of enzymes from cancer to athletics and the healing power of raw food living.

Rawkathon with Viktoras Kulvinskas. Viktoras Kulvininskas refers to himself as a "Lithuanian raw mystic." He is an author and researcher interested in life foods and living nutrition.

Kevin: So let's talk about enzymes specifically. What I like about your work is that you have done so much research, and I think that one of the things in the living food community is that the research, in some cases, haven't caught up to the theories.

Viktoras: That's right.

Kevin: So let's talk a little bit about enzymes and some of the research that actually says, "Hey. This is something that is very important and is something that we should be considering for everyone in terms of getting to better health."

Viktoras: Dr. Howell's classic works, which are good reference, though more current books like "Enzymes: The Fountain of Life" by three physicians and one PhD Miehlke, Lopez, and Williams, has over 300 current references, it was published in 1994. It clearly indicates, not only does it support the digestive functions, but also, at the same time, it is able to meander successfully across the gastro-intestinal membrane, 30-80%, depending on the potencies. If it's taken in between meals, especially, the more detoxified you are, the higher volume of transmission and absorption into the internal environment, blood stream. Now, it can act in the same capacity like the environmentally-friendly Drano that you pour down the pipes, which is made out of enzymes and bacteria and dissolves the fat, grease, starch, protein fragments and opens up the plumbing.

So like Dr. Max Wolf, as an example, from Fordham University, he took enzymes and he pioneered the enzyme extract out of animal origin. Primarily, the Orientals pioneered, which we ended up connecting with plant-based enzymes but initial work in the Western world was done with animal extracts...

But Max Wolf, his research and published at Fordham University, in medical journals, was basically showing practically 95% success with cardiovascular diseases. Cleaning up and getting you out of the zone and that includes diabetes. Enzymatic saturation, with meals and in between meals, even without dietary lifestyle upgrade, you're getting results. In other words, initially, for the first 5-10 years, if you do enzymatic treatments especially with probiotics and a good herbal laxative at bedtime and products like blue-green algae, you can practically reverse most diseases. We published a paper. We pre-published a paper with the University of Illinois Medical School, which was entitled "200 Cases of Incurables Treated Successfully with Superfoods." In other words, very effective. More synergistic combination of the whole system, though, isolated with enzymatic therapists like Dr. Chen Po Kim [sp]. He treated successfully all forms of cancer with 79% success, published again in medical journals. Many doctors have used it and there is usually about a hundred ongoing clinical studies. You can just Google up on the Internet, have access to all these medical research nowadays. All you do is put in plant-based enzymes plus healing and you'll start seeing...

Or, a specific disease, how it is related or related to athletics? Like they've done studies with football players, as an example. They took a football player team, all of it and using enzymes, the results, they were able to reduce bench time, injury time by as much as 50%. All the key Olympic athletes are using it. As an example, Dan O'Brien, who was great superstar material and trained well but usually, by the time he was reaching 11:00-12:00 o'clock, he was already feeling exhausted. He was training in pre-Olympics for decathlon. After we put him on superfoods blue-green algae, bacteria, spectrobiotics, blue-green algae enzymes after two months, he was training right into the late afternoon. Not only that, he competed with men ten years younger than him in decathlon. In the Atlanta Olympics, he won gold; he won first. That's how good of an example we have.

Now we're having a whole group of bodybuilders who are doing not only enzymatic nutrition but enzyme supplementation. You have really no recovery time; because recovery time, two things are related to athletic recovery time. One is the tear down tissue that is associated with tearing down old and creating new tissue building and it creates a very inflammatory condition. Enzymes are the number one anti-inflammatory agent, superseding anything else. According to the research that is published in the book that I'd mentioned, "Enzymes: The Fountain of Life" by the medical community, even up to 100 times the recommended dosages has no negative side effects. So in other words, it can be consumed in mega dosages. It will be building up your reserves to the point where at 70, which is my age, I sprint like....just two weeks ago, I'm coming down and I slipped on the stairs and I sprained my ankle. Now, that would be a traumatic experience for any elderly. All I did was did a little contact healing, place my left hand on the area of the injury, the right hand opposite, and held it for about two minutes. It went through, the pain became more intense, subsided; I went back climbing my hills like nothing had happened.

This is the beauty of raw food nutrition. You can heal your body. I've broken my kneecap. Fifteen minutes of the most excruciating knife-like pain, shooting right into my heart. As I was screaming alone at a retreat center that I was going to be giving a workshop to 150 people, I arrived the day early and no one else was there. I was lying in a mud, and the universe is providing all these fantastic little opportunities. I had a choice of my realities. Was I going to buy in to the reality of what took place and call up emergency and have them do all kinds of treatments? Or, do I get into my chapter, which is called "contact healing." ... I placed my hands, I'm holding it not knowing what would happen, but this is better choice. Within a matter of 15 minutes, it went into fire, I was burning up. Another few minutes, it was over. The pain was all gone. I got up, continued unloading the truck as if nothing had happened. No black and blue marks, no scars, nothing.

This is the wonder of the human body and I have had the pure benefit of being sick with all kinds of diseases; it was total blessing. I got into having my old age to develop at 30. It's much easier to deal with it than at 70. At 70, I've got some more juice going on that like right now, I feel healthier than when I was a teenager, with much more spark and energy than I do in those days. Basically, the human system, the biological clock is very flexible; you can turn it back wherever you want to go. I believe we can work with Methuselah concepts. The Bible has not been noted for lies and I don't think they goofed on their time reference points. I think that Methuselah's age, thinking in terms of hundreds and hundreds and six hundreds, a thousand years of age, living long enough to live out your life and experience all your desires so that you finish with this incarnation and move on instead of continuously coming back trying to get your act together. Sixty, eighty years is not enough time.

For more from this excerpt of the Rawkathon, plus 14 other amazing raw food interviews, please visit http://www.Rawkathon.com.

About the author

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit www.LiveAwesome.com.

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