(NaturalNews) It's emblazoned across the front page of
USA Today, just underneath a subhead declaring Michael Jackson was, indeed, killed by a drug overdose: "Flu could infect half of USA." The article goes on to describe the predicted number of deaths expected in the U.S. (30,000 - 90,000 Americans) as well as the actions being taken by the government to protect Americans from the coming swine flu pandemic.
That advice reads sort of like a comic book of health care advice for kindergarteners: Wash your hands, cover your mouth if you cough and let "the grownups" take care of the rest by injecting you with a vaccine. Curiously absent from all the health advice being handed out on the swine flu by the White House, the CDC, the WHO and even the FDA is
any mention of Vitamin D or other natural remedies that offer enormous protections from influenza infections.
The absence of this information from virtually all the advice being handed out to the American public is increasingly suspicious. If a pandemic flu is, indeed, threatening to infect half the U.S. population, and if most of the population is deficient in a nutrient known to strongly prevent influenza infections, wouldn't it make good sense to make a few announcements encouraging Americans to raise their vitamin D levels throughout the coming winter?
It is a well-known medical fact, of course, that influenza always gets worse during the winter months North of the equator and the summer months South of the equator (which are really called their "winter" months). This is because as sunlight hours lessen during the winter, the people living there become vitamin D deficient and are susceptible to influenza infections of all kinds.
The information resources backing this are easy to find. Even our own website reveals a large amount of information on
natural defenses against influenza (, of course, offers a wealth of articles on Vitamin D (
In the realm of peer-reviewed medical literature, searching Google Scholar for "influenza" and "vitamin D" returns tens of thousands of results ( In particular, one study appearing in these search results is entitled
Epidemic influenza and vitamin D. It was published in 2006 in the journal
Epidemiology and Infection (2006, 134:6:1129-1140 Cambridge University Press) and its abstract reads as follows:
In 1981, R. Edgar Hope-Simpson proposed that a 'seasonal stimulus' intimately associated with solar radiation explained the remarkable seasonality of epidemic influenza. Solar radiation triggers robust seasonal vitamin D production in the skin; vitamin D deficiency is common in the winter, and activated vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D, a steroid hormone, has profound effects on human immunity. 1,25(OH)2D acts as an immune system modulator, preventing excessive expression of inflammatory cytokines and increasing the 'oxidative burst' potential of macrophages. Perhaps most importantly, it dramatically stimulates the expression of potent anti-microbial peptides, which exist in neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells, and in epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract where they play a major role in protecting the lung from infection. Volunteers inoculated with live attenuated influenza virus are more likely to develop fever and serological evidence of an immune response in the winter. Vitamin D deficiency predisposes children to respiratory infections. Ultraviolet radiation (either from artificial sources or from sunlight) reduces the incidence of viral respiratory infections, as does cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D). An interventional study showed that vitamin D reduces the incidence of respiratory infections in children. We conclude that vitamin D, or lack of it, may be Hope-Simpson's 'seasonal stimulus'.Source: the silence?
Vitamin D is perhaps the single most powerful nutrient in the known universe for preventing influenza, and yet the Obama White House won't dare utter a word about it to the American people, even in the face of a potentially devastating global pandemic that could be largely halted by vitamin D.
It begs the question: Why the silence?
There are really only three possible explanations for why the White House and U.S. health authorities would refuse to tell the public about vitamin D as a smart defense against the influenza pandemic:
Reason #1) They don't know about vitamin D. This, of course, is impossible. The medical literature is saturated with respectable studies demonstrating the anti-viral and immune modulating effects of vitamin D. For someone in the field of infectious disease to be unaware of vitamin D's protective benefits would be downright laughable. It would be like a car mechanic not knowing what a fuel filter was.
Reason #2) They do know about vitamin D, and they want to tell people, but they don't know how or don't have the money. This explanation, too, is ridiculous. Telling the people the truth about vitamin D is as simple (and as free) as just calling a White House press conference, inviting a vitamin D expert like Dr. Michael Holick to say a few words, and putting the message out to the mainstream media. In 24 hours, all the newspaper headlines across the country could print headlines like, "White House urges Americans to boost vitamin D before
swine flu strikes." The whole nation could be properly informed about vitamin D in less than 72 hours.
But that will never happen. And why? Because of reason #3...
Reason #3) They know about vitamin D but they are intentionally
withholding information from the American people In essence, they want to keep the American people nutritionally illiterate so that they remain "victims" in the coming influenza crisis. Because of who's involved in this (the White House, FDA, CDC, WHO and many others), it cannot be called anything other than
a conspiracy of silence about influenza and vitamin D.
What could be the purpose behind such a conspiracy of silence? Clearly its only purpose is to maximize profits to the drug companies and / or maximize the number of deaths that occur when the swine
flu strikes North America this coming winter.
But why, you might ask, would these so-called authorities wish to see more Americans die?
Health care reform via a viral pandemic
To answer that, just look at who is most likely to die from swine flu infections: The obese... the people who, generally speaking, are placing the greatest financial burden on the government-funded health care system. The coming swine flu pandemic has the potential to do what no politician could ever get away with:
Slash health care spending virtually overnight by simply killing off those who burden the system the most.
Call it
Health Care Darwinism if you like. Survival of the fittest married with an evil plot. Let the most costly health care consumers die in a (planned?) pandemic, and suddenly your nation is pulled back from the brink of total financial collapse.
The White House just revised its budget numbers this week, by the way. Government deficit spending for this year is up over 300 percent from last year, reaching an eye-popping, mind-boggling $1.9 trillion in new debt in just a single year! This runaway debt spending is, by any honest calculation, simply unsustainable. It will destroy America's future, leaving the nation penniless. To save America, something drastic must be done. Something as drastic as, say, killing off those who place the greatest cost burdens on the U.S. health care system (which represents roughly twenty percent of all U.S. government spending).
So how do you really cut costs in America? Recognize that roughly one-fifth of U.S. government spending goes to support the "disease industry." And the vast majority of that money is spent taking care of chronically ill individuals who are typically obese and nutrient deficient. Releasing a bio-engineered influenza virus into the wild is a sure way to cut health care spending in the long run
by killing those who place the highest burdens on the health care system. While it costs a fortune to take care of a chronically ill patient for two decades, it costs a mere pittance to see them die in a hospital emergency room while they succumb to H1N1 influenza.
Swine flu, it might be said from a cold-hearted evil government point of view, is a cost-effective and quick way to slash health care spending without needing to take any responsibility for making such cuts yourself. Let the virus do the dirty work, killing off the most vulnerable in society and leaving more money behind for Big Government to get even bigger. Think governments couldn't do this? Then you don't know governments well enough.
Now, in defense of the Obama administration, I very much doubt that President Barack Obama himself would be capable of masterminding such an evil plot to kill off the American people in a planned influenza pandemic. This is the kind of thing that usually takes place behind the scenes, where powerful men (far more powerful than Obama) meet in dark places to plan and plot the future of the world. If it is in their interests to see the population suffer through a pandemic, they will make sure one appears at the appropriate time.
It could also be a joint arrangement between powerful corporations and Big Government. The corporate drug companies want to
make money off the vaccine sales. The government wants to
save money by killing off the top recipients of expensive health care services (who also wouldn't burden Medicare down the road, either). By working together, they can both get what they want. One pandemic serves both masters, and it's all funded by taxpayer dollars to boot!
This is still a theory, not proof
I can't prove that such a plot is actually under way, by the way. When discussing conspiracy theories, I'm always careful to point out that I have no specific proof that such a nefarious plot actually exists. There is, however, quite a lot of supporting circumstantial evidence that should raise the eyebrows of anyone paying attention. For example, there is this training brochure that recently surfaced ( which describes procedures for "conducting morgue operations" and "activating fatality management operations."
This same document also describes training points that cover:
• Breakdown of public services
• Medical supplies shortages
• Unwillingness to follow government orders
... among other fascinating things. The conference this advertises was held August 19 - 20 in Washington D.C. by a company called
New-Fields that holds, among other things, an "Iraq Aviation & Defense Summit" ( featuring senior U.S. military personnel and touting "one to one meetings with Iraqi officials."
This isn't the first time a company with ties to the U.S. military has been found to be involved in the swine flu pandemic. My previous article on NaturalNews exposed the DynCorp / NIH patent link, revealing that a key influenza vaccine patent was jointly owned by the National Institutes of Health and a high-level private U.S. military contractor named DynCorp. You can read that article here: what does it all mean? Like a lot of things, it just depends
what you choose to believe.
I don't know if I believe the evil, nefarious conspiracy theory described as a possibility in this article. But neither do I trust my government (and I sure don't trust public health officials). So I'm doing exactly what I recommend everybody else do: Take charge of your own swine flu defenses by boosting your nutrition and sunlight exposure. Store some food, water and other basic preparedness supplies just in case. Be prepared to survive and
thrive during the coming pandemic, regardless of what happens around you.
Just because everybody else is planning on becoming a victim of circumstance doesn't mean you have to. With a little basic planning and some medical common sense, you can see yourself through this pandemic with ease. No sweat.
Read my pandemic preparedness report (if you haven't already) to learn what top five anti-viral products I currently recommend for boosting your defenses against the swine flu:'s a report that could literally help save your life.
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