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Synthetic hormones

Synthetic Hormones May Be Linked to Lung Cancer Deaths

Thursday, July 09, 2009 by: Margaret Priddy
Tags: synthetic hormones, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) According to researchers, women using synthetic hormones may have an increased chance of dying from lung cancer. Findings from the Women`s Health Initiative indicate that the use of Prempro, a synthetic estrogen coupled with a synthetic form of progesterone, can lead to a 59 percent increased risk of death if a woman develops non small-cell lung cancer. This was revealed by Dr. Rowan Chlebowski of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A study showed that for non small-cell lung cancer, there was a significant risk of dying if the women taking these synthetic hormones developed cancer.

There were 67 lung cancer deaths in the women taking Prempro and 39 among those in the placebo group, according to Chlebowski. The women taking the synthetic hormones had a median survival rate of 9.4 months while the survival rate of the women who took the placebo and got the disease was 16.1 months.

This recent analysis regarding Prempro and lung cancer deaths was taken from data stemming from the Woman`s Health Initiative study in which Chlebowski was lead author. This study enrolled 16,608 postmenopausal women ages 50 through 79 and randomly assigned these women either a placebo or Prempro. In 2002, researchers stopped this study short of its completion because they noted a significant increased incidence of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease among the women who took the synthetic hormones.

Acording to Chlebowski, 15 percent of postmenopausal women still take synthetic hormones.

A hormone is classified as synthetic if it does not have the identical structure as is found in the human body. When a synthetic hormone is taken into the body, the body metabolizes it differently than it would a natural hormone. This difference may account for the many grave side effects women who take synthetic hormones encounter.

Fortunately, natural hormones do exist and have been used by holistic physicians for many years. Natural hormones have an identical structure as those found in the human body and are used to effectively treat menopause symptoms. Natural hormones are available in creams, capsules, patches, and other system delivery methods. Before prescribing natural hormones, the holistic practitioner will test a woman's present hormone level through blood, urine, and saliva testing. The holistic physician will prescribe bioidentical hormones based on these findings. Bioidentical hormones are those identical in molecular structure to the hormones made by the woman's body.

Traditional doctors are trained by the big drug companies to prescribe medicine manufactured by them. These drug companies are against natural remedies as natural remedies cannot be patented. Since these traditional doctors are in allegiance with the pharmaceutical companies, the physicians too, often turn their minds off to the notion of natural hormones. In light of the negative press about synthetic hormones as reported in the study conducted by the Women's Health Initiative, more traditional doctors are now willing to look at the use of natural hormones. These doctors, however, represent a growing, but still woefully small number.

Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing significant amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This leads to a cessation of the menstrual cycle, and in many women begins with symptoms such as hot flashes. The average woman will experience the onset of menopause at age 52. A woman is considered to be in menopause if she has had no periods for a year. Menopause is not a disease even though some women suffer, often for years, from some of the following symptoms:
Hot flashes
Vaginal dryness
Mood swings
Night sweats
Reduced libido
Weight gain
Urinary incontinence

Treatment for menopausal symptoms includes eating a diet rich in plant foods, especially whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits. These foods contain phytosterols that have a hormone-balancing effect. Eating these foods also increases fiber that helps a heart stay healthy.

In addition, eating hormone-free animal products helps guard against a hormone imbalance in the body. Reduce red meat consumption and other sources of saturated fat. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and sugar aggravate hot flashes while carbonated drinks deplete calcium from the body.

The following remedies may help to safely minimize symptoms:
St. John's wort may be used to treat mild to moderate depression. This should not be used in conjunction with prescription antidepressants.

Soy and Isoflavones are plant estrogens that may be helpful in relieving hot flashes and night sweats.

Black cohosh has been used to relieve hot flashes and night sweats.

American ginseng has been found to improve a woman's sense of well being.


About the author

Margaret Priddy has been a registered nurse for over 25 years and has assisted in the treatment of many individuals suffering from illnesses. She has now shifted her focus to disease prevention.

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