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Force vaccinations

Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations (Opinion)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009 by: Barbara L. Minton
Tags: force vaccinations, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) If you are living in the U.S. or many other parts of the world, you may soon be forced to accept a vaccination that is actually a biological weapon created with the intent of causing your death or injury, according to evidence compiled by journalist Jane Burgermeister. To defend yourself and your countrymen you can now take legal steps using documents she has created specifically for this purpose. After many days of intense effort and two failed attempts due to hackers, Jane has these documents ready to be downloaded. She gives them freely with the hope that others will follow her lead in standing up for their rights while there is still time.

Any person can call his or her local district court and find out how to file a criminal complaint as a private citizen. Then complete the blanks in her Criminal Charges document, and hand it in. This document is a 112 page comprehensive masterpiece reflecting months of exhaustive evidence gathering and assembly. It exemplifies a dogged devotion to purpose and cause.

The Criminal Charges allege a crime has been committed

As reported on June 25th by Natural News https://www.naturalnews.com/026503_pandemic_s... Jane alleges the crime involves acts of bioterrorism that are in direct violation of U.S. law. These acts have been and are being committed by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers controlling the Federal Reserve, against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. Her Criminal Charges file contains a mountain of verifiable, unambiguous and consistent evidence to back up these allegations.

According to her, there is no need for you to hire a lawyer to file these forms. As this is a criminal complaint, not a civil complaint, there is no fee required for filing it. If you are wanting to bury your court in evidence, you can include the extra back-up evidence file which presents over 100 pages of additional information and documentation.

Every citizen is entitled and even required by the moral imperative to report a crime if there is evidence. In this case, the evidence is overwhelming. No person reporting a crime can be accused of defamation because he or she is supplying proof. The person reporting a crime will not be labeled a political extremist because he is not making a political statement but simply reporting a crime.

The evidence supporting the charges is available to anyone who sifts through the huge amount of information available in scientific journals and other publications, keys in on the significant facts, and presents these facts in a legal context.

Because the alleged crimes directly affect you and your countrymen, you have the special right to file these charges. It is the responsibility and mandate of law enforcement agency to initiate an investigation if anyone presents credible evidence of a crime. That is what they are there for. They cannot refuse to accept your charges.

You are not guaranteed a conviction simply because you have filed charges. State-sponsored crimes are more difficult to prosecute for obvious reasons. The criminals you are charging have infiltrated high government offices and now use the apparatus of the state to carry out and cover up their crimes, and they will try to stop investigative and enforcement actions from taking place.

However, by filing these charges you are guaranteed that your local law enforcement officials will be required to read them and assess the evidence you have presented. Their mandate as law enforcement officials dictates that they must. At the very least, they will become aware that there are bioterrorists in the U.S., and that they are sitting in high government and corporate places. If enough people file charges in the U.S., a District Attorney somewhere may actually take action and prosecute.

The Evidence Document contains additional facts and arguments to support the notion that an international financial crime group that has annexed high government office is using the artificial pandemic virus for the purpose of genocide prior to allowing World Health Organization and United Nations troops to occupy the U.S.

Put down your blind faith and insist on accountability from your government

Not even the President of the United States is above the law. There is no office of power great enough to abolish the Constitution. It is the Constitution that grants all government officials their power. Therefore, no government official including the President of the United States can abolish the Constitution by any executive order without abolishing his own power as well.

In addition to filing charges or instead of filing charges, you can write letters to your state congress and senate representatives and add links to these documents and the evidence they contain.

You can also learn about the Vaccine Resistance Movement Petition and how to sign it at https://www.naturalnews.com/026496_NaturalNew...

If you witness a crime being committed by the government, Jane is urging you to file new charges. You always have that right. Insist on accountability from law enforcement agencies. The U.S. Constitution was created to protect you.

Whether you file charges or not, these documents must be read

Links to these forms and files can be found at http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/ , under the date of June 24th. Whether you have an interest in filing charges or not, the Criminal Charges is a document that must be read. It will undoubtedly move you to some sort of action.

Steps to safeguard liberty must be taken now

At a time when we have just completed the annual celebration of our Constitution with its Bill of Rights, we must recall that the Constitution says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

And from the Bill of Rights, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Today we find that our government and other governments around the world have become corroded and corrupted by greed and hunger for power. We are facing a resurrection of Nazi style totalitarianism, under which people are being reduced to the status of slaves who are expendable when they get in the way of wealth and power accumulation.

The deliberate release of an artificially created virus by men with the purpose of triggering forced vaccination with a toxic substance indicates that governments around the world have joined forces with the criminal corporate elite against the rest of humanity.

Yet, we have been slow to wake up to this fact because we have come to believe that if we don't hear about something on television or read about it in the mainstream media, it can't be true. We have failed to realize that these traditional information outlets are owned and controlled by the very people who are plotting against us. Any mention of their true agenda is prohibited in traditional information outlets.

The powers that scheme against us have tried to make us distrustful of the information found on the internet, the one remaining source for freedom of speech. Their representatives deride reports of what we witness everywhere around us as being conspiracy theory. But once we have read the Criminal Charges, we can no longer fail to recognize the tightening grip of totalitarianism.

We have failed to safeguard our most precious possession, our liberty. We have devoted ourselves to the mindless accumulation of goods and services and we have used our possessions as weapons against each other. We have allowed our possessions to divide us, and we have become complacent and compliant in the face of what really counts. It is time to wake up from our national stupor and realize we are about to lose the only possession that really counts.

The charges filed by Jane Burgermeister with the FBI on June 10th may be the force that galvanizes us into action. By filing her charges she has rubbed our faces in the fact we are rapidly losing our liberty. This fact can no longer be denied. Many Americans are embarrassed that while our heads were buried in the sand, these charges were filed by a person living in Austria. And now we know that she has paid a high price for trying to save us.

On June 30th, Jane was unexpectedly fired from her job as European correspondent for the publication Renewable Energy, just days after receiving a promotion from them, and immediately after the Natural News exclusive article appeared. Renewable Energy is a publication of PenWell, a company geared toward coverage of the power generation industry. Jane was already an employee of Renewable Energy when it was acquired by PenWell in 2007. She believes the decision to fire her was the result of the information presented in the article. If she is correct, her firing follows the pattern of other journalists who have recently been fired as the result of standing up for what they believe is true. This muzzling of journalists is one more symptom of descending totalitarianism.

For more information:

About the author

Barbara is a school psychologist, a published author in the area of personal finance, a breast cancer survivor using "alternative" treatments, a born existentialist, and a student of nature and all things natural.

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