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Fruit juice

Freshly Squeezed Juice Lowers the Risk of Obesity

Thursday, May 07, 2009 by: Henri Junttila
Tags: fruit juice, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice every morning will not only bring your body joy, but a new study now shows that it will lower the risk for obesity. That glass of fresh orange juice is looking tastier than ever. Previous studies that show the downfalls of fruit juice have failed to distinguish between store bought fruit juice and freshly squeezed juice; there is a big gap between the two, and this new study proves it.

The Study
The study contained data collected from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey between 1999 and 2004. Dr. Mark Pereira from the University of Minnesota and co-author Dr. Victor Fulgoni found that those who drank 100% freshly squeezed juice had lower mean body mass index, smaller waist circumference and lower insulin resistance, compared to those who did not consume fresh juice on a daily basis. They found an inverse association between the amount of juice consumed and the above parameters.

Based on the analysis that the researchers did they found that the risk of obesity was 22 percent lower and risk for metabolic syndrome was 15 percent lower in the people who drank 100% freshly squeezed juice, compared to those that did not consume juice on a daily basis. "We know that maintaining a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is linked to decreased risk of some chronic diseases," said Dr. Pereira, associate professor in the University of Minnesota`s Division of Epidemiology and Community Health. "One-half cup of 100% fruit juice counts as a serving of fruit and, based on our analysis, 100% juice consumption is associated with some of these same benefits."

According to the researchers, an intake of 100% freshly squeezed fruit juice was associated with other healthful behaviors. Among the 14,000 participants in the survey - a multiethnic sample of American adults aged 19 and older, the people who consumed fresh juice had higher physical activity, lower fat intake, higher fiber intake and lower added sugar intakes. After the researchers took these lifestyle variables into account, the inverse relationship between fresh juice and metabolic syndrome was no longer statistically significant. However, the risk of obesity still remained: a 14 percent lower risk even after the adjustment was made.

Short Summary
If you don`t have time to eat all those fruits or just enjoy drinking juices, then juicing your own fruits and even vegetables can be a healthful way of getting enough of these foods every day. Drinking the juice as quickly as possible after they have been juiced will ensure that you get the maximum benefit from them.


About the author

Henri Junttila is passionate about topics such as home water filters, natural skin care, omega 3 fish oil and natural supplements. His website Colon Health, provides information on topics such as candida cleanse, hemorrhoid cure, relieving constipation, colon detox, colon cleaning, the best colon cleanse and colon cleanse products reviewed by his visitors.

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