(NaturalNews) I've waited over six months to bring you this news. It's our pre-announcement of a service that will utterly transform the way you get your health information. This article is a behind-the-scenes look at this breakthrough health information resource, which we'll be officially announcing later in July. What kind of resource is it? Fellow health information guru Kevin Gianni and I have created
Health Book Summaries (, a website that brings you condensed summaries of the very best books on health, nutrition and natural living... all for free!
The concept is simple: We work with the industry's top authors and publishers to obtain the rights to publish summaries of the very best books on health, fitness, nutrition, green living and much more. Then we create information-rich summaries of each book and put them into non-copy-protected, downloadable PDF files (Adobe Acrobat) that you can print or read on any computer (or even e-mail to your friends). Every two weeks or so, we release another health book summary that arrives in your e-mail box -- free of charge, of course!
The service is funded by selected sponsors whose ads appear in the summary documents, just like magazine ads. Current sponsors include Organic Food Bar, Wellness Resources, Nutrex Hawaii, Vitacost, Living Fuel, Boku Superfood, Bodhi Soap Nuts and Renegade Health. These sponsors cover all the costs of producing and distributing these health book summaries so that readers can have full, free access to the most concentrated source of
health knowledge that's ever been offered in the industry!
We're currently in our pre-launch phase. The official announcement of this service won't hit the mainstream media for another 10 days or so, but you can get signed up right now during our pre-launch phase and download
three health book summaries instantly! Just go to and enter your e-mail address to begin the download!
(Please note: Word leaked out about this service last night and our
e-mail servers are already overloaded, so please allow up to
30 minutes to receive your confirmation e-mail. I apologize for the slowness of the e-mail servers. We'll have this issue resolved shortly...)
The top health information from the industry's best authors
To create, we've selected the very best books from the most pioneering authors who truly "get it" about nutrition, disease reversal, green living and fitness. These are authors like Dr. Gabriel Cousens, David Wolfe, Ray Moynihan, Bruce Lipton, Brendan Brazier and so many more! We're also working hard to bring you future summaries from pioneering writers like Jonny Bowden, Marcia Angell, Dr. David Brownstein and others.
Current book summaries we'll be releasing over the next few weeks include:
• The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
• Spiritual Nutrition by Dr. Gabriel Cousens
• Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan
• Appetite for Profit by Michele Simon
• The Genie in Your Genes by Dawson Church
• EXPOSED: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products by Mark Schapiro
Each of these is available to you at no charge by simply registering at remember, it may take up to 30 minutes to receive your confirmation e-mail due to the unexpectedly high number of sign-ups we're experiencing right now...)
An optional upgrade (which costs just $7.95 / month) brings you recorded audio of the book summaries, allowing you to listen to these book summaries on any MP3 player (such as an iPod device). You can also burn these MP3 files to a CD-Rom and listen in your car, office, or anywhere that you can play a CD. The audio files aren't available yet, but will be posted when we announce our official launch of the service in late July.
HealthBookSummaries audio files are not copy protected, so you can play them anywhere! (We are anti DRM, and pro-open-source!)
Stay informed, empowered and healthy!
I'm simply thrilled to be bringing you news of this pre-launch. Over the last several years, I've worked diligently to bring health consumers the kind of information they could use to greatly improve the quality of their lives. And our surveys show that more than 80% of users who read experience significant health improvements!
I've worked diligently on ways to bring people even more concentrated sources of knowledge about health and peak performance, and is the best new vehicle for accomplishing that. It's valuable because it delivers high-density health knowledge directly to readers, all in a format that's free, portable, easy to read and requires very little time.
In other words, the "results vs. effort" ratio is very high! Invest just a few minutes of time reading HealthBookSummaries, and you'll experience the knowledge and know-how benefits that would normally require
hours of your time!
And who wouldn't love to get
more knowledge in
less time?
Listen to my welcome message describing and why it's such a great way to learn essential health knowledge in remarkably little time: then, be sure to register for so you can receive our health book summaries as we release them. It's completely free to you, and yet the information provided in these summaries is extremely powerful! Register now at:, please allow up to 30 minutes to receive your confirmation e-mail from us, due to our mail servers being temporarily overloaded thanks to the extremely high response...)
Thank you, and enjoy! - Mike
Frequently Asked Questions about Health Book Summaries
Is this service really free?Yes, it's free! Our costs are covered by sponsors whose ads appear in the book summary documents, just like magazine ads.
How many books do you summarize each month?Currently, we send you two new book summarize each month via e-mail, and always for free, of course. As our service gains momentum, we will release 3 book summaries per month, and then eventually 1 per week.
How long is each book summary?Each summary is about 15 pages long, condensing hundreds of pages from the original book into about 15 pages of the most important information.
How do I view or print these health book summaries?Just download them by registering on our website, then open each document and read it or print it. You'll need Adobe Acrobat reader to open and print these documents.
Are Health Book Summaries copy protected?Our content is
copyrighted, but the files are not copy protected. You can freely copy them, send to friends, e-mail them as attachments, etc. (You cannot sell them, however...)
Are there audio summaries of the health books available?There will be soon. We're working on the audio summaries, which you'll be able to download as MP3 files. There's a small monthly fee ($7.95) to access the audio files. Our MP3 files are also non-copy-protected.
Which health books will you be summarizing?We are working with the top publishers in the industry to acquire permission to summarize the very best health books available today. Kevin Gianni and Mike Adams make all final decisions on which books to include in
I am an author or publisher. Will you summarize my book?See our section for authors and publishers, below.
I would like my ad to appear in your book summaries. How do I become a sponsor?See our sponsorship section, below.
Is this service available in languages other than English?Not yet. In the near future, we are planning on introducing Spanish-language summaries, following by summaries in other languages.
Information for potential sponsors
If you would like to sponsor future issues of, please contact Health Book Summaries, Inc. by e-mailing
Please note that sponsorship is subject to approval by Mike Adams and Kevin Gianni, and is strictly limited to companies offering honest, high-quality products or services to the natural health community. We do not accept advertising from drug companies, diabetic supply companies, disease front groups like the American Cancer Society or other similar conventional medicine organizations that promote medication instead of education.
HealthBookSummaries sponsorship opportunities are already booked through July. We currently have two openings in August, so if you want to be included in our August issues, please contact us immediately.
Health Book Summaries, Inc., is a separate business entity from
Information for authors and publishers
Would you like Health Book Summaries to consider summarizing your book in a future issue? It's fantastic publicity for your book (and its author), and helps bring your information to potentially hundreds of thousands of readers.
We're very selective about the books we choose to summarize, and if you would like your book to be considered, please contact us via e-mail to acquire our mailing address (where you can send your book or manuscript). That address is
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