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Herbal medicine

The Secret to Healing Miracles: How to Make Herbs Work Every Time

Friday, March 14, 2008 by: Kal Sellers
Tags: herbal medicine, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) It is certainly no secret that herbs get a bad rap sometimes because someone reports that they "don't seem to work." Just the other day I was speaking to a chiropractic friend of mine and he was discussing the way Echinacea was used in a case he knew of and that person got no results. I told him that Echinacea is a brilliant immune stimulant (increases immune activity) and even regulates the immune system. It also helps prevent putrefaction system-wide.

In order to understand why Echinacea did not work in this case, and might not work for you, it is important to understand the physiology of a cold. In the terrified germ theory world where the belief is that illness is caused by germs, it is hard to understand what is really happening when you get a cold.

As a natural healer and teacher, I have taught many people how to heal themselves and how to prevent colds completely - at least the way they used to experience them. To do this requires an understanding that the initial infection is just a trigger. The germ arrives and infects the body. In a healthy body, this literally lasts only an hour or so!

Even in a very toxic body, this initial process usually lasts only four or five hours (usually less).

So, what happens to cause the subsequent few days to few weeks of discomfort? As stated, the infection is a trigger. This causes a cascade of events (one event leading to another, and another, and another) that makes us sick.

When the immune system is suddenly put on high alert, toxic residues throughout the lymphatic system, the liver, the spleen and the inside of cells all over the body get stirred up. These consist of mucus, acids, metabolic wastes, neurotransmitters, hormones and even nutrients that could not get used properly.

This creates conditions all over the body that are less than ideal. There will be poor circulation, irritation, congestion, acidity, low oxygen, etc. All of these conditions play a part in discomfort and maybe dozens of secondary infections that are now welcomed to those toxic areas of the body.

This is the real reason that people get "sick" when they get an infection. At our classes, I point out that my children often come home with the illnesses of the children they played with at church or at the neighbor's house. My children are then feverish for about three or four hours, they frequently take a nap, and then they are fine with no other symptoms. This is the proper way to have a cold or flu bug.

The simple explanation is that my children are not toxic like most kids and there is just nothing to "stir" up when they get an infection. So the immune system wipes out the infection and then they are done. They get a mild cleanse with the infection and we are glad they had it!

In a body like that, a prophylactic use of Echinacea might prevent any symptoms at all from the infection. This is our natural alternative to vaccinations. We keep our kids clean inside, eliminating well and fed on whole, live food without any garbage in it and then we can give them Echinacea and send them over to the sick neighbors and they come back with immunity to that bug without ever getting sick and I guarantee that they get none of the side-effects or risks from vaccinations this way!

So, when I encounter someone on or nearly on the SAD (standard American diet), I do not even consider using Echinacea by itself for his/her illness. Rather, I am thinking about breaking up congestion and eliminating it while improving oxygen flow and killing subsequent infections.

This plan might include an herbal enema and a mixture I use of equal parts: Echinacea, garlic and cayenne tinctures. This will act on all the elements of a cold and will work, where Echinacea alone is really the wrong approach for a toxic person.

In order to create healing miracles, whether for colds or long-term conditions, injuries, or diseases, it is vital to anticipate the conditions within the bodies of most people that must be addressed in order to make such miracles possible.

It is also important for anyone who does not like being sick to understand how to get the body in such a condition that disease is not welcomed by lots of toxins, wastes and residues deposited throughout the body.

There are essentially five useful points for the lay person to understand to get their health to such a place where all diseases are gone or going.

Point 1: All modern diseases are the product of excess and confusion. This subject would be worth an article, but we will reduce it to a simple discussion.

This means that we must:

* A) Get ourselves on a diet that is designed to remove excess and provide ideal digestion and nutrition conditions. Such dietary guidance is given in a delightful format in Traci's Transformational Health Principles, available for free download at (www.BestFoodist.com) .

* B) Cleanse first then heal when we treat ourselves naturally. This means that if we are sick with a cold, we might reach for Echinacea, but only after we reach for some good cleansing herbs like cayenne, ginger and bowel herbs. If we are trying to heal our thyroid, we are thinking first about taking the load off of our endocrine system with diet and cleansing herbs before we reach for herbs to feed the thyroid.

Cleansing before directly treating may take a minute to sink in, but when it does it will mark a dramatic change in how effectively we can treat ourselves for our illnesses and dis-eases naturally.

With no added burden from dietary sources; and with cleansing accomplished, more than 90% of the time the symptoms will be gone and no "feeding" herbs will be needed if we just take the burden off of the body in the appropriate way first.

Point 2: Understand proper elimination. No herbal formula, no matter how well designed, has any chance at all of creating any healing miracles if the elimination channels are blocked.

When we treat the elimination channels at our house, we use a bowel formula and a liver formula first. These systems must be moving freely. Richard Schulze and Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas each provide excellent formulas for the bowel and liver that really work well.

We also recommend dry skin brushing as part of the elimination healing. Dry skin brushing every day during a five day kidney flush (like Richard Schulze's) is one of the most revolutionary experiences one can have.

It is madness to expect miraculous healing without removing blockage from the bowel, liver, kidneys and skin.

Point 3: Herbs should be used with prudence. This is not so much about the dangers of herbs as it is about understanding how to get them to work. Herbs are not nearly as dangerous as the safest OTC (over-the-counter) drug. Getting them to work, however, requires that we pay attention.

Many times people think that they will get an herb to work like a drug works. To make the confusion worse, some herbs do work that direct and simple on our symptoms.

This is a very narrow use of herbs, however, which have the capability to restore us to normal health, heal all sorts of injuries and illnesses (both old and new), regenerate tissue and change even the most desperate-sounding conditions to conditions of health.

The prudent use of herbs can take a whole educational process to understand. What most people can understand easily, however, is the basic formulation process.

Herbs are formulated in many ways depending on the wisdom and purpose of the formulator. When we want herbs to actually create healing (instead of just mitigating a symptom), there is a format we can follow.

This format is what I call the "Formulation Four:"

* A) Pick a leader or group of leaders bound for a common destination.

* B) Pick some dynamic healers for those leaders to carry with them

* C) Pick a couple herbs that will normalize action

* D) Pick a couple herbs that will give relief of symptoms

Sometimes the above herbs overlap and only one herb is needed for two categories. Here is an example using a very good formula from Richard Schulze for prostate problems:

His formula consists of Saw Palmetto Berry, Uva Ursi Leaf, Juniper Berry, Pygeum Bark, Nettle Root and Corn Silk.

Juniper Berry and Corn Silk are the leaders. These herbs will go directly to the kidneys and bladder and everything in between. They are very fast and effective. While there, they will help aid urine flow and healing to the area.

Corn silk is also a dynamic healer for this area, while nettle also provides nutrients for the area and uva ursi kills infection in the area.

Nettle is the primary herb for normalizing action in the urinary tract. It is an herb that will help keep inflammatory response healthy, but limited.

Finally, Saw Palmetto Berries and Pygeum Bark are the dynamic duo for giving symptomatic relief to a swollen prostate. They are not so much healers, of themselves, but they reduce the size almost immediately and inhibit cancerous growths.

For the lay person, it is unlikely that there is sufficient time to research every herb in every formula to discover which formulations are going to be good healers. Because of this, it is best to seek out sources that you can trust. As such, I am going to recommend a few now.

First, on (www.kalsschool.com) you can access many free formulations that you can make yourself, if you are into that. These are all great formulations that fill needs that are not commonly met.

Second, Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas, easily found on line, is a timeless source of truly healing formulations.

Third, the American Botanical Pharmacy, run by Richard Schulze (mentioned above) is an excellent source and easily found on line.

Fourth, Wind River Herbs is a good source of very pure products that are formulated to heal.

Finally, when looking for any herbal formula, make sure that it is just herbs, no fillers, preservatives, anti-caking agents or isolated, refined chemicals, vitamins or minerals.

In conclusion, far better results will be obtained with competent formulation of herbs because of the complex problem of humans in modern day.

Point 4: Get enough oxygen and glucose. This means two things.

First, we eat ripe fruit 20 minutes before each meal and an apple (if reasonable) before bed - always on an empty stomach.

Second, we learn the art of Healing Breathing. In our culture, we do not breathe as we should, largely because of the limited daily activity and because of increased stress. To remedy this, we should learn to breathe deep, hold tense muscles tight, hold breath for a few seconds, breathe out totally (emphasizing the exhale with pursed lips and fully contracted abs to expel every last molecule of air) and then relax while breathing normally a couple times.

Healing Breathing is used morning and night every day. It is vital to have oxygen and glucose for any cell to do anything. Oxygen and glucose are the components needed to recharge ATP, which is the fuel for every cell. Of course, without these no miracles will take place, in fact no one will ever feel quite right. This is why we get such amazing results from the fruit before meals and regular Healing Breathing.

Point 5: Change how we think. This favorite subject on the news today belongs more in our hearts and actions and less on our lips. Thinking pleasing thoughts of ourselves and others serves everyone. Enjoying fully the good things we have leads to peace and gratitude, alkaline blood and easy breathing. Sharing freely our kindness and abandoning our thoughts of discontent and fear leads to inner strength and control of self.

When we take herbs, we don't think it is happening to us, we are doing it. This means that we are taking charge, as we have been discussing, and it also means that we choose to believe in what we are doing. Someone who lacks the ability to choose to believe in the effectiveness of natural healing, really should make a priority out of learning that skill first. The discipline to believe in the effectiveness of good things we do for ourselves is a life skill - a rare one too often forgotten, but a life skill just the same.

With these five points we can certainly expect healing miracles. We can approach our health more simply and with more authority. We can be the ones in charge of our health. We can get results immediately, today and perpetually.

About the author

Kal Sellers, MH currently operates KalsSchool.com and teaches a 2-year curriculum for Natural Medicine, via live teleclasses.
Kal is a Master Herbalist and holds several other certificates and licenses for hands-on healing modalities. He maintains a current practice in the Atlanta area.
Kal and Traci have six children, the last four of which were delivered at home. They live now in Powder Springs, GA where they teach live classes on food and medicine. Kal is also a full time Chiropractic student.

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