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Germ theory

Is Modern Medicine Founded on Error?

Friday, December 07, 2007 by: Gabriel Donohoe
Tags: germ theory, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Modern medicine is firmly founded on the "Germ Theory of Disease" promulgated by Louis Pasteur in the 1860's. Pasteur's 140-year-old theory is still the medical paradigm upon which Western medicine fights disease as we enter the 21st century.

But with a huge increase today in infectious diseases and the rapidly rising epidemic of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses; we have to wonder if Pasteur's theory is really that sound.

Consider this alarming statistic from a report commissioned by the Nutrition Institute of America in October, 2003: 2.2 million hospital patients suffer Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to prescribed medicine each year leading to the deaths of 106,000 people. In other words, over 2,000 Americans die each week from properly prescribed medicine in properly prescribed doses.

This is a serious indictment of pharmaceutical medicine which is inextricably based on Pasteur's germ theory.

According to Pasteur:

·    Germs, or microbes, cause disease
·    Germs invade the body from the outside, i.e., air, water, or food
·    Human blood is sterile and can only be infected by outside microbes
·    Germs are monomorphic, i.e., they have only one form and can be identified by species
·    Specific diseases are caused by specific germs
·    Germs should be killed by pharmaceutical drugs

In the 1870s Pasteur's germ theory was developed further by William Koch, a contemporary and rival of Pasteur, whose proofs of the germ theory are still known today as "Koch's Postulates".  See Koch's Postulates at (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koch's_postulates)

Basically, Koch's contribution to the germ theory was to prove that a specific type of germ caused a specific disease, that the germ would be found in all people suffering from that particular disease but not healthy people, and that every person exposed to these germs would fall ill with disease.

However, Koch had to abandon part of his first postulate when he discovered that healthy people could carry the germs of certain diseases and yet show no symptoms. He also had to revise his third postulate when it was shown that some people could be exposed to virulent germs yet not catch the disease.

The "proofs" of the new Germ Theory were already showing flaws.

Still, despite being highly controversial in the late 1800s, the Germ Theory was quickly adopted by the medical powers of the day. This new theory about germs invading from outside the body empowered the medical and pharmaceutical industry as guardians of human and animal health. People became dependent on the fledgling medical/drugs industry for information and protection from disease. Thus, Modern Medicine was born.

A number of eminent scientists opposed Pasteur and The Germ Theory, most notably the highly respected Professor Antoine Béchamp. Béchamp was a reserved, modest man and a much more distinguished scientist than the self-promoting chemist, Louis Pasteur. (It is believed today that Pasteur stole much of Béchamp's work and passed it off as his own. This prompted R.B. Pearson to write a book in the 1940s called "Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter.")  See text at (http://www.whale.to/a/b/pearson.html)

Béchamp and other scientists believed in the theory of pleomorphism, that a microbe could evolve through many forms from virus to bacterium to yeast to fungus to mold and could even de-evolve back to a pre-virus again. Béchamp could see this evolution and de-evolution clearly in his microscope. Big Medicine rejected pleomorphism back then just as it will not even look at pleomorphic phenomena filmed and documented by scientists today, such as Dr. Robert O. Young in San Diego, California.

Another of Béchamp's contemporaries, Claude Bernard, expounded on the pleomorphic theory and said that the inner terrain or "milieu interieur" was the cause of disease, and not microbes. It was discovered that acidic blood and tissue provide a terrain that is ideal for disease to develop. When the terrain becomes acidic, microbes evolve into pathogenic forms and carry out the work nature designed them to do – as cleaners and undertakers, scavenging inflamed or infected tissue.

The acidity or acid/alkaline balance of the blood is measured by pH, the potential of Hydrogen, see (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH) and is a very important marker for good health. The blood will do all it can to keep its pH at 7.365, or slightly alkaline. It will even strip alkaline reserves like calcium from the bones to buffer a rise in acidity. (This can lead to a condition labelled by modern medicine as osteoporosis.)

When the pH drops, even by .1, the increase in acidity is interpreted by the microbes, already present in the body in their billions, as a sign of a dead or dying body. This prompts them to morph from benign bacteria into virulent yeast and mold so that they can reduce the body to the dust from whence it came.

Even Pasteur eventually realized the truth of this and on his death-bed said that "Bernard was right... the microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything." But Big Medicine now chose to ignore him. They sensed that the germ theory provided a gilt-edged opportunity to amass a huge fortune.

Béchamp and others in the scientific community opposed the germ theory and advocated the theory of pleomorphism, saying:

·    Acidic terrain, not germs, cause disease
·    Germs are already in the body by the billions and don't necessarily have to come from without (although that can sometimes happen)
·    Blood is not sterile but can contain many microbial forms
·    Germs are pleomorphic, i.e., they can change through many forms (Dr Gaston Naessens identified a microbe undergoing 16 different stages of  evolution)
·    Virtually all diseases are caused by acidic terrain
·    Diseases can be prevented or reversed by increasing the alkalinity of the terrain

What led Professor Béchamp to formulate his pleomorphic theory was the discovery of great numbers of small grainy objects in live blood samples which he observed through his microscope. Many of his contemporaries dismissed these tiny life forms as laboratory contamination which were of no importance. But they intrigued Béchamp. He named them "microzymas" or "little bodies".

He found microzymas present in every cell in the bloodstream, in animals, in plants, and even in rocks. He found them present in the remains of dead animals many years after the animal's body had withered away to dust. He observed that in a healthy organism, microzymas work at repairing and nourishing all cells; but when the terrain becomes acidic, the microzymas morph into viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold and prepare to break the host down.

Béchamp's work was ignored, ridiculed, suppressed, and soon forgotten. Down through the years, some scientists discovered pleomorphic phenomena for themselves - Enderlein, Rife, Reich, Livingston-Wheeler, Naessens, and more recently, in the U.S., Dr. Robert O. Young (San Diego) and Dr. David Jubb (New York). Most had no recourse to the works of earlier scientists and thought that their discoveries were unique to them. Like Béchamp before them, they too found their discoveries ignored or suppressed.

All of them were fascinated with the "little bodies" that Béchamp had called "microzymas". Enderlein called them "protits", Livingston-Wheeler called them "Progenitor cryptocides", and Naessens called them "somatids". But all found that they couldn't destroy these "little bodies" even when subjecting them to excessive carbonizing temperatures or high dosage radiation.

Dr. David Jubb calls them "Colloids of Life" and says that they are indestructible. They resist "enormous heat, radiation, and chemicals and can reside in petrochemical solution, in hot rock deep within the Earth, in meteorites and in radioactive water inside nuclear power stations. Upon the loss of life of its host, colloid of life return to the earth.  A colloid of life is the unknown factor between the animate and the inanimate." (Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, p.14.)

That last sentence has quite a resonance. Dr. Jubb is saying that colloids of life, or microzymas, are the smallest observable life forms between spirit and matter.

We still have a lot to learn about life, medicine, and healing but we need to approach these things with an open, inquisitive mind.

How long will it take modern medicine to accept that germs don't cause disease but only appear as a result of disease? Who will fund research into the pleomorphic work begun by Béchamp, Enderlein, Rife and others? Who is brave enough to confront Big Pharma's doctrinaire, Pasteurian approach to drug based medicine?

When a group of people are exposed to a virus or food toxin, modern medicine examines only those who get sick. What they should do is examine those who didn't get sick. One would no doubt find that the sick people had acidic blood and tissue while those who didn't succumb to the virus/toxin were alkaline. Therein lies the key to health.

Disease cannot take hold in an alkaline body. An alkalising diet and way of living can prevent and reverse disease. But don't expect this to be endorsed by orthodox medicine – there's no profit in it.

Recommended reading: "Sick And Tired..." and "The pH Miracle" by Dr. Robert O. Young, "Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory" by Dr. Nancy Appleton, "Alkalize Or Die" by Dr.T.A. Baroody, "The Cancer Cure That Worked" by Barry Lynes, "Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation" by Dr. David Jubb, and "The Blood And Its Third Anatomical Element" by Prof. Antoine Béchamp.

About the author

Gabriel Donohoe is a writer, researcher, Shamanic counsellor, and natural health therapist in Ireland. He can be reached at: gdonohoe@iol.ie

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