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Cancer industry

Beating cancer -- how to take charge of your cancer cure and outlive the lies of the cancer industry

Sunday, September 18, 2005
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
Tags: cancer industry, beating cancer, curing cancer

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Here's an example of how backwards health care really is in this country: it's actually front-page news that a cancer center is serving anti-cancer foods in its cafeteria. This is taking place at the Miami Cancer Center at Mercy Hospital. And it's apparently a big deal. Wow! Front-page news. Nation-wide news. Here is a cancer center serving foods that actually prevent cancer. Who woulda thunk it? Just the fact that this is news tells you how backwards the health care system in this country is, because if they're just now serving anti-cancer foods, what on earth have they been serving up until today? Cancer-causing foods?

Today, you can find fast food restaurants, pizza joints and hamburger stands in hospitals all across the country. It should be an embarrassment to organized medicine. It should be an outrage to every patient who enters such an institution. These are supposed to be places of health, yet they are serving people foods with toxic ingredients like sodium nitrate, saturated animal fats, refined white flour in the buns of these hamburgers and MSG in the meats. There's sugar in the tomato sauce, acrylamides in the fried foods, and hardly a speck of life left in the menus of most hospitals. There is truly dangerous food being served right now in cafeterias at cancer centers, hospitals, clinics, and, of course, public schools, all across the country.

Stop killing the hospital patients with junk food

There's a heart surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic who has taken a stand and said, "We want McDonalds out of this clinic. We want these junk food and fast food restaurants out." But the staff there is against him. They say, "We want our junk food. We want our diabetes-promoting, heart disease-promoting, cancer-causing foods. It's our choice." They want this stuff. Gosh, I hate to say it, but have you ever been in a hospital and looked at the health of the nursing staff? I used to volunteer in a nursing home. I have seen it first-hand. These are not the healthiest people in the world, not by a long shot.

I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone with this, especially if you're trying to make a positive difference. I'm not trying to attack any particular individual, but how can we call this health care? How can we call it anything other than a disease care system? It's a sick care system, and the whole system itself is sick. It thrives on sickness. It thrives on keeping people sick by actually feeding them disease-promoting foods as they come into the hospital (and a little more disease-promoting food when they leave the hospital). By the way, right in the middle of your surgery recovery, they're going to bring you more disease-causing foods, right to your bedside. They're going to charge you gourmet meal prices for that food, even while it's loaded with chemicals that will probably make it even harder for your body to recover from whatever surgical procedure you just endured.

How dare they call it medicine

It's just outrageous. Sometimes I get emails from doctors who say I'm outrageous. They say, "How dare you question organized medicine? How dare you think that you know anything about nutrition or healing?" I say back to them, "How dare you claim to be a doctor when you're working in a system that's feeding disease-promoting foods to patients! How dare you claim to be a doctor! On one hand, you claim to have all this medical knowledge, and, on the other hand, you're sick, your staff is sick, your patients are sick and you are feeding them disease-causing foods inside and outside the hospital. You're not even teaching people how to be healthy. How dare you call yourself an M.D. or a doctor! You have no such right."

A medical degree does not give you the right to claim you know how to heal people. You know nothing about healing until you venture outside the bounds of traditional organized medicine and have healed yourself first. If you have a healthy body and mind and a healthy sense of self esteem, and you don't have to step on all the people around you with your over-inflated ego, and if you have the ability to be a healer and share information with people and help uplift people around you, then you can call yourself a doctor, and it doesn't matter what degree you have. You can call yourself a doctor when you are a true healer, not when you have a medical degree and you work in an institution of disease called a hospital or a cancer center.

All hail the cancer center

When I say institutions of disease, I mean it. Look at what they're named -- an institution that's supposed to be treating people with cancer. What's it called? It's called a cancer center, as if it's a center erected to worship cancer. It's a cancer center.

Shouldn't it be called an anti-cancer center? Shouldn't it be called a health or wellness center? Well, no, it's not their focus. Their focus is on cancer. It's called a cancer center, almost as if it's some kind of monument to the disease. I think that all the people whose jobs depend on disease in some way worship the disease. They worship them because those diseases give them job security. The very names of these institutions eliminate any possibility of living in a world free of cancer, because if you have an institution named the Cancer Center, then how in the world can anybody who works there even consider the possibility of curing cancer? Then what would it be? It would be the Empty Cancer Center. It would be the Closed Down Cancer Center.

Shouldn't these institutions really be there to try to help people eliminate cancer? But that's not what all these cancer centers are doing. They are really there to manage these diseases. I say, bring in the alternative healers, and help these people be free of cancer. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to -- clinicians, people trained in herbal medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, or even those trained in Western medicine -- who are doing some advanced research on cancer. They've cured cancer, or more accurately, they've helped patients cure their own cancers, because cancer is a disease that is actually quite easy to beat, especially if it's caught in the early stages.

This is not a difficult disease to eliminate, but in modern medicine they try to make it complicated. They try to talk about the microbiology of what's happening, at the cellular level, what's happening with the angiogenesis factors and the genetic influences. They try to figure out the biochemistry and physics, but they get lost in all the details. They forget about the big picture, which is, "Hey, we want this patient to be free of cancer. What do we have that really works?"

Many cures for cancer exist right now

At last count, in my own research, I counted 18 cures for cancers -- 18 different cures. They cover all different kinds of cancer: multiple myeloma, brain tumors, leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer and many others. Eighteen different cures for cancer. Now, the FDA says, "Oh no, you can't claim there's a cure for cancer." And organized medicine says, "Oh no, you can't claim there's a cure. There's no such thing as a cure." Then, if a patient is actually cured using some of these therapies, organized medicine still won't admit they're cured. They don't have the guts to stand up and say that maybe they were wrong, and maybe there is a cure for cancer. They think, "No, no, no, there is no such thing." I don't think any cancer center will admit there is a cure for cancer. They'll say, "No, it's just a permanent remission."

I'm here to tell you that there are cures for cancer. In fact, every day when I go running through the desert, I'm jogging by literally tons and tons of anti-cancer desert plants right outside my back yard. People are being cured of cancer every single day all over the world. They are curing themselves of cancer. It is just that it has been criminalized here in the United States. It has been outlawed because we live in the Dark Ages of modern medicine, in a system of oppression that tries to censor the truth and make curing cancer illegal. It's a system that tries to discredit all these alternative therapies and at the same time, tries to make a fortune managing all of these diseases that are easily preventable and curable if people just turn to therapies like a raw foods diet or the elimination of all animal products and processed foods from their diets.

Remember, it's headline news that this cancer center is serving anti-cancer foods. That tells you just how far behind things are in this country. You would think with all the hundreds of millions of dollars that have gone into cancer research -- this so-called research that's going on to find a cure for cancer -- that with all these doctors who study cancer, all these oncologists trained in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and all this incredible research that the pharmaceutical companies claim to be doing to make your life better... with all this going on, you would think somewhere along the line, somebody would have said, "Gee, maybe we should feed these people some anti-cancer foods."

It's common sense, right? If they put me in charge (which will never happen, so don't worry), I would walk in and scrap that whole menu at the cancer center, and I would give them a menu of serious anti-cancer foods: things like raw, organic vegan foods, loaded with broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, kale, garlic, beans, berries, raw nuts and the like. After a couple of months of that, and some alternative therapies, those patients would never need to come back. Most of those patients would be free of cancer. Of course, that is one of the many reasons why they would never invite me to come in and do something like that. I would bankrupt these cancer centers by eliminating all their repeat business. I'd send people home cancer-free. And that's bad for business in the cancer industry. Their greatest fear, I believe, is that someone will actually promote a simple cure for cancer. It would wipe out a billion-dollar industry of profit and power.

Cancer cures from nature

Sometimes people say, "Okay, Mike, let's hear what you've got. You're talking big about this stuff. Name some anticancer foods." That's easy. Let's start with broccoli. Get some raw broccoli in your body. Broccoli sprouts are potent anticancer foods. Let's talk about some nutrition supplements -- selenium, zinc and modified citrus pectin for prostate cancer, for example. Vitamin D is a potent moderator of cancer tumor cell growth, so if you get enough vitamin D in your body, you're going to prevent and even help reverse prostate, cervical and breast cancers. The way you get vitamin D is to get some sunshine on your skin. This is not rocket science, folks. Doctors try to make it sound complicated, but it isn't.

You have anticancer properties in blueberries, and in all of the small fruits – blackberries, raspberries, acai and goji berries from Asia. Then you have onion, ginger and garlic. Garlic is phenomenal as an anti-cancer food. It contains sulphur compounds that just obliterate cancer cells. You've got spirulina, which contains anticancer phytochemicals called phycocyanin, which provide a blue-green color. When injected into breast tumors in laboratory studies in Japan, it's been shown to cause breast tumors to self-destruct. You've got chlorella and oxygen treatments. There is a product out there called Cell Food; when you take it into your body, it creates nascent oxygen and hydrogen. This oxygen helps create an environment in the body in which your body naturally eliminates its own cancerous cells. That's just the tip of the iceberg here.

Then you have traditional Chinese medicine, with some powerful anti-cancer herbs. There's an outstanding book on that by Michael Tierra, who is a master herbalist, and really one of the best herbalist authors out there. He's got a book called Treating Cancer with Herbs. This book teaches you about medicinal mushrooms -- the reishi mushrooms and the shitake mushrooms. Beyond that, we have anti-cancer oils: salmon oil, flax oil and cod liver oil. The list just goes on and on.

I haven't really covered them all, but in addition all those healing foods, there are all the foods you can eliminate from your diet to stop poisoning your body and stop giving yourself cancer. What are those foods? Well, there's sodium nitrate, which is in almost every processed meat product, found in every grocery store in the world, so if you just eliminate processed meats, your cancer risk plummets. You should also eliminate hydrogenated oils and partially-hydrogenated oils, both of which strongly promote cancer.

Eliminate homogenized milk and dairy products. Stop drinking liquids excreted from the glands of other species. (You thirsty pervert...) Eliminate all red meat from your diet. Eliminate all liquid refined sugar, such as soft drinks made of high-fructose corn syrup. Eliminate all food additives, preservatives and artificial colors; eliminate MSG, which is known as monosodium glutamate, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and autolyzed vegetable protein. Eliminate aspartame and sucralose and all the artificial chemical sweeteners. Eliminate white flour; stop barbecuing your meat, because barbecuing meat creates chemicals that cause colon cancer and stomach cancer. Stop cooking your food at extremely high temperatures. Or, better yet, become a live foods vegan. I'm just naming off a few things. You can be cancer-free if you follow the recipe.

Curing cancer is not profitable

So why aren't the cancer centers in this country giving people this recipe? It's freely available. I just named off some of the best strategies out there that are very easy to follow. So why aren't cancer centers giving people this information? Ill tell you why. There's no money in it. A world free of cancer is a world without any paying cancer patients. That's why there's virtually NO effort or investment being spent on the prevention of this disease.

The answers to cancer, to living free of this disease, are right here in front of us, right now. You can walk outside your door and look at nature, and those are the answers to cancer right there. It's not that difficult. It's eating foods of different colors; the rainbow diet. There's an anti-cancer strategy right there. There's another book called, Eat to Beat Cancer that lists all the anti-cancer foods out there, everything from nuts and peanuts to legumes, brown rice, onions, kale, spinach and cauliflower. If you do these things right, you won't have cancer. There's another book by Dr. Gabriel Cousens called Conscious Eating that gives you loads of information on using live foods to eliminate chronic disease (and heal the planet, too).

Cancer is not a matter of luck. Only doctors and pharmaceutical companies want you to think it's a matter of luck. If they can convince you to believe that, then you'll go through life thinking it doesn't matter what you eat, and then you are much more likely to have a poor diet and end up with the disease, which makes them a lot of money.

I am just astonished at what we have in this country -- this system that claims to offer health care is a complete myth. There is no health care. There is just disease management, exploitation and profiteering. That's the system we have in this country today, and the fact that it is headline news that a cancer center is serving anti-cancer foods is proof that we still live in the Dark Ages of modern medicine. We still live in an age of censorship and oppression, distortion and propaganda. The organizations out there pushing the pro-cancer propaganda include every major medical association and disease organization you can name. They also include medical journals that disallow the publication of articles on alternative medicine. These are some of the players who are defending this "Dark Ages" system they call medicine, which is really just a gimmick to turn the human body into a profit-generating machine for Big Pharma.

You were designed to live in a state of perfect health

How do I know all this to be true at a personal level? Because I'm the healthiest I've ever been in my life. I am healthy because I fired my doctor, I swore off prescription drugs and I started teaching myself about health and nutrition. I reversed my disease. I eliminated chronic back pain and I eliminated my borderline diabetes, obesity and depression. I did it all by turning to nature and ignoring all the information from modern medicine, companies, the FDA, the mainstream press, medical schools, cancer centers and everybody else. That information will, in my opinion, lead to a life of chronic pain, degenerative disease, and medical bankruptcy.

If you want to be healthy, you've got to acknowledge your human nature and your interaction with the natural world around you. You have a blueprint for health in you right now. You're supposed to be healthy. That's your DNA. Doctors always talk about DNA as providing a blueprint for disease, which is hogwash. They never tell you about how your DNA actually is designed to keep you at a perfect point of health. That's the whole point of the DNA -- to pass on a blueprint that lets you survive and reproduce. That's basic science, folks. How on earth can doctors think that DNA passed down through hundreds of thousands of generations could have a gene that would cause heart disease? That's ridiculous. They must not know anything at all about natural selection, because if someone caries a gene that kills them, guess what? They don't reproduce. So the genes that you have are genes that have survived and thrived through all of these generations, from healthy ancestry down to today, giving you the gift of a blueprint for perfect health.

The only reason you aren't in perfect health today, and the only reason we aren't healthy as a nation, is because we've gone off the map. We stopped following the blueprint. We changed our environment. We changed our foods, our diet, our levels of stress, our use of toxic products like personal care products, deodorants, shampoos, laundry products and soaps with triclosan and antibacterial chemicals. We started popping prescription drugs like a bunch of crack addicts in this country. Forty percent of the nation now is on prescription drugs. Then when people get sick, we poison them with chemotherapy and radiation, and we call it medicine.

So you want to be healthy? Get back to your nature. Recognize that you have a natural blueprint for being perfectly healthy. Now, as one disclaimer to all this, I want to tell you that it is important to work with a qualified health professional during any major health transition. That should be a naturopathic physician, ideally... or an M.D. who has really educated himself or herself about alternative medicine, nutrition and lifestyle changes. And there are such M.D.s out there. You just have to ask around and find one. You can't just settle for any old M.D., or you might get someone who is a big drug pusher.

And if you ever have to go to a hospital or cancer center, take my advice: Bring your own food. You don't want the stuff they're going to feed you; that is, unless you want to stick around the center for a lot longer. If that's the case, then go ahead and eat their hospital food. That will keep you in the hospital a few extra days, probably. But if you want to be healthy and free of disease, or if you want to recover from an injury or some kind of surgical procedure, bring your own food.

Real medicine is taking place at the personal level. It's taking place with education across the internet. It's taking place in the homes of people who are taking charge of their health. That's real medicine and real healing. Be part of it. Be healthy, and help us move out of the Dark Ages of modern medicine and into an era of authentic healing and disease prevention; an age where we can have the majority of the population healthy rather than chronically diseased and addicted to toxic prescription drugs. Be healthy yourself. Set a good example. My name is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and I thank you for your interest in this information.

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About the author:Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com) and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of NaturalNews.com and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation.

Adams is a person of color whose ancestors include Africans and Native American Indians. He's also of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his "Health Ranger" passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution.

Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world's first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books.

In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.

With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies.

Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed "strange fibers" found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health "gurus," dangerous "detox" products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.

In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over a dozen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.

Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at HealthRanger.com.

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