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Review of Food Fresh Auto Vacuum

A NaturalNews PhotoTour by Mike Adams

This picture shows the accumulation of moisture inside the chamber of the Auto Vacuum Food Fresh device. This is more than a little worrisome, since the device is marketed with the claim that it actually "dehumidifies" stored foods. In my experience, I found the device to actually be a humidity accumulator. There was more humidity condensing inside the chamber than I would normally see in the open air in my kitchen.

And clearly, stagnant air combined with damp conditions makes an ideal environment for growing mold. While the grapefruit on my kitchen counter had no mold, the grapefruits inside this Food Fresh vacuum container seemed to be in a race to determine which one could grow mold the fastest!

This leads me to my overall conclusion about the Auto Vacuum Food Fresh device: It makes an excellent mold growing chamber. I don't see it as much of a food preservation device, but it sure does grow mold really well, even in the desert. It might be useful for growing mushrooms, since they like damp, moldy conditions.

Based on my experience, I cannot recommend this device. I think the vacuum properties are minimal at best, and the lack of fresh air flow combined with the condensation of water inside the chamber actually encourages the growth of molds and spores. Of course, this was just a simple test conducted in a desert climate. Your own results may vary considerably, and the performance might be entirely different in a humid environment (although I personally think it would still grow mold).

My overall opinion is that this device has no useful purpose in the kitchen, and that it does not stand up to the claims of those marketing it. As I'm writing this, the grapefruits on my kitchen counter are doing fine, but the grapefruits inside the Food Fresh vacuum are going to have to be composted later today (they are no longer edible). So, in my experience, just sitting fruit on the counter is actually better than using this device. (And the countertop doesn't cost you anything, either.)

This was a product with an exciting promise, but lousy performance in my own testing. I did not test it with bread, vegetables or herbs, so results may very with other items. But I can't imagine bread doing very well in an enclosed, stagnant, humid environment either. I wonder if anybody is actually getting good results with this device. Storing your fruit and bread in a non-refrigerated enclosed space with humidity condensation and a complete lack of airflow does not seem like a smart strategy for long-term food preservation. It seems like the whole idea behind this device was doomed from the start.

A better option would, it seems, a food ozone chamber. Perhaps if they put a small ozone generator in the bottom of the device instead of the pump, then let ozone flow around the food items, that would discourage the growth of molds. It's something worth testing, for sure.

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